5 Ways to Recover Faster After Exercise
Every athlete (professional or otherwise) struggles with how to recover more quickly after training. And, I'm sure you've all seen the memes on how you feel after leg day. For many years, I struggled with managing rest and recovery during Competition Prep. This is especially true when doing two-a-day workouts. Ultimately, I developed a perfect formula that works for me and many of my clients. You should give it a try.
1. Stretch
2. Drink Ample Water
3. Get a Massage
4. Try an Ice Bath or Cryotherapy
5. Use Meditation & Visualization
I also came across an article on sportsmedicine.about.com with a few additional suggestions that include proper nutrition, extra sleep, and not overtraining.
5yVery informative
Managing Partner Time To Be Great Private Equity
5yAbsolutely true - we are seeing much faster recovery times now as well as much faster healing when there is an injury