Asking Permission
“Don’t wait for the world to give you permission.”
I’m taking a risk. By trade, I’m a middle school teacher. I’ve never owned a business in my entire life and half the time I don’t know what I’m doing. Regardless, everyday I wake up before the rest of my house to figure things out. To try to solve the puzzles I’ve created for myself. I give myself permission to try. Just try.
Even though I post these letters out to people all over social media there is one thing that I refuse to do, ask you for permission.
Even though I post these letters out to people all over social media there is one thing that I refuse to do, ask you for permission. When the idea for Lyons Educational Consulting shot down into my brain, I didn’t pause to ask the world if it would be a good idea to add another task to my plate. I didn’t ask the world if it were okay to step into the rushing water of social justice work...and I never will.
I’m asking of you the same thing that I ask of myself. Don’t ask for permission to do the things that you deem most important. Want to have a conversation with your neighbor about race? Have the conversation. Want to go to a mosque to learn more about the ways in which Muslims worship? Go. Want to volunteer at a shelter for teens who have been kicked out of their homes because they are queer? Do it.
Want to volunteer at a shelter for teens who have been kicked out of their homes because they are queer? Do it.
For those who are courageous enough, you will find that there is no permission slip needed for where we are going. Trust me.
Everyday. Brave.
Asia Lyons
Founder & Executive Director | Lyons Educational Consulting