4 Tips For Success
Have you ever heard the statement, success is a success does? I am a firm believer of that. If you want success and want to reap all of the amazingness that comes along with it, you have got to W-E-R-K!
First and foremost, a winning attitude is everything!!! Attitude can be a deal maker or a dealbreaker! If you don’t believe me, consider what the research says. According to research, Stanford University found that the money you make is determined by 12.5% knowledge and 87.5% by your positive ability to deal with people or in other words your attitude expressed about or in relation to people. Case and point, when it comes down to it your attitude is your competitive advantage!
Secondly, you must be willing to put in EVERLASTING EFFORT to reach Success. So, let’s consider the mindset-based approach, created by psychologist Carol Dweck, which divides humans into two categories– (1) “fixed mindset,” and a (2) “growth mindset.”While effort is the beginning of the growth mindset, which asserts that your unique qualities that make you successful are cultivated through your effort you put forth. At the end of the day, it is then an inescapable, non-negotiable truth that effort is imperative for success. Achievement, in any form, comes as a result of the work you put in.
Did you know that identifying the Resources at your disposal is critical for your success? Well it is. Consider this example-When preparing to fix an elaborate meal, if you’re like me, you check your fridge & your pantry to ensure that you have all of the proper ingredients. By the same token when you’re preparing for life success, it is imperative to evaluate your personal & professional resources. Don’t leave your success up to chance... Review your resources & act accordingly.
Last but not least, Kill ‘em with Kindness. Oftentimes on your journey to success you are likely to come across those who are not as excited about your impending success as you are. Having said that, rising above the tide is an integral part of reaching success. Though we live in a day and age where the infamous “Clap Back,” tends to be the go-to response, shift your mindset & put your big kid undies on and get to work.
Rise to the challenge and WERK!!
Dr. Shelton-Quinn Booking Site: www.dranitrashelton-quinn.com
✔ coach ✔ speaker ✔ management ✔ healthcare ✔ trainer ✔ writer
4ySome new insights into a classic topic on success - great post, Dr. Anitra.