4 Quick Tips To Ensure Your Advertising Campaigns Are Profitable In Uncertain Times

4 Quick Tips To Ensure Your Advertising Campaigns Are Profitable In Uncertain Times

These are some strange times.

Companies all over the world are using layoff as their number one strategy, people don`t feel safe anymore and the impact of the pandemic on the economy is devastating.

In such particular times, how do you make sure your brand`s advertising campaigns capture people`s attention and most importantly drive sales?

In this post, I`ll share 4 quick tips to help you get your advertising campaigns to stay safe and sound, through uncertainty.

In periods of contraction people have less buying power, so they`re scared of making decisions.

1 - Ride The Wave

Think about those real-time marketing campaigns for a second. What do marketers usually do?

You`ve guessed it!

They ride the wave, so to speak, taking advantage of trends or events happening right now, in their industry or outside of it, to create hyper-relevant media content that gets brand exposure, engagement, and conversions.

In the same way, you might want to consider using real-time advertising to empathize and connect with your buyer personas in this period.

These days, consumers expect brands to create great experiences and add even more value to their lives than ever.

2 - Bring More Value

Speaking about value…

I`ve probably seen this. A few well-known brands providing discounts and even giving away their products for free, especially software companies.

We both know in these periods of contraction that people have less buying power, they`re a bit scared of making decisions.

So how can you include enticing offer discounts in your ad campaigns and even give away for free what you once charged for? 

Remember what we´re trying to do here. Our goal, as marketers, is to empathize with our audience, make them feel better in this tough period. Bringing more value to them now will greatly help your brand, not only in the present moment but also in the future.

Humor is a great tool to remove friction between buyer and seller.

3 - Invest Wisely

Maybe right now, your company is not in the most healthy financial situation, as many aren`t, unfortunately. You`re not planning to increase your ad spend but at the same time, you`re not ready to give up on it.

Choosing to focus on the right mediums could give you some leverage and even additional revenue opportunities you`ve previously haven`t considered. You can certainly see that every challenge brings a new perspective.

Let`s say your company is mainly using direct mail or billboard advertising. Why not transition part of your budget to online advertising?

Since a large percentage of the population is at home, now it`s the right time to meet your prospects where they`re at with tailored digital marketing messages.

4 - Get`em To Laugh

What if you`re already advertising online and you truly want to make your campaigns stand out in this period?

There`s one simple yet often overlooked idea you can steal: make people laugh! Humor is a powerful way to connect with your buyer personas and online media just makes it a lot easier for marketers, through the use of video, sound, and image.

People are moody, it`s understandable, they want to get distracted. When your prospect goes on social media and he sees your funny, creative, and inspiring ad, rest assure your brand will be remembered.

Humor is a great tool to remove friction between buyer and seller but use it with caution, as too much of it can have the opposite effect.

You can certainly see that every challenge brings a new perspective.

Final Notes

As an advertiser, I know sometimes things are not exactly black and white. What works in a market might not work so well in others. It`s always wise to test these strategies to understand their full effect on your unique business` bottom line.

Remember these strategies are anything but trailblazing! Some of the best brands in the world have been adopting them for decades.

Great advertisers take advantage of trends, bring massive value, invest their resources wisely, and get people to feel good.

The question is, which of these will you use to make sure your brand doesn’t get contaminated?

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