An Amazing Women's Strength That I Rarely See in Men
Seinfeld Said It Best...
Ok, some men have contacted me for career advice, however the lion's share of those asking for advice are women.
So, the takeaway is,
Women, in general, are more likely to ask for advice than men.
Why does this matter?
Consider Ryan Holiday's insights,
“You can’t learn if you think you already know.
You will not find the answers if you’re too conceited and self-assured to ask the questions.
You cannot get better if you’re convinced you are the best.”
Seeking advice and getting better resonates with me, because I used to think I was gifted.
Then one day after finishing a big project, I looked around and realized everyone in my department was more talented than I am.
Since I've made that realization, I've worked to improve my performance and that has meant asking for advice.
How about you,
Do you ask for advice?
Or, do you think you already know everything?
Also, who would you rather be 10 years from now?
Someone who's spent the last 10 years seeking advice and improving their performance?
Or, someone who decided 10 years ago, that they already were good enough?
Clark Finnical is a Career Expert and author. Clark's first book, Job Hunting Secrets (from someone who's been there), was published in 2017. LinkedIn Strategies to Take Your Career to the Next Level was published last year.
Feel free to send me a LinkedIn invite if we're not connected.
Cooking Show Host Healthy Meals In Minutes/Author/Holistic Chef/Public Speaker at The Food Whisperer LLC
5yI am curious by nature and the school I was educated at for the first 9 years of my life encouraged us to be critical thinkers and ask questions. I do strive to learn others' opinions yet some take it as a threat to them/challenging them and their knowledge/experience.
Liberator l Speaker l Award-Winning Author l Recipient of President's Lifetime Acheivement Award l Speaking Coach at TEDx Youth @Elliot Street l Survivor of a Mass Genocide in Cambodia
5yI'm glad to hear your report about the different mindset and attitude between man and women.
Talent Strategist | Program Leader | Change Architect
5yIn the workforce of the future, it is not about "know it alls" but "learn it alls". So glad to know from Clark Finnical that women are more likely to want advice and learn. That will just help us further our careers and move up the ladder in the new world of work to achieve gender parity sooner than 200 years. Thank you Clark for support!
YouMap® Profile Creator | Equips coaches, consultants & leaders to change lives with YouMap® | Bestselling Author of Ready, Set, Coach!, YouMap, Maximize 365, You've Got Quirks (kids) & more | Misunderstood Blog
5yOuch. GREAT message. Char Aukland