AI, GenAI for Everyone!
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Clarifying the AI Boom: A Decade of Evolution in Computer Science
In 2009, I completed a computer science major, I delved into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). My graduation project focused on the Semantic Web, specifically leveraging NLP in search retrieval.
Fast forward a decade to 2019-2020, and the AI landscape witnessed a remarkable boom, notably propelled by generative AI. Today, I'm here to share what I've learnt recently about the AI Boom.
Whether you're just starting out or already an expert in the field, I hope this article will answer some of your questions.
What is AI?
Defining AI is a bit elusive, that's why reading a lot of articles try to simplify AI definition end up with hundreds of lines explain it's capabilities, this is simply because yet there is no clear definition for AI.
However, one definition resonate with me was McKinsey's
Unlocking the Potential of AI: A Simple Guide
Despite the uncertainty surrounding AI, there is a collective optimism worldwide about the potential for AI to create significant value.
Have you ever wondered if Artificial Intelligence (AI) can truly replicate human-like cognitive functions (AGI)?
The answer is a mix of yes and no! In this article, we'll break down AI, its workings, limitations, and explore both sides of the debate.
Let's cut through the excitement and hype surrounding AI. The buzz might be due to various factors, including
So, why the AI craze now? It's simple. To harness the full potential of AI, three key elements are essential:
By understanding these factors, you'll gain insights into how close or far we are from achieving AGI and how predictable these changes are. The excitement about AI is real, but with a clear understanding, we can navigate the landscape and appreciate the potential without succumbing to unnecessary hype.
AI Maturity Phases
In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), there's a spectrum that ranges from Augmented Narrow Intelligence (ANI) to potentially transformative Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and, ultimately, Artificial Superintelligence (ASI).
It's essential to recognise that AI is already excelling in specific tasks, surpassing human capabilities in areas like reading. While AI can process information at incredible speeds, humans retain a unique strength in comprehension and understanding that AI may miss. Striking a balance between the capabilities of AI and the strengths of human cognition is key to navigating the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.
Decoding AI Impact and Progress
Almost all the progress we are seeing in the AI today is artificial narrow intelligence.
Breaking down AI, there's ANI (Artificial Neural Intelligence) and AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).
What makes AI company?
As mentioned above, Building an AI company required to fulfill above points.
How to build AI Team Members ?
Probably you start with,
Above team members will help you to achieve a quick-win (generate a prototype) then expand accordingly. Pair in mind the following:
How to drive a strategic success?
According to AI transformation playbook
AI Goals Setting Principles
However, different details are recommended by different experts. e.g.
Deep Dive into Data and Machine learning
Data is the fuel driving AI. However, concepts like data cleansing, data quality, and more belong to data science, not AI. Data science focuses on understanding, visualising, and extracting insights from data. AI, on the other hand, is more into machine learning, creating algorithms to emulate human brain functions.
What is Data ?
Data can be structured form of set of data, unstructured, labeled or un-labeled as explained in below images
With the notion of AI, we started to hear and read a lot of articles about data and different confusing terms like - data quality, data governance, data analysis, data management, etc. In fact this is all not AI, however, you can achieve nothing in AI without having a proper data management so they are connected in away.
The first part of data definition is part of what is called Data science, however, AI is covering what is called Machine learning.
Would any data work ?
Data Science vs Machine Learning
Data Science
Data science is the study of data to extract meaningful insights for business. It is a multidisciplinary approach that combines principles and practices from the fields of mathematics, statistics, artificial intelligence, and computer engineering to analyze large amounts of data. This analysis helps data scientists to ask and answer questions like what happened, why it happened, what will happen, and what can be done with the results.
Machine learning
is a form of artificial intelligence based on algorithms that are trained on data. These algorithms can detect patterns and learn how to make predictions and recommendations by processing data and experiences, rather than by receiving explicit programming instruction
Machine learning types
Machine learning use cases
NLP vs Deep Learning
Natural language processing (NLP) refers to the branch of computer science—and more specifically, the branch of artificial intelligence or AI—concerned with giving computers the ability to understand text and spoken words in much the same way human beings can.
Deep learning
is a type of machine learning that can process a wider range of data resources (images, for instance, in addition to text), requires even less human intervention, and can often produce more accurate results than traditional machine learning. Deep learning uses neural networks—based on the ways neurons interact in the human brain—to ingest data and process it through multiple iterations that learn increasingly complex features of the data.
Deep learning methods - source :
Here is the list of top 10 most popular deep learning algorithms:
Feed-forward neural networks
As just one example, feed-forward neural networks are used in banking, among other industries, to detect fraudulent financial transactions.
Here’s how it works: first, you train a model to predict whether a transaction is fraudulent based on a data set you’ve used to manually label transactions as fraudulent or not. Then you can use the model to predict whether new, incoming transactions are fraudulent so you can flag them for closer study or block them outright.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
CNN's, also known as ConvNets, consist of multiple layers and are mainly used for image processing and object detection.
Here’s how CNNs work:
• First, the CNN receives an image—for example, of the letter “A”—that it processes as a collection of pixels.
• In the hidden layers, the CNN identifies unique features—for example, the individual lines that make up “A.”
• The CNN can now classify a different image as the letter “A” if it finds that the image has the unique features previously identified as making up the letter.
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
RNNs have connections that form directed cycles, which allow the outputs from the LSTM to be fed as inputs to the current phase.
The output from the LSTM becomes an input to the current phase and can memorize previous inputs due to its internal memory. RNNs are commonly used for image captioning, time-series analysis, natural-language processing, handwriting recognition, and machine translation.
Deep Dive into GenAI
10 years ago, the world had no hopes on Supervised learning as it required huge amount of data to train the machine and computer powers, so sciences had hopes on unsupervised learning, however, 10 years later, it turned out supervised learning is taking us to the next evolution through Generative AI. So what is Generative AI ?
Generative AI
Generative AI is an AI model that generates content in response to a prompt.
How Generative AI works
So when you put a prompt like
Recommended by LinkedIn
Behind the scene
behind Gen AI is Attention is All you need paper! -
Transformer Architecture
The dominant sequence transduction models are based on complex recurrent or convolutional neural networks in an encoder-decoder configuration
Generative AI (Prompt) Applications
Thoughtful Partner, to find new information
Writing, Reading or Chatting Partner
Writing, developing marketing plan, translate or write a letter to your wife
Reading, proofreading, summerise an article, automate call centre calls summery and route it to the department, track customer reviews and generate dashboard (sentiment)
But be careful of Hallucination
What LLM Can do ?
Again, somehow the machine has learnt earlier that mostly nurses are females, hence it's taking this approach
LLM Application development
Cost of using the technology
Let's understand the cost,
the GPT models available currently charge by either token or character,
How token is calculated is different; for example
In above example by (Andrew NG) -
Following some rules and formulas, It turns out that out of your article roughly
Following the example given by Andrew Ng in the course,
So it turns out the cost is really cheap, however, it depends on what do you need to achieve and how do you plan it.
Advanced techniques for Generative AI beyond prompting
Those models tend to empower organisations to use the GenAI technology for a speiffic domain purpose, and also reduce the toxicity and bias be re-training the LLM
Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained on vast volumes of data and use billions of parameters to generate original output for tasks like answering questions, translating languages, and completing sentences.
RAG extends the already powerful capabilities of LLMs to specific domains or an organization's internal knowledge base, all without the need to retrain the model. It is a cost-effective approach to improving LLM output so it remains relevant, accurate, and useful in various contexts.
RAG use cases:
2) Fine tuning
LLM fine-tuning is a supervised learning process where you use a dataset of labeled examples to update the weights of LLM and make the model improve its ability for specific tasks. Let's explore some of the notable fine-tuning methods.
Like RAG fine-tuning expand the LLM capability, however, it controls the output of the AI. For example, you can use it to train AI to output a specific template out of chatbot that can be sent automatically to create an order on your CRM
It's effective with large number of parameters, but less cost effective that RAG.
Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT - Instruction based)
is a type of fine-tuning that uses labeled data to train the LLM. The labeled data consists of pairs of input and output data. The input data is the data that the LLM will be given, and the output data is the data that the LLM is expected to generate.
Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)
is a type of fine-tuning that uses human feedback to train the LLM. Human feedback can be collected in a variety of ways, such as through surveys, interviews, or user studies.
In this case, a reward score is assigned to each answer where the higher score is the most relevant and correct answer. I assume the collaborative articles by linkedin is nothing but an AI generated articles that use people insights, likes, and actions to give rewards do RLHF fine tuning
Which Method Should You Use?
The best method for fine-tuning an LLM depends on a number of factors, such as the availability of labeled data, the time and resources available, and the desired performance. If you have labeled data available, SFT is a good option. If you do not have labeled data available, or if you need to improve the performance of the LLM beyond what SFT can achieve, RLHF is a good option.
Fine Tuning use cases
In addition to reducing hallucination, train the model to answer a specific domain knowledge, Fine-tuning enables models to excel in various specific natural language processing tasks, including sentiment analysis, question answering, machine translation, and text generation.
3) Pre-training LLM
Pre-training is the initial phase of learning for language models. During pre-training, models are exposed to a vast amount of unlabeled text data, such as books, articles, and websites. The goal is to capture the underlying patterns, structures, and semantic knowledge present in the text corpus.
Pre-training use cases
Ideally, you must have a strong reason to start from scratch and train your own model on your own data making sure that no one else has access to your data
4) In-Context Learning
In-context learning is an emerging approach that combines pre-training and fine-tuning while incorporating task-specific instructions or prompts during the training process. Models learn to generate contextually relevant responses or outputs based on the given instructions, improving their performance on specific tasks.
Example and Use Cases of In-Context Learning: In-context learning involves training language models to generate contextually relevant responses based on specific instructions or prompts.
Example: A language model is trained to generate responses to customer queries in a polite and helpful manner. The training includes structured prompts and reinforcement learning techniques to encourage appropriate responses.
In-Context Use cases
AI team roles
An AI team typically consists of several roles that cover different aspects of the AI lifecycle, from ideation to deployment. Depending on the size and scope of the project, some AI team roles may be combined or split into sub-roles. Here are some of the common roles in an AI team:
Responsible AI framework
We discussed number of concerns arround the AI and its usage, personally, i believe AI needs a lot of training data, needs a different mindset cause human understanding and racism created the problem and the will continue to do by pushing what they it's right until proven wrong at later stage, so it's a continuous journey until AI makes a mind about it.
However, out of below pillars, i believe Transparency and accountability remain the biggest pillars responsible for generating a responsible AI.
Responsible AI Dilemma
The responsible AI dilemma revolves around the ethical considerations and potential societal impacts of developing and deploying artificial intelligence. As AI technologies advance, questions arise about how to ensure their responsible and ethical use. Here are some key aspects of the responsible AI dilemma:
Deep dive into Responsible AI
Why AI is not trained to be responsible ?
I found this slide is very important to understand and what this is basically tells us, how AI predict and fill blanks based on mathematical equations
For example,
This is more of a world, racism and artificial problem we are dealing with cause while 1st sentence is fair up to this point, may be soon it won't be and the AI in fact has learnt only from human data who brought toxicity and bias to system at first place.
So basically, what happened here is AI guessed if man (1,1) has moved 2 steps to the right on x diagonal and 1 to up on y diagonal to get the job as computer programmer (3,2) , then also from woman (2,3) will move 2 steps to the right on x diagonal and 1 up on y diagonal to get the job (4,4). By looking into what is 4,4 it appears to be a home maker, the question is, who put home-maker in (4,4) in first place ? Was it a trained algorithm based on human-biased?
AI Real-world Challenges:
1. Amazon’s algorithm discriminated against women
2. US healthcare algorithm underestimated black patients’ needs
3. ChatBot Tay shared discriminatory tweets
Proposed Solutions to the most common problems
Responsible AI Enablement Methods
Adversial Attack
Logical - Just moving the bird few pixels that is not seen by human eye manipulated the AI answer
Physical - adding an object beside banana, turned the banana into toaster
Considerations (more real-world issues)
Proposed Solutions
1) a very common approach is to use adversial attack defense which is mainly about augmenting and retraining the machine on new dataset. Learn more about Adversarial Attack Defense
AI Impact on Jobs - Are you knowledge worker ?
Senior Insights Manager, Technology @ AARP | Mixed Methods Research
10moThis is an awesome cheat sheet! I love the images you have incorporated.
Impressive progress! Your knowledge sounds stacked, like a well-crafted AI program. Where to next? Amr Salah