"All wisdom, is Grace of GURU”
You are your greatest enemy, you are your greatest friend!!------------- Shri Krishna, from,
Bhagwat Gita”
Therefore, choose wisely! Most of the time, intelligence irrespective of its position, do not know what is garbage or what is gold. Even the Brahma Rishis, or knower of TRUTH, did not know what is garbage or what is gold!!!
How to know?
Only “GURU”, can tell what is what!!!
If you have dived into the SATYA or SANATAN/Singularity, the only first way of transformation is unity or linear as first change as only possible way, then comes the curvature or expansion or movement towards the duality. Then from the summation of both TIME’ is born as third dimension of observed transformation.
The summation of these three are Known as “TRIGUN” (three qualities) or Position before universe is called “TRIGUNATMAK AATIK” (Tri logical qualities past to & of universe). The motion of intelligence/light/consciousness between dualities and unity of parallelism between the two dualities forms 3D universe with Time’ as fourth’ dimensional observed existence!
So within & even beyond Universe you need “GURU”!!!!
Without GURU, there is no knowledge and or Wisdom!!!
(Tickets are available if you want to come on this journey beyond universe!!!! Hari Bol)
Who is there beyond Universe???? THE One and Only !!!!
SHRI HARI VISHNU, Shri NARAYAN as JAGATGURU”!!! means, GURU of whole cosmos!!!!
Why do we need HARI or JAGAT GURU or any GURU, when there is no universe!!!?????
It is because, there is still aliveness and or existence and or CHETNA or CHETANYATA’ into and as existence!!! When, there is nothing!!!! Here Nothing is just universal nothing, but at same time or moment beyond time, this nothing is everything.
“Nothing is the Absolute Condition”!!!!
An absolute condition is called as GOD or HARI VISHNU sometimes MOTHER, MAHAKAALI, sometimes MAHAKAAL as summation of All that Exists within & beyond TIME!!!!!
These Three forms, are your GURU!!! Or act as GURU and guides the sole or lost intelligence into ignorance of own nothingness!!!!
The fundamental problem of Ignorance is getting lost into infinities of lives and deaths, is belief of I’ or the information the I’ exists!!!!!
Every intelligential existence exists around this I’. once this, I’ is lost at the time of death (universal/positional/bodily) there is no position for the mind to be at or to rest at, as mind is nothing but a thought or a CHETANA’ or ALIVENESS!!!!!
If there is nothing, except thought, or you as just wave, there is no rest, or thus potential pain or horrors of ignorance’s. As creation works, in real time, without delay, as “MAYA” plays its parts.!!!!!!
Thus Intelligence or consciousness, or aliveness need a proper guidance and thus path to flow or direct the energy into the right direction!!!!
Aliveness beyond lives, need GURU’ to help itself, to come out of ignorance of existence……from HELL to HEAVENS’!!!!!!
If something is Absolute, it has exists in same ways or orders everywhere!!!! Thus, we have mother, father or a true friend,’’ as a TEACHER’ or GURU”, not just here on earth but also beyond life till aliveness exists.!!!!
This ALIVENESS’ is termed as sole in religious scriptures!!!!!
To exist beyond time, or universe, intelligence or CHETNA’ needs wisdom, else it is easily lost into or as individualities as of infinities!!!! From one position to another , or one womb to another, one worm hole to another, one position of consciousness to another, or one universe to another!!!!!
Identities can keep changing names and sounds to be positioned to and or into their relative positional worlds. What scriptures a brain follow or understands are governed through the sounds in and definitions attached to it……!!!!! Where would you like to travel? Which world do you like?
How would intelligence define or decide which world it is in? From Singularity/ SHIVAVTVA SHIVLOK’, to PATAL’ LOK’, there are infinite possibilities of position, where the “summation of trilogy” as Sole or CHETNA’ would be kept……!!!!! Positioned at owns wants defined by or to be by own self!!!!!
The movement from singularity or SHIVLOK’ into linearity (Line is unending segment thus infinite), to curvature or duality, Pi, is another infinite series to the summation of both!!!!! As resultant trilogy, the sole observer’ finds its own observation into differentials of time/universal segments”.
“Light/Star/Sun is somewhere else while observed in time as somewhere else”
“Whose SUN am I”? I am Asking to self……!!!!”
In other words, intelligence or sole do know its own exact position, because of whatever is observed, it is observed with respect to surroundings, thus with respect to sounds and also their definition, thus also to trueness of scriptures they or their religion follows!!!!
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Does your religious book shows complete path to GOD or Singularity……???? Or is there any probabilities that they are just intellectual thefts, or is there any singular path???
Or what if the path you are on, is lost in between!!!!
Or in other words, what if you are lost in between without body without identification of self’ or sole…….who will be responsible you?
No One!!!! There is no one to be blamed, once the life is over…….sometime it takes millions of years to find self’ identification, into infinities of knowledge and or wisdom or of ignorance’s.
Sometimes there is no more chance to find wisdom somewhere or anywhere else, sometimes the thoughts/energies/you/sole is trapped into unknowns of ignorance of infinities.
“If ignorance arises you just don’t know” further you just don’t know what you don’t know, this implies, there is chance that that you would never try to find out why or what you don’t know, leaving yourself’ into further depts of ignorance’s, as there is no rest, Aliveness or intelligence, or universe is in continued motion….!!!
Thus Intelligence need a Guru” and Jagat GURU’ who can guide human sole/Intelligence/ thought/ or energies of Intelligence into right directions or higher dimensions of existences, sometimes termed as Heavens’ in some scriptures!!!!
Being in Heaven’ does not guarantee, your return back to ignorance, just one bad choice of definition, and the path is lost.!!!!!!
Universe exists as path, rather than positional existence, as everything is in motion!!! The path of aliveness or CHETNA’ or consciousness, is the path of wisdom. Wisdom is at highest position of knowledge. Knowledge is some wise path of curvature of information. Information is observed surrounding!!!!!
Thus, you may be a greatest educated or scientist, but would still be a fool. You may know how every fundamental of how Universe works, but if don’t know GOD, you don’t Know Anything!!!!
So Call HIM”!!!
Keep Chanting HIS’ name, no matter what sound you follow, follow HIM, no matter what path you follow, follow HIM’, no matter, if you are rest or in universal motion, be with HIM!!!
Beyond I’ there is no you, there is no me, only HE”!!!!!
Beyond death, when the body is dead, thus there cannot be identification of the body, thus how are you going to identify, self or surrounding? In this relative existential world, When there is no relative you, (as you thought you are your body, and body is dead), how you identify or describe surroundings?
Of course, with some live sounds, and some defined transformed particles, you would try to identify your surroundings!!!! When whole cosmos would be travelling through you, what definition or sound would you like to hold you definition?
You need GURU’
I don’t want to bring other thing, but as there are positive things or existences, there are negative existence too!!!! Be careful, what to hold on to!!!!
Further path is path, and to the path of TRUTH, the truth of everything has to be identified, the truth of everything has to be evaluated or known or experienced!!!
To, keep yourself, out, from HELL, you need GURU’.
Un-till, something is remaining to be experienced or desired, Intelligence would keep desiring, that experience of that’ which is identified’ or put around into or as information, into t thought or knowledge, till then, you will keep experiencing……life or aliveness into different forms. Un-till you (intelligence) do not want to experience anything anymore, there is no MOKSHA’ (Staying beyond wants or desires), Un-till there is no MOKSHA’, all the energies will not converge to PARAMGATI.
Un-till Intelligence achieve PARAMGATI”, (Super Speed of Light/Intelligence/Time), there is no MUKTI (freedom from cycles of birth and rebirth or deaths (beyond all existential extreme experiences)). Till there is no MUKTI, there is continues cycle of birth and death takes place”.
To guide you as fundamental observer; you need a GURU’, To guide you through MOKSHA, or infinite cycles, into no time, You need a GURU’, HE would give HIM HIS’ Speed, it is known As PARAMGATI” to take you to PARAM DHAM’. ASK for it…!!! Ask Hanuman Ji, to give you His speed sometime!!!
Ask, for His wisdom, to guide you beyond infinities!!!!! You need a GURU in and Beyond Life”!!!!!
This Path, to THE TRUTH’ or SHIVA is known as “GYAN Marg” or “GYAN YOG”, where you (intelligence/consciousness) move through universal existence, step by step, known and experiencing everything at a time (time to time or moment to moment)!!!
Or there is another way, another path known as “BHAKTI MARG”. To walk on this path, intelligence needs to become HIS’ Devotee’ and in the end, He’ will directly land you to the top existential DHAMS, and you would Find MUKTI easily!!!!
To walk on this path, just LOVE HIM’ and CHANT HIS’ name,
OR LISTEN TO “Name MAHIMA” form many Indian saints, find out best sounds and worlds for you to travel and or thus exist as the wonderful life of aliveness…!!!!
All wisdom, is Grace of GURU”