Knowledge is NOT Power

Knowledge is NOT Power

So often, we repeat this over used and misunderstood phrase…. “Knowledge is Power”.  The correct phrase should say, “Knowledge Implemented is Power!”.

Many times business owners know what to do. They have the knowledge. They just don’t act on it. It’s easy to get so caught up in working IN the business that you never work ON the business. And here in lies the rub. Either you know what to do and you just don’t get to it. Or, you don’t know what to do and you don’t get the help from someone that can give you the knowledge you need and help you get there.

There are three causes for this lack of implementation….

  1. Overwhelm
  2. Fear
  3. Perfectionism

This failure to act is due to being so overwhelmed that you never get to the point where you feel like you can come up for air and find help. I have heard more than once, “I really want to hire you as coach. I’m just too busy right now.” My response has always been, ‘If you don’t get help now, when do you think you are going to be less busy and able to discuss working together.’’ 

It’s like the server who is in the weeds. You say to them, what can I do to help and they look at you with that deer in the head lights look and frantically say, “I don’t know. I don’t have time to think”. But you know that if they stop, think about what they need, and share that with you then you can redirect some of these things to others and yourself to get them caught up. It’s the same for you as a business leader. You have to stop and work ON your business instead of just head down working IN it. You have to stop, get help and then jump back in.

Another stumbling block that keeps owners from either implementing the knowledge they have or getting the knowledge from an expert is the fear of the unknown. No one likes the idea of change or trying something new. We take comfort in sameness even if it is chaos and produces unnecessary stress and failure. Change is inevitable. In fact “Change is the only constant”. But, like the little human in the business book Who Moved My Cheese, we would rather not change and then complain about how things aren’t getting better.

Lastly, the idea that things have to be perfect keeps owners from doing anything. This is called “Analysis Paralysis”. It is common with over achievers but it is the kryptonite to High Performance. We have to stop second-guessing ourselves as owners and operators and start making decisions. Sometimes a solopreneur has a harder time making a decision than a large organization with too many decision makers. 

Hiring a high performance coach, consultant, or fractional executive can help you overcome all three of the road blocks listed here. 

In regards to overwhelm, getting help from a high performance coach, consultant, or fractional executive can take some of the heavy lifting off of your shoulders and give you a moment to come up for air and work ON your business or take a moment to spend time with those you love, or just give you break mentally and physically.

In the case of fear, having a coach or fractional executive gives you a sounding board to talk through your fears and potential pitfalls and then walks with you through the scary part.

Lastly, in the case of perfectionism, it’s ok to plan and orchestrate a great strategy. A high performance coach or fractional executive can help with the planning. More importantly, they can then come along side of you to make sure you are implementing what you planned. So what if it’s not perfect. That’s what recalibrating your plan is for. We can always adjust. But, first we have to start moving.

If you would like to discuss working with me as a high performance coach, consultant, or fractional director of operations book a FREE call by clicking the link below

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Trisha Ayers

Agent with New York Life helping families and business owners to create build, and preserve wealth.


I totally agree knowledge is power but it has to be implemented.

Philip (Dyson) Barnett

💡 Helping Restaurants Get More Birthday Guests & Bigger Checks | Founder, The Birthday CLUB 🎉


Great insights, Monte! It’s so common for business owners to get caught up in the day-to-day and miss opportunities to work ON their business. I’ll definitely check out your newsletter! 👏 #BusinessGrowth #WorkOnYourBusiness #TheBirthdayClub"

Victoria Meyers

Hotel Operations and Leadership Training People. Leadership. Operations. Strategy. Results.


The ones in the thick of it, are the real drivers of change.

Bill Dargusch

Managing Partner at Metropolitan Building Solutions


I think the boots on the ground who are engaged can/will drive to implement improvements. Sometimes it's that our people need to know we appreciate their thinking about the enterprise. They are part of if not the key players in the team. The front line if you will.

Jonathan C Baz, CFBE

Executive Director Food & Beverage - Task Force Leadership.


Well stated!

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