All or nothing mentality is WRONG...
Training and good nutrition should be EASY
It doesn't need to be about 5am clubs, or starving yourself, or working tirelessly everyday, that's impossible
That "all or nothing" mindset
You also don't need any supplements or funny diets to get a flat stomach and achieve an amazing body
You arent an endless energy source there are limitations on our:
Imagine trying to be at 100% all the time? It is virtually impossible
Thats how you get burnt out, I am sure you have experienced that with work sometimes
Will power can easily run out if you haven't taken some time off to replenish your mental stores
Plus you have to manage all the other personal responsibilities like a family...
So imagine having to use all the mental fortitude to grind through gym workouts and proper nutrition?? IT just isn't gonna be sustainable for you
So the aim of the Optimised Athlete program is to make things tailored to your current life situation, not make it unrealistic and unachievable. You need to be able to do what you need to do, without it derailing your life
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You don't need to be up at 5am working out
Or eating like an Arnold Classic body builder
The aim is to give you small changes every month that transforms your body
These small changes will eliminate some of the reasons you are failing
"I don't have any time to train" "I don't know what to do" "I don't know what to eat"
When we keep things simple, this happens and you get results
Simple tools for you to get amazing results - or improve the results you have right now? If you are Getting any??
If you are not seeing any results but you are grinding is the question you have to ask yourself "is there an easier way to do this?" -
Because I bet there is, you just need to come to the realisation of what that may be for you
I just dropped a podcast which you may find Useful for you to finally get in amazing shape - it talks about all the things needed to drop 10-15lbs in the next 12 weeks
just hit this link here