3 reasons you're not getting the fees you deserve

3 reasons you're not getting the fees you deserve

Are YOU on the list of cool kids coming to my free masterclass on how to finally nail down everything you need to know about how much to charge - and how to get it - every time you speak? You'll love it so get yourself signed up = www.SpeakingFees.com

About to head out for my Saturday workout with Nick at Nick's Gym - he's brutal but has a great sense of humor. What that means is that it will hurt when I laugh for the next 36 hours ;o)

We're doing a big master class on SPEAKING FEES and here's what your biggest fee-setting and fee-GETTING problems come down to:

Reason #1: Ignorance

Not your fault - you simply don't KNOW on a factual basis what good speakers, consultants, and experts like you are charging and getting so that the problem is your pricing lives in a vacuum of fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

Reason #2: Self-Worth/Self-Esteem

You know what you should be charging but you're afraid that if you charge those fees for your keynotes, seminars, workshops, coaching, or consulting work, your clients won't pay them and you'll only find MORE prospects who say "we can't afford that" or "that's too high." Completely false by the way and I'll explain exactly why on Wednesday's masterclass.

Reason #3: No intelligent prospecting/No proactive sales process

You have no idea where to look to actually find and connect with the right prospects who CAN afford your fees and who are URGENTLY looking to solve the problems you're already brilliant at solving. OR worse - you do ZERO outreach so any sales that happen are "by accident" and you're 100% reactive and only respond to incoming leads (that are few and far between.) At that point, you're at the mercy of whatever fee they say they want to pay you. Bad.

Let's fix all three of these for you, OK? Join me for this LIVE online workshop:

"Mastering Your Speaking Fees Once and For All" - How to Get More Gigs AND Make More Money

It's coming up Wednesday, April 18th. In this deep-dive master class, you'll discover:

~ How to know exactly how much to charge for your speaking programs

~ How NOT to overcharge, undercharge, or lose business because your fee is too high - OR too low!!

~ How to confidently present, propose, and put your fee in perspective EVERY single time with no hesitation, embarrassment, or fumbling

~ Avoiding pricing landmines: What are the biggest mistakes experts like you make when pricing your programs - and how YOU can avoid them 

~ How to charge for objective economic value and earn more money without fear, uncertainty, doubt - and without caving on price ever again! 

~ The exact scripting -- word-for-word -- to make sure your speaking fees are bulletproof so that you'll almost always earn what you deserve 

~ Get specific help, answers and advice on YOUR fee-setting and fee-getting questions during our massive Q&A at the end!

It's Wednesday 4/18 at 12pm US Eastern. Grab your spot.

p.s. Low-fee speakers attract low-fee clients. High-fee speakers attract high-fee clients. And you can flip that switch sooner than you think - like starting right now. Hop on this free workshop with me to get the full scoop...

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