Aorto-uni iliac endograft : with or without you ?
We had to take charge in emergency last week a 76 year old patient, ASA 3, for which the use of an aorto uni iliac endograft seemed to be the most suitable solution and a good alternative to open surgery.
This patient, without a medical past, came to the emergency room at 5 pm for abdominal pain for 48 hours. The biological evaluation revealed an inflammatory syndrome with 12000/ml leukocytes and a CRP at 120.
The CT scan revealed an 48 mm abdominal infra renal aortic aneurysm with a fuzzy contour, and a peri-aortic infiltrate suggesting a pre-fissure syndrome in an suspected inflammatory context.
There was also a right femoral aneurysm with pre-occlusive stenosis within it, and a multi-stenosed left iliac axis. Under these conditions, we performed an emergency endovascular management of this aneurysm, in order to prevent any risk of rupture.
In order to treat at the same operative stage the right femoral artery aneurysm (no percuteanous access available), and because of the risk of using a large diameter introducer in the multi-stenosed left iliac axis, we decided to use aorto right iliac endograft with left iliac occlusion, and a right-left femoro-femoral bypass.
The intervention was carried out without any technical problems. Thanks to the COMUVASC (Colmar Mulhouse Vascular) collaboration, a suitable endograft was available in less than 1 hour.
After a few days, biological inflammatory syndrome decreased, and the post operative CT scan revealed a sealed endoprosthesis without endoleaks.
In France, approximately 5000 aortic endografts are used each year in order to treat infra renal AAA. The proportion of aorto-uni-iliac endoprosthesis - occlusion of the contralateral iliac axis decreased from 27% in 2006 to 7.8% in 2017. (ATIH, Agence Technique de l'Information sur l'Hospitalisation)
In near futur, aorto uni iliac devices could disappear because of firms low profitability.
In the light of this clinical cas, emergency use of an aorto uni iliac endograft is still a simple and fast solution, requiring only an easy sizing, and avoiding an high risk open surgery. This device keeps, in our opinion, all its interest in the arsenal of a vascular surgeon.
Student at Delhi University
5y#Abdominal #Aortic #Aneurysm #AbdominalAorticAneurysm This part of the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm report encloses the detailed analysis of marketed drugs and Phase III and late Phase II pipeline drugs. It provides the key cross competition which evaluates the drugs on several parameters #including, #safety & #efficacy #results, #mechanism of action, route, launch dates and designations. This section also covers the market intelligence and tracking of latest happenings, #agreements and collaborations, approvals, patent details and other major breakthroughs. Get a Free PDF Download Now @ An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) can be life-threatening if it bursts. Abdominal aortic aneurysms are most common in older men and smokers. An AAA often grows slowly, without symptoms. As it grows, some people may notice a pulsating feeling near the navel. Pain in the back, stomach or side may be signs of impending rupture. Stopping smoking may slow their growth. Small ones may only need monitoring. Aneurysms that are too large or growing too quickly should be repaired with surgery.
Médecin du travail
7yBonjour Benjamin, effectivement les endoprothèses aorto-uni-iliaques tendent à disparaître, mais il reste toujours la solution des flow converters qui peuvent transformer ton endoprothèse bifurquée en aorto-uni-iliaque. Certes, cela rajoute un module en plus dans l'endoprothèse (et par conséquent dans le stock), mais à terme j'ai bien peur que cela ne soit la seule solution que les firmes nous proposeront...
MD, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Head of department CH Cholet France
7yJe partage également entièrement ton analyse Benjamin : septembre 2013 j'ai pratiqué mon premier REVAR aorto-uni avec succès en pleine nuit grâce au matériel que j'avais commandé pour un patient programmé à froid le lendemain . Très rapidement j'ai pu motiver une firme pour nous laisser dans notre petit centre en dépôt un kit d'urgence Aorto-uni. Depuis plusieurs années je constate que les rompus se raréfient et que nous utilisons de moins en moins d'aorto-uni pour les anévrismes réglés à froid. Maintenant je redoute pour nos patients le jour où l'on nous retira ce matériel si simple d'utilisation car trop peu utilisé.
MD, PhD, Professor of Vascular Surgery (PU-PH) at Ambroise Paré Hospital, AP-HP, UVSQ Paris-Saclay University
7yTout à fait d'accord avec toi Benjamin, il faut que ces modèles persistent pour les rares situations où ils sont encore la seule solution. Il est étonnant que les mêmes firmes développant les endoprotheses branchées hypogastriques arrêtent les aorto-uni car je ne suis pas sûr que cela soit un marché très différent en nombre de procédures. Mais probablement l'est il en termes de rentabilité
Chirurgien Vasculaire et Endovasculaire Côte d'Ivoire Consultant en Chirurgie Vasculaire et Endovasculaire à Mulhouse Vascular and Endovascular Surgery in Ivory Coast- Côte d'Ivoire
7yGreat collaboration between the 2 teams