7 Unique Ways to Optimize Your Call-to-action Button to Increase Clicks & Conversions
One of the best ways to increase clicks and conversion is to optimize your Call-to-action (CTA) button. Optimizing your CTA buttons will not only increase click-through-rates but will also improve the following:
- Email subscribers
- Website engagement
- Click-through-rates
- Conversion
- Etc
Call-to-action buttons play a crucial role in enhancing the success of your content marketing strategy. Why? Because these little buttons stir your buyer persona to action.
It makes it easier for them to reach different areas of your site where your main goal is to convert visitors to leads.
This tool is so important that a concise call-to-action (CTA) button can incredibly skyrocket your business - boost business performance, no matter your goal or aim for having a CTA button on your website.
But first, let us get to understand what a call-to-action button is all about.
What is a call-to-action button?
WordStream described these buttons as: “call-to-action are buttons you use in your website, landing pages, email sign up, and so on to guide visitors to your conversion objectives. It is an element of your landing page that guides visitors to your site needs to click to take specific actions.”
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Why you need a Call-to-action (CTA) button?
As mentioned earlier, a CTA is important because it helps you expand your business. You can see these buttons in different shapes and sizes on websites with the primary goal of moving you to take action.
They help to convert your website visitors into leads. In other words, CTA buttons serve as a guide - guiding your site visitors through their buying journey.
When you place these buttons on strategic areas of your site, landing page, or product page, the chance of people clicking your links or sign up to your list become much higher.
As a result, the fact that CTA buttons are so powerful and very important to your business, optimizing them properly will more than boost your conversion and click-through-rates (CTRs).
Here are some amazing statistics we found on how terrific a CTA performs - a more reason why you need to optimize your call-to-action copy:
According to Unbounce, over 90% of web visitors who read your headline copy also read your call-to-action copy.
Neil Patel’s QuickSprout noted that when the KissMetrics team added a call-to-action within a video content, the CTA generated 380% more clicks and 65% more clicks within their Qualaroo survey.
A post on the WordStream blog shows a dramatic increase in emails containing a single CTA button, with a whopping 370% more email clicks, and over 1600% more sales.
Furthermore, AdRoll shows that a call-to-action button placed on your Facebook page strategically can increase your click-through-rate (CTR) by over 280%.
In fact, the infographic also shows the top performing CTA buttons.
What are some examples of a call-to-action copy?
Some common examples of effective CTA buttons that can improve your website conversion are:
- Start your free trial
- Sign up now
- Add to cart
- Try our free trial
- Download now
- Take this course
- Get your free guide today!
- Join free for a month
- Start your 14 days free trial
- Sign up now and get 65% Off today only!
These are just a few call-to-action copies in the marketplace that is commonly used.
Each of these buttons, although different in shape, sizes, and text, have one specific goal - to make you click and complete your conversion.
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Examples of call-to-action buttons on a website
1• Square
Call-to-action (CTA) button: Get Started
The design is an important factor in how well your CTA button will do, and the Square team did a great job with their design. Look at how they place images, texts, and background color.
They used a single image to show how simple it is to use their product, while the hovering CTA button is waiting for visitors to click.
2• OfficeVibe
Call-to-action (CTA) Button: Subscribe
OfficeVibe created a slide-in CTA that is irresistible to any visitor. Here is how it goes. When you visit their blog and scrolls through a post, a banner with a CTA for users to “Subscribe” to the OfficeVibe’s blog will slide in from the bottom.
The text copy tells users they'll be getting tips on how to become a better manager.
3• Evernote
Call-to-action (CTA) Button: Sign Up
Evernote’s “sign up” CTA button offers users a clear understanding of what action to take on the page. The text “Remember Everything” they use on their site tells visitors the benefits they'll get for using Evernote app.
More is that it shows visitors how to easily sign up and use the app. Look at the green color they use for the CTA button, it blends perfectly well with the Evernote brand.
Now that you know what a CTA is, and why you need to use these buttons and some effective examples, let us move on to;
How can you optimize your call-to-action buttons?
Interestingly, there are many ways to optimize your call-to-action. Please make sure to read the entire article to learn the best tips and tricks to optimize your call-to-action.
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1• Craft a simple call-to-action button
Although there are other elements such as color, images, text, arrow, etc, that you can add to your CTA button to make it remarkable, what is most important is that you create a simple button.
So, how do you write a simple call-to-action?
Interesting enough, there are many ways to craft a simple and effective copy to help optimize your call-to-action.
For instance, you can write your call-to-action copy like this; “click here to start your 14 days free trial of our new product.”
However, you can make your CTA copy a lot more simple and unique by simply telling your visitors to; “start your 14 days free trial.”
Obviously, the later copy looks simpler, unique, and effective. Visitors to your landing page or website do not need an extravagant call-to-action copy to click.
2• Use a color that’ll grab visitors attention
In section one above, we mentioned that color is one of the best elements of a phenomenal call-to-action button. So, it is important to find the right color that converts best - grabs users attention yet align with your brand message.
Why use colors on your CTA button?
Researchers at the University of British Columbia conducted a study on the psychology of colors and found that the color “blue” improves creativity, while red increases memory and attention.
Based on this study, marketers are able to use the “psychology of color” to grow their businesses by choosing the right color for brand materials such as:
- Call-to-action buttons
- Other marketing materials
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How to choose the right color for your call to action button?
The good news is that there are many options available to you, such as color combinations, shadows, borders, and so on.
Your goal here is to choose a color that stands out, converts, and aligns with your message. Thus, when making your choice of color, please apply these tips:
- The color must grab visitors attention.
- Must stand out and does not conflict with the background.
- The color must not conflict with your brand or website background color.
So, to choose the right color that will convert visitors to leads, please go to Button Optimizer or Canva and create different types of CTA buttons.
When you're done creating your buttons, head over to Facebook and test each one of them. How? Simply invite your Facebook friends to pick their choice of color that is more attention-grabbing.
You can as well use any other social media site where you have a presence, but I suggest Facebook because it is easier on the platform.
Another way to choose the best color for your marketing campaign is to use complementary colors.
Complementary colors are colors that contrast well enough to stand out but still works well with another color.
A complementary color is the first component that visitors to your website or landing will see because it pops out from the other elements on your website, blog, or landing page and grabs their attention.
The two color wheels above shows 12 shades of colors on each wheel. A closer look will show you how each color contrast with the opposite color to create a unique attention-grabbing color for your CTA button.
For instance, yellow is the complementary color to purple.
Please check out Color Scheme Designer for more unique colors. This tool offers you more color combinations that’ll perform amazingly well on your CTA button.
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3• Use a sense of urgency to optimize your call-to-action
Creating a sense of urgency in your CTA copy has the power to dramatically increase your CTR. Why? Because a sense of urgency is a driving force that moves people to action.
A sense of urgency in your CTA must be felt by users of your site or visitors to your landing page and resonate with them.
There many examples of call-to-action copy that evokes a sense of urgency. Some examples are:
- Sign Up now and Get 70% Off Today Only!
- Get Your Free 14 Day Trial Now!
- Download Now!
These sample copies show the urgency of leveraging the opportunities available. A sense of urgency in your CTA evokes the fear - fear of missing out on an offer.
Obviously, this strategy will surely improve clicks and convert visitors to leads.
4• Use action words - verbs & adverbs to optimize your call-to-action
Action words - verbs and adverbs are a phenomenal element that helps to optimize your call-to-action copy and moves people to action.
Marketers want their target market to take action right away, that is why you need to use action or active words in your call to action.
Some of the most powerful action words you can use to optimize your call to action button and convert visitors to leads are:
- Get
- Visit
- Now
- Learn
- Last
- Today
- Buy
- Shop
- Try
However, words such as “submit” does not convert well. HubSpot conducted a study which shows that the click-through-rates of the word “Submit” is very low.
For this reason, it is best not to use the word “submit” to optimize your call to action, because marketers who used the word “submit” in their call-to-action buttons only saw a 14% conversion rate.
While those who used different words other than submit saw a 17% increase on conversion rate.
Please note that ''submit'' is not the only word that does not perform well. Try to find them and avoid using them.
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5• Personalize your call-to-action
Michael Aagard conducted a series of test to find how writing in the first and second person defer in terms of performance. He found something terrific.
Because most marketers always speak in the second person, Michael decides to run a test on “Get My Book,” - first person copy, and “Get your Book” - second person copy
What was the result of his test?
The “Get My Book” CTA copy in the first person generated more clicks with over 90℅ increase, while the “Get Your Book” - second person CTA copy saw a 25% decline in click-through-rate.
Consequently, how you write your call-to-action copy can decide how best your CTA buttons perform.
6. Be specific & tell the benefits
It is important to specify when writing your call to action. Help your visitors to know what they're getting into.
Evernote mentioned earlier use two words to create a CTA button Nd two words to help users understand what they'll get when they sign up. But it is not easy to be specific and tell the benefits with only two words.
OfficeVibe used one word for CTA copy and 12 words for the text copy that is specific and tells the benefit to “Subscribe.”
So try the best you can to be as simple as possible, yet effective. Your copy text can contain 3 or 4 words, just make it captivating and irresistible.
For instance, instead of writing a copy that says “Download Your Copy,” you can say “Download My Free Blogging Workbook.”
Now you're being specific and at the same time helping users understand what is in it for them.
7• Location & position
The location where you position or place your button can make or break your marketing effort. In other words, where you place your CTA button will decide how well it will perform.
So, location matters a lot… it is a great idea to place your button where your site users will see it.
When asked about the best location to place a call-to-action button on a website to increase clicks, many responded, “at the top fold.”
But we have a surprise for you, according to a recent research.
Michael Aagard mentioned in section four above published a blog post on the Kiss Metrics blog about the best location to place your CTA button.
In his article, he pointed out - according to his study, that CTA buttons that placed far below the bottom fold of your landing page or website performed best - generating more clicks of over 300℅.
Furthermore, Content Verve conducted a test on two CTA buttons to find the best location for your button. They placed one button at the top fold and the other right below the fold.
What was the result of the test? The CTA button below the fold perform better with a staggering 304% conversion lift.
But Neil Patel indicated here that Crazy Egg’s CTA button is directly above the fold. And it is working tremendously for them -increasing click-through-rates.
As you can see, the are variations as to the best location for your button.
Although Michael Aagard’s test result shows an increase of more than 300% click-through, your own results might be different. So test, test, test!
This means that placing CTA button below the fold might not work for you. So, how can you find the best position for you CTA button?
Here is what to do. If your offer is simple and easy to understand, place your CTA button at the top fold because your site visitors are already aware of the advantages.
But if your offer is more of a complex one which will need visitors to read all the way down to understand it, place your button below the fold.
When you're done positioning your CTA buttons on strategic locations on your site or landing page, I advice that you conduct a test on them to find out which position or location is best for your campaign.
Furthermore, it is equally important that you A/B test the whole call-to-action optimization process to find what works and what doesn't.
Here is what I recommend:
- Use different call-to-action to separate your pages.
- Position your button right next to your instructional information, or place it below where you have your educational data.
- Leverage storytelling - use stories to guide website visitors to your call-to-action button.
- Use incredible designs, such as adding an arrow, images, etc to create a unique call-to-action button
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Wrapping up
Being able to craft an ideal call-to-action and get your buyer persona to click is not very easy, you must put more effort to make it work for you.
Please read this post by Donna Merrill to learn how to use a call to action for profitable conversions.
There are millions of articles with great ideas on how to improve clicks, but many are still not able to get clicks or convert visitors to leads.
The good news is that you don't have to be pro to increase click-through-rates, a simple tweak on your CTA copy might be all you need.
But first, understand what your target market needs and create your CTA around it. Then make sure you position it at the best location possible.
For example, Go-Globe shows that “47% of websites have a clear call-to-action button at a strategic location that takes visitors only 3 seconds or less to see.”
Apply the steps above to help increase your clicks and conversion
This article was originally published at www.mossmedia.biz