All The Books - 2022 Edition
2022 was an amazing year on The Brainy Business podcast. We featured 24 fantastic authors and their books on the show (many, many more books are linked amongst the show notes, of course, but these ones were the topic of an episode in 2022). There is a lot of information and books and podcast episodes out there competing for your attention, and it can be hard to keep track of it all. That's why I decided to put all the year's featured books in one easy post, in tandem with the "Best of 2022" episode of the show which just came out.
So, in appearance order, here are the books of the year, with a few of my thoughts on each (clicking any of the images will take you to Amazon, note they may be affiliate links, so if you prefer to type them in yourself I totally get it!):
Get It Done, by Ayelet Fishbach
Get It Done is not your typical goals book. Case in point: it starts with a story of a team that summited Everest, but didn’t make it home as a lesson on how the relentless pursuit of goals can be harmful. That balanced approach is something I really appreciate in this book, so it isn't too *rainbows 🌈 and butterflies 🦋* but also isn't all hopeless. Ayelet Fishbach specializes in motivation science and presents a book full of fascinating insights to help anyone get more of the right things done.
Listen to episode 186 with Ayelet (most downloaded of 2022!) ✨
Influence Is Your Superpower, by Zoe Chance
Zoe Chance teaches the most popular class at Yale School of Business, and that course was the inspiration for Influence is Your Superpower.
In the book, she talks about the conundrum of how hard it is to say “No” (and how it is also hard to ask people for things because we expect them to say no to us… 🤔) She also shares a “magic question” you can use to increase the likelihood you’ll get the yes.
Listen to episode 189 with Zoe (3rd most downloaded in 2022!) 🤩
The Voltage Effect, by John List
Why do so many great ideas fail at scale? Are there rules other businesses can use to help avoid their own failures? Thanks to John List (former chief economist at Uber and Lyft, and now at Walmart), there is a whole book on it! The Voltage Effect has great insights, stories, and lessons for anyone in business to understand and properly scale their company.
Listen to episode 190 with John List (7th most downloaded in 2022!) 🤩
Using Semiotics in Retail, by Rachel Lawes
Semiotics is my new obsession and the conversation with Dr Rachel Lawes (and this book) are a big part of that. The “jam of death” is one of my favorite examples of the year (listen or read to learn more) and I always hear her voice in my head saying, Remember Melina: “Where there is choice, there is meaning.” Are you using the right signs and symbols in your business?
You Have More Influence Than You Think, by Vanessa Bohns
Have you ever felt like everyone is looking at you but at other times felt completely invisible? It turns out, people notice us much more than we think (but also much less) and it’s not how you think. Vanessa Bohns shares these insights and so many more in You Have More Influence Than You Think, and in her episode we talked about tips for having more influence in virtual meetings, as well as specific insights for introverts to have more influence at work.
Listen to episode 197 (4th most downloaded in 2022!) 🤩
The Influencer, by Brian Ahearn
Brian Ahearn, CPCU, CTM, CPT, CMCT is back and continuing the great theme of influence that kicked off the year! This book is different though, in that it is presented as a business parable (an approach I have always admired, but never felt confident enough to tackle). For everyone who prefers to learn through a story and journey of an individual, give The Influencer a try. It is a quick and valuable read.
A More Beautiful Question, by Warren Berger
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that A More Beautiful Question is one of my favorite books of all time, so interviewing Warren Berger for episode 200 was a huge deal for me. This book is all about using questions in business so you can make non-obvious associations that can lead to amazing innovations. Learn about combinatorial thinking, forming better questions, finding your beautiful question, and so much more with this fantastic book.
Evolutionary Ideas, by Sam Tatam
Even if you have read all the behavioral science books and all the business books, I can pretty much guarantee you will learn at least 10 new things in Evolutionary Ideas. This book is such a fun read because Sam Tatam does an amazing job of bringing in facts and insights from plants and animals into a book about humans and business. As Sam explains in the book, it is not true that big problems need big solutions. And, as it turns out, every problem has already been solved somewhere...if we just know where to look. From bees to bullet trains, it is fascinating from cover to cover.
How Minds Change, by David McRaney
This book is rolling in incredibly well deserved accolades, from Book of the Year in the Marketing and Communications / Sales & Influence category at the Porchlight Book Company awards, to a Top Psychology Book of 2022 by Next Big Idea Club, to a Best Self Help Book of 2022 by the Washington Post...and so much more.
How Minds Change is, as I said, worth all its hype. It is an amazing journey alongside David McRaney as he uncovers how minds change and teaches all of us along the way. Fascinating. An absolute must read.
The Behavioral Investor, by Daniel Crosby
To be fair, the episode with Daniel Crosby, Ph.D. was actually about how he had a post go viral on Twitter and the behavioral insights of going viral (was it everything it was cracked up to be? 🤔 ) However, we did talk about his great book, The Behavioral Investor, during that conversation and it is a great resource for anyone who is looking to be smarter with their money. And, in these uncertain times, who doesn't want that?
The Power of Regret, by Daniel Pink
"No Regrets" has been inked on many an arm and plastered on many bumpers over the years...but is it really a philosophy we should live by? As Daniel Pink shows us in The Power of Regret, there is actually great value for us all in understanding and embracing regret.
In this fascinating book, he also goes through the process of categorizing regrets and showing how they can be leveraged to help the reader have a more fulfilling life. This book is relatable and interesting for everyone, regardless of your background with behavioral science.
Recommended by LinkedIn
Influence, by Robert Cialdini
Ok, so, to be fair...this book came out in its new and expanded version in 2021 and that is when I officially interviewed Dr. Robert Cialdini on the show. However, I did a full solo episode on the Unity Principle in 2022, which was the newest principle of persuasion that was added to this amazing book in the new version. So, it felt like it was totally justified in including it on our book list from 2022.
If you haven't read Influence yet, put it at the top of your must read list, especially if you have any interest in human behavior.
Listen to episode 216 on the unity principle. (and my interview with Robert Cialdini on Influence in episode 157, which was the #1 download of 2021 🤩 )
Behavioral Insights, by Michael Hallsworth and Elspeth Kirkman
This is another book that came out earlier (in this case, September 2020), but because there was a lot going on that year, and Michael Hallsworth was kind enough to come back on the show to discuss a terrific article he wrote for Behavioral Scientist on the "Do Nudges Work?" debate, I wanted to give him (and Elspeth) a little well deserved love.
If you are looking for a book with a framework to follow as you look to apply behavioral science in your business, Behavioral Insights is a great resource.
Listen to episode 218 on "Do Nudges Work?" (and when Michael first came on to discuss the book in episode 125)
Using Behavioral Science in Marketing, by Nancy Harhut
And, speaking of a great book with amazing insights you can apply into your business right away, Nancy Harhut 's Using Behavioral Science in Marketing is a fantastic resource. She does a great job of breaking down concepts with stories and relatable case studies with lots of science-backed insights (without being jargony or heavy-handed). Nancy did a great job of finding the right balance of application, science, and fun.
If you want to be inspired with some easy-to-implement insights for your marketing, this is a great book to start with.
How to Have Difficult Conversations About Race, by Kwame Christian
I have been so honored to have gotten to know Kwame Christian, Esq., M.A. over the years. He is so talented in the way he phrases things and how he can help everyone to have better conversations -- from high profile negotiations, to navigating micro-aggressions at work. As Kwame says, "The best things in life are on the other side of difficult conversations." If you have been looking for some support to help you have your own tough conversation at work, How to Have Difficult Conversations About Race is a great resource.
What Your Employees Need and Can't Tell You, by Melina Palmer
In case you didn't second book came out in 2022! :) What Your Employees Need and Can't Tell You is all about understanding how our brains really react to change, and helping anyone to be better at presenting changes at work (so people are more naturally likely to follow you whether they report to you or not). This book uses behavioral science to help anyone be a better manager, and hopefully helping people from around the world to have better experiences at work.
Listen to episode 225 on What Your Employees Need and Can't Tell You (and this "flip the script" interview with Troy Campbell digging in on the Burnt Popcorn Principle in episode 253.)
Quit, by Annie Duke
"Winners never quit, and quitters never win." We say this all the time, but is it really true? As Annie Duke so thoughtfully presents to us in, Quit...that is absolutely NOT true. In reality, winners quit a lot, and if you aren't embracing quitting, you are missing out on lots of amazing opportunities.
There are so many great insights in this book. One of my favorites is called Monkeys and Pedestals, which we discussed when Annie was on the show. It is a way to reframe and think about a project to determine what to work on first, and help you identify when it is time to quit (so you can do something more productive and valuable with your time).
Branding That Means Business, by Matt Johnson and Tessa Misiaszek
Matt Johnson, PhD was first on the show in 2021, and we are all so fortunate that he co-authored another fantastic book. This time, with Tessa G. Misiaszek, PhD . In Branding That Means Business, we get to learn all about how and why brands matter for business. Matt covered the customer-facing side (with so many amazing insights from his work in neuroscience, including a really shocking example from Kit Kat). Tessa shared about the employee side of a brand, and why it matters to embrace this with internal teams (it isn't just about customer engagement). A great read and two great episodes of the podcast.
What Your Customer Wants and Can't Tell You, by Melina Palmer
While my first book, What Your Customer Wants and Can't Tell You, came out in was mentioned a lot during the podcast in 2022. This was my first book, and a finalist in two categories of the International Book Awards. It is a guide for anyone who is interested in starting to apply behavioral economics in their business to do just that (without having to get a PhD or change careers). It is written for the intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs who want to uplevel by responsibly applying behavioral economics into their work. It shares about how the brain works, with 16 key concepts of behavioral economics I think are most important for someone in business to understand, followed by lots of examples to mix-and-match and begin applying at work.
Solving Modern Problems with a Stone-Age Brain, by Douglas Kenrick and David Lundberg-Kenrick
You've probably heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs before, but research is showing it isn't fully encompassing of the human experience. Douglas Kenrick and his colleagues worked together to present an alternative model, which is expanded upon in this book which he co-authored with his son, Dave Lundberg-Kenrick (whose background is in film production). This is a fun and engaging read with a lot of insights into our nature, and how to navigate today's world...even if our brain's haven't quite caught up with the times.
Behavioral Science in the Wild, by Dilip Soman and Nina Mazar
Behavioral science has lots of lab studies...but what happens when you start to apply the insights in the real world? Does everything replicate perfectly "in the wild"? Of course not. Context matters (along with so many other things) and thankfully Dilip Soman and Nina Mažar (Mazar) have given us Behavioral Science in the Wild to help you gain some insights into what you can expect when applying yourself, what to think about, and where to focus your time to increase your chances of success.
Brain Meets World, by Evan Nesterak and team at Behavioral Scientist
If you haven't yet encountered Behavioral Scientist, you are going to thank me for featuring them here. And, similar to some of what you get with Behavioral Science in the Wild, Brain Meets World is a collection of insights to help the reader to learn from the experiences of others in the field. Beautifully designed and chock-full of insights, Brain Meets World should not be missed!
A More Just Future, by Dolly Chugh
I love every book and guest on the show (and the solo episodes too). Each conversation and reading helps me to learn and grow, and I reference them all constantly, even years later. That being said, I believe the episode I will remember more than most, the book that has impacted me the most in A More Just Future, by Dolly Chugh .
This book was hard to read -- not because of the writing itself (that is fantastic) -- but rather because of the way it makes the reader deal with difficult, but important emotions and insights about our world. As you will hear about in my conversation with Dolly, this book came to me at a time where I have already been reflecting on my heritage as an Alaska Native and what that means for myself and my family. This book is powerful and absolutely everyone should read it, because we all deserve a more just future.
Listen to episode 247 (and read my LinkedIn post about how I was inspired to speak about my culture after reading the book).
Happier Hour, by Cassie Holmes
Would you like to be happier every day? To get more value from your hours so your life is more fulfilling? To know how many hours you need to be able to dedicate to discretionary activities to have the happiest life? And, to know what makes you happiest, so you can focus on those most important things?
In Happier Hour, Cassie Holmes gives us all this (and more if you can believe it!) based on years of work and her very popular course at UCLA. If you want to be happier, more fulfilled, have less stress, and all sorts of other good stuff, do yourself a favor and check out this book.
Listen to episode 249 with Cassie and Ayelet sharing how to have your best year ever (and episode 257 with Cassie specifically discussing Happier Hour when it comes out on January 27)
Whew! What a fantastic list, right? Which of these have you read already? Which is going on the top of your "to read" list? What books are you excited about in 2023 that should be featured on The Brainy Business podcast? I can't wait to hear all about it, and happy reading!
Applying Neuroscience to Marketing and Branding | Consumer Behavior & Neuromarketing | Author, TEDx & International Keynote Speaker | Professor of Consumer Psychology, Hult International Business School l Thinkers50 2023
1yWhat a great year for the non-fiction world! Honored to be included in this list with so many great names!
Marketing Creative + Behavioral Science | Award-Winning Author | International Keynote Speaker | Chief Creative Officer
1yThanks so much for the episode - and your kind words about Using Behavioral Science in Marketing. I feel I’ve “met” so many of these awesome authors by listening to your podcast!
Distinguished Service Professor at University of Chicago
1yThanks for shining light on the science of using science in a HIGH VOLTAGE way!
Great list
Thank you so much, Melina! Thrilled to be on your list, and thank you very much for a fantastic book review.