Application of Lean Manufacturing Principles to the Supplier PPAP Process – eliminate waste!
Executives need to understand how really, really bad the current Supplier PPAP process is for such a critical business issue.

Application of Lean Manufacturing Principles to the Supplier PPAP Process – eliminate waste!

Many companies are now recognizing their outdated quality management systems are putting them at risk. The Supplier Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) really shows how extensive the problem has become. PPAP requires suppliers to submit a standardized set of documents to prove that materials are meeting industry standards. Although initially an automotive standard, PPAP is increasingly used across many industries, including AS9145 in aerospace, medical devices, consumer products, and more.

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At many companies, supplier quality management processes are a cobbled mix of on-premise software, email, and even paper files, that the purchasing, engineering, and quality teams struggle with to complete their work. The results are often supplier inconsistency, missed steps and ineffective communication, which makes it hard to effectively control documents and manage the PPAP process. With dozens, or even hundreds of suppliers, these outdated systems are difficult and time consuming to manage and report against, making visibility, consistency, and control nearly impossible. By having suppliers access a platform and filling out their own required documents, there is no more back and forth emails. Implementing a new, single instance, multi-tenant SaaS cloud system will allow suppliers to author and submit complete & effective PPAP documents efficiently.  The data analytics from a single Supplier database are significant versus a mess of stand-alone spreadsheets.

Lean manufacturing has enabled businesses to increase production, reduce costs, improve quality, and increase profits.

The seven Lean principles are:

·       Eliminate waste

·       Build quality in

·       Create knowledge

·       Defer commitment

·       Deliver fast

·       Respect people

·       Optimize the whole

Lean manufacturing identified three types of waste: muda, muri and mura (known collectively as the 3M).

·       Muda refers to activities that consume resources without providing additional value

·       Muri refers to overuse of equipment or employees

·       Mura is operational “unevenness,” which decreases efficiency and productivity in the long term

Eliminate Waste in the PPAP Process

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Defects: When a PPAP submission is rejected because it does not meet the customer expectations, it is not only extremely costly, but it usually attracts unwanted attention from your customers. A good way to reduce defects is to agree with your customer in the PPAPs’ acceptance/reject criteria and use a PPAP Checklist. This way, you can make sure that the selected documents meet your customer expectations before you submit them saving you time, money, and embarrassment. One more caution, there have been too many cases of taking a spreadsheet, using File Save As, and sending the wrong document to the wrong customer, sometimes with proprietary information.

Over Production: Over production is to produce items before they are needed. Translating this concept to a PPAP, you may be working in a PPAP that is not needed anymore or in a PPAP that will be needed months later,  when you should be working in another urgent PPAP needed this week.

Transportation: In a manufacturing environment, transportation means moving the product around. For PPAP, transportation is the effort of gathering the different documents that are part of the PPAP submission. If you use spreadsheets and email to manage your PPAPs, it is likely that you will spend an excessive amount time authoring and gathering the PPAP documents.

Wait:  If you are using a spreadsheet with different tabs for each task supported by different individuals/functions, this means that a partial PPAP submission cannot be submitted (must wait) until every document is completed and entered into the spreadsheet. If you use stand-alone spreadsheets, you can start sending partial submission as the elements are completed, but now you have more work to try to manage and integrate stand-alone spreadsheets.

Inventory:  Considered excess inventory to be the excess work needed to complete unnecessary PPAPs. If a PPAP is caused by an Engineering Change that is close to the date of annual re-validation, you can use the Engineering Change PPAP to also cover the annual re-validation, so you do not have to perform two separate PPAPs.  If you have numerous revision changes during launch make a full PPAP and for the following versions you can use PPAPs with fewer elements validating only what changed from one revision to another.

Motion: Motion waste is, simply put, moving more than necessary when doing work. How many of these motions do you recognize from your PPAP process?

·       Searching emails for PPAP status

·       Searching computer folders for PPAP files

·       Checking to make sure all the operations match in the most updated Process Flow, PFMEA, and Control Plan

·       Tracking action items from FMEAs

·       Spending 80% of your time on project task management and 20% on value added work

·       And more…

Over Processing: Over Processing waste is the excess of work needed to complete a PAPP or elements inside a PPAP. Working on a PPAP that is no longer needed is a good example. Another example is the effort of putting together a GR&R in the MSA. If you already have a GR&R study performed for the same instrument with acceptable results, you can surrogate this GR&R (assuming it is not older than one year, unless agreed with the customer) and use it in your PPAP. We recommend that you check with your customer representative first. You can also make generic PFMEAs or generic Control Plans to save you time and effort.


A digital transformation is able to address the above wastes in the Supplier PPAP process. 

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From the supplier’s perspective, a shared platform for collaborating records and documents tied to standardized workflows is becoming the industry standard because of the increased business process efficiency. Web access to the platform enables your team and suppliers, to also focus on business activities rather than documentation activities. It also provides your team and suppliers the flexibility to securely do their work wherever is convenient.  Here are potential next steps:

·       Stop using spreadsheets and email for managing Supplier PPAP

·       Provide Suppliers with a database driven document authoring system

·       Connect the system to Purchase Orders that start the PPAP request

·       Connect the system to Receiving that validates if the Supplier PPAP has or has not been approved, or conditional approval.


To complete a single PPAP, there is significant non-value added time in switching back and forth between disjointed software systems, for example, a spreadsheet tracker, email, Adobe Acrobat, Minitab, another spreadsheet task tracker, SharePoint, and a separate engineering system. Information is siloed, and data must be manually input, multiple times, during the process. It is needlessly full of waste such as time consuming, prone to manual error, and inconsistent.

Therefore, build a knowledge base from Supplier PPAP and dramatically shorten time and improve results to minimize risk:

• PPAP Creation Time – Reduce 60%

• PPAP Reporting / Submission time – Reduce 90%

• PPAP Effectiveness – Improve 80%

Need help convincing your executive team? I can help.

John M. Cachat

PeProSo, LLC

Reference Video -Supplier PPAP Webinar - What Software Does and Does Not Work & Why -


Dy Mgr in Quality Assurance New Model Development at Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.


Very nice article 👍👍


Calidad 4.0 y Movilidad Sostenible | Director Calidad | Proveedores, Packaging y Postventa


Although I agree on basic idea of the article I’m afraid I have a major amended. PPAP process is a real time consuming but mainly for the supplier not for customers. How many time are my engineers wasting on paper work? Too much sure, but reducing this time and providing tools for improvement will be not the solution. The BIB PROBLEM is because a lot of organizations are focused on gathering papers, instead of concentrate on products and process. I expected my engineers to spend time in the assembly line, checking the product performance. This is in my opinion the real KEY POINT

John I really interested on this software. Do you have a demo you can share?

John Thomas

Operational Excellence Enthusiast


No PPAP I was ever involved in submitting was simply a document exercise. Sure some customers were too busy or lazy to pay close attention but many checked thoroughly and some made sure that they selected the specific products to be included in the submission. Parts produced in sequence, mid batch at rate by trained operators using approved material, tooling and gauges. That approach made it more of a challenge.

PPAP is just documentation. It doesn't matter how good, or bad, your documentation is it does not guarantee good quality. I have received excellent PPAP submissions from my worst supplier and very poor ones from good suppliers. The critical thing is the supplier understands the process and how to control it and how to prevent rejects being shipped. This is far more important than efficiently putting some paperwork together no matter if it is manual or sophisticated software.

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