AICCRA in 2023 - Ready to Scale
In a special feature on AICCRA’s 2023 Annual Report, we highlight how over the last year, outcomes from AICCRA teams in our six focus countries – Kenya, Zambia, Ethiopia, Mali, Senegal and Ghana – and our growing network of regional and continental partners have contributed significantly to accelerating the impacts of CGIAR climate research for nearly 4 million African small-scale farmers in the last year.
We've achieved these outcomes through:
Explore more below or visit the special feature on our website.
A message from AICCRA's Director, Ana Maria Loboguerrero
A message from Juan Lucas Restrepo, Director General of Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
Juan Lucas Restrepo Ibiza , Director General, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT , reflects on the highlights of AICCRA's work in 2023 and the partnership between CGIAR and The World Bank .
Read more on how the World Bank is Advancing Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies in Africa through AICCRA in this press release.
Partner Perspective: Amplifying the role of farmers in Africa’s climate action
"Inclusion, partnerships and finance are crucial for accelerating action on the ground," says Elizabeth Nsimadala, President of Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF) .
"Agriculture is pivotal in global efforts in adapting to climate change. It is especially so in Africa.
African farmers must be at the heart of the food systems transformation we seek.
Inclusive and strategic partnerships and affordable finance are vital in enabling farmers to adopt and use climate-smart technologies and practices like those supported through AICCRA.
I am thrilled that AICCRA has so far reached 7 million farmers, and it fills me with joy to see AICCRA partnerships build upon our different strengths.
The stories from AICCRA’s 2023 Annual Report serve as an example of the scale of impact possible when efforts are:
and farmer-focused."
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Working closely with partners to scale African-led climate action for the continent
Partnerships are at the heart of AICCRA’s approach to scaling climate-smart agriculture and climate information services in Africa. By leveraging our combined knowledge, resources and reach, we can more effectively accelerate climate action across the continent.
A total of 82 partners partner organizations increasingly accessed enhanced climate information services (CIS) and validated climate-smart agriculture (CSA) in 2023, building upon collaborations established in the six core AICCRA countries with a growing number of ‘spillover’ outcomes. We also saw eight new partnerships established with universities who are mainstreaming CIS into their curricula.
Sharing climate-smart tools, trainings and resources to enhance capacity and usage
Sharing knowledge is a foundation of AICCRA’s approach. For example, in 2023, 20,000 stakeholders (34% women) participated in AICCRA's capacity development activities, including trainings, learning workshops, stakeholder dialogues, and technical assistance.
By sharing knowledge, CSA technologies, climate information and learning resources, we’re catalyzing and scaling climate action on the ground, moving from access to use, and ensuring that the impacts of AICCRA’s work will be realized far beyond the scope of the project.
Women and youth play a vital role in the uptake of climate-smart practices
In 2023, women have continued to be active agents in the scaling of climate-smart technologies and information services through AICCRA activities. Of the 4 million individuals we reached this year, 1.6 million were women, and 35 CIS and CSA technologies have reached women in our focus areas.
A few highlights include in Mali, where "Savings for Change" clubs enhanced women’s access to finance, leading to an average increase in income of USD 618 per hectare. And in Senegal, AICCRA’s Gender-Smart Accelerator Challenge successfully catalysed USD 4.3 of private investment for every USD 1 invested.’ve made important progress in gender and social inclusion
Focusing on the policies, practices and technologies needed to foster and scale innovative solutions
One way we’re scaling innovative approaches is by bundling packages of climate-smart inputs such as advisories for millet and groundnuts in Senegal, drought-tolerant high-yielding seeds in Ghana, feed and forage improved seeds in Ethiopia, participatory rangelands management in Kenya, and solar irrigation in Zambia.
Through AICCRA’s Climate-smart Policies and Practices thematic team, we influenced 20 policy and investment decisions for support to continental, regional and national policy development. We also presented 13 gender- and nutrition-sensitive CSA and CIS innovations during the 2023 Market for Agricultural Innovations and Technologies (MITA) conference with CORAF | West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development .
Explore, download and share - AICCRA Annual Report 2023 - Ready to Scale
Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) is a project that helps deliver a climate-smart African future driven by science and innovation in agriculture. It is led by the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT and supported by a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank.
Associate Professor of Agronomy In Arba Minch University
6moThe action or the application should not be for pilot but should be designed to address alll regions and countries joining experts from all sectors