3 steps to make a change that lasts
We need to develop ourselves without any possible stop, why? Because the world is always changing and we need to evolve or to die.
It is simply impossible, for a human being, to stay in the same place and condition for a lifetime.
Where do we need to go?
We need to have a plan for our evolution, however in this plane we have a simple problem: How shall we keep our changes and our commitment?
The first point is to keep small changes in progressive way.
We cannot change all at one time, because we shall go back to our routine as soon as the motivation will decrease a little bit.
Each change must be followed by a reward: this will reinforce in positive way our change. An example is:
Second: read about your improvement topic
We do not need invent again the wheel: to make a change you need to be an expert in the topic you want to change.
Never, never, never start something for the sake of change: we need to plan the change, document the change, develop and sustain that change.
Third: Make your change plan public
If you involve people that matters for you in the change, then they will support you, will help you and will provide the gasoline you need during the bad days
Conclusions for leaders
As leaders, we need also to change: in style, in routines, in technologies, in processes.
All these changes requires support and we need:
- Be an example
- Have a motivated team to support us
If we want to shine, we need that our team will shine first.