Andra’s Business German A–Z: What is “pünktlich” for a German?
Some […] core principles that we were all (generally) taught are to be on time and to stick to what you promise or commit to. […] And, we are told to do one thing at a time (“Eine Sache nach der anderen!”) and “alles zu seiner Zeit” (all in good time). And, for us, it is “normal” to be on time.
People who tend to be late are “abnormal,” and based on a very common understanding, need to be admonished or avoided. Having understood that, it might not come as a surprise to you that Germany ranks as one of the top countries worldwide when it comes to the stress we put on punctuality (“Pünktlichkeit”).
In business, arriving even a few minutes late (without a very good excuse) will create a bad impression. If you think a “Sorry, I was held up at another meeting!” is a very good excuse, forget it! Also, telling me that when coming from the airport during rush hour, it had unfortunately taken you more than the anticipated 10 minutes to arrive in the city center won’t make things better.
Normally, in business, I would expect you to arrive at my office some five to 10 minutes before the fixed timing (and ask my assistant to let you wait until the clock strikes whatever hour we have agreed upon). On the other hand, at a trade show, while people would expect you to show up at 10:00 a.m. sharp, for example, a delay of five minutes would usually not be frowned upon. However, if you are running more than five minutes late, better give your appointment a call and inform him or her of where you are and confirm that you are on your way. Maybe they will offer to reschedule or try to meet you halfway.
“After coming back from a long business trip to India, where things might not go as you want or not always as planned,” a German gentleman recently told me, “I was waiting for a train in Germany. It was fascinating to see how a delay of two or three minutes made everyone completely nervous, or even anxious, that they might run late for something.” He continued saying “the reactions were also very interesting, as many became angry within these few minutes and started complaining. First world problems, I’d say.”
Above is a snippet from my new book. You want to learn more about Germany? Then try to grab a copy of Doing Business in Germany : A Concise Guide to Understanding Germans and Their Business Practices. Either ask your bookseller to order a copy for you (might take a few days, though), or look out for it on amazon.
About the author
Andra Riemhofer is a German native and holds an applied science university diploma in Business Administration, along with an MA in Intercultural Communications and Cooperation. She has more than 20 years of work experience, and her books and other publications on German culture and India have been very well received. Working as a consultant, she helps international companies enter the German market and avoid the common pitfalls that typically arise from intercultural misunderstandings. Along with her hands-on intercultural support, she offers research, appointment-setting, handholding, and other sales-related services. Most of her clients are from the UAE, India, and Nordic countries. For further information on her portfolio and business philosophy, please log on to
omnia vincit nos cedamus amori
5yPünktlichkeit = Respekt, schafft Vertrauen und Ordnung, zeigt Interesse... - wer sein Gehalt nicht "pünktlich" am Konto vorfindet, kommt mit seinen Zahlungen in Verzug, was Misstimmung erzeugt.... also ist Pünktlichkeit auch wichtig für den Frieden!
simply seen @ ...
5yIch erlebe hier so nette MitarbeiterInnnen . die sind immer 15 Minuten vor Arbeitsbeginn da, andere kommen bestaendig 15 Minuten spaeter. Die Ersten sind mir lieber ...
SAP FICO S/4HANA || Immediately Available || Actively looking for a Job.
5yPünktlich bedeutet, dass jemand immer ganz genau einen Termin oder Unterricht kommt.
Product Manager | EdTech |M. Ed. Applied Linguistics | PSPO2
5yArriving early is also wrong. I remember once knocking on someone's door at 11.58 for a 12:00 meeting. Without looking at the clock, he said, "could you give me two more minutes, please?"