The Anointed Moment ...
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words.”
Abba Father good morning ~ What a beautiful day is coming. A day of everlasting life full of everlasting truthfulness, undeniable faithfulness, life-changing fulfillment, living affirmation, and anointed protective promises from our living God who loves this whole world. All of life. Our life personally, unconditionally, intimately. This amazing God breathing agape love into all of life. No life will ever go un-provided, uncared, unloved within this world. Every life matters to God. A day is coming where the ways of this world will encounter crippling fear and overwhelming disbelief as the most powerful anointed promise in the living bible is fulfilled for all of life to witness. There will be no hiding. No second guessing. Nowhere to go. There will be no more excuses, procrastinating, looking the other way. This day of accountability will not escape the ways of this world. Be reassured. Our living God cannot and will not be manipulated. The unknown but known moment proclaimed throughout the living bible from creation in Genesis 1:1 to finalization in Revelation 22:21 will come in powerful boldness. It is a moment extremely hard to comprehend to many. But remember, a life of faith need not comprehend. Who could possibly comprehend the sky boldly splitting open, archangel fearlessly proclaiming, trumpets rejoicing with sweetness, earth trembling under command splitting open and releasing bodies of all those who willingly believed without comprehending. The dead rising boldly for all to witness. Every believer dead or alive will be resurrected as the ways of this world trembles in unbearable fear. Commanding all this will be Our Lord, Christ Jesus leading the trumpet call of victory as satan meets the defeat of all defeats. The living bible proclaims; “All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved”. Not some. Not a few. But “All” What an anointed promise of fulfillment is coming at an unknown but known moment. What a vision all of life will witness; this moment of eternal defeat for satan and bold, courageous, fearless victory for our living God, our Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. A moment all of life can be intentionally prepared, properly equipped, and fearlessly ready. Joyfully proclaiming throughout this world, the best is yet to come. The banquet is being intimately equipped with the finest. The feast is being intimately prepared with diligence. The victory is getting intimately ready to be fulfilled. Our Lord, Christ Jesus is the banquet, the feast, and the victory. The invitations are being prepared at this very moment. All of life is invited. but not all of life will receive this precious invitation. Some will be turned away with great regret deep within their heart, their mind, their soul. Some will be rejoicing triumphantly with thanksgiving. Remember. The ways of this world will be in regret and the ways of living God will be rejoicing triumphantly. The invitation is offered to all. It can be opened within this very moment requesting your attendance to the banquet, the feast, the celebration with a life of faith. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Comprehension not required. Faith willingly believes, accepts, trusts, follows within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. Faith opens this precious invitation with life-changing gifts of cleansing, redeeming, restorational undeserved grace. Promises breathing everlasting life into our life with sustainable hope, comforting unconditional love, compassionate forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. This very moment we do have a choice, a decision, a way of life to choose. We can live in the ways of this world: missing the anointed invitation, banquet, feast, and celebration. Or willingly be living believing, accepting, trusting, and following within our living God, our Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit; attending the banquet, enjoying the feast, and praising the celebration with the anointed invitation of everlasting life in heaven. Remember ~ Faith trusts the unseen; chooses to believe, decides to follow, accepts a way of life we might never comprehend. What invitation is actively living deep within our inner-core of life of thriving life within our heart, our mind, our soul? Reflect if you must with utmost urgency. The anointed moment is coming my friend. Are you prepared, equipped, ready?
Father ~ Thank you for always loving, always forgiving, and always believing in me within every moment. Calling my name to believe, accept, trust, follow. Opening my heart to comforting agape love, my mind to redeeming truth, my soul to cleansing restoration. Anointed blessings of life-changing undeserved grace breathing sustainability, affirmation, faithfulness, and protection within every moment. Father ~ I accept boldly, courageously, fearlessly the invitation to the banquet, the feast, the celebration within you forever Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.
Michael J Zenner
Book Author at Dorrance Publishing Co.
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