Back to School: How to Help Your Children (and You) Form Good Habits.
In the United States, it's back-to-school time. And that means getting back into the habits required by school.
So many things to manage! Waking up on time and going to bed on time. Packing the backpack for school, with homework, permissions slips, lunch, sports clothes, etc. Doing homework. Showing up promptly throughout the day. Plus, many children have after-school activities, so there's just that much more to remember.
The question is: how can we help children form habits that will help them handle this load, without our constant nagging and supervising?
I've thought a lot about this myself, because each year when school begins, it hits my family hard. We have to work to get back into the swing of routine. Upholder that I am (see below), I relish this routine, but the other members of my family don't agree.
In my book Better Than Before, about habit-formation, I learned one key fact that many habit experts ignore. There is no magic, one-size-fits-all solution for habits. The thing that works for me may be the opposite of what works for you. We need to form habits in a way that suits our nature. And the same is true for kids.
In Better Than Before, I identify 21 strategies that we can use to master our habits. So there are many from which to choose, as you try to help your child. Consider, for example:
Strategy of Convenience -- this is the most universal strategy. We're all more likely to do something if it's easy to do it. So make it easy for your child to stick to a habit. If you want him to hang up his coat, clear out the closet so there's plenty of room, or put in hooks that are quicker to use than hangers. If you want her to practice an instrument every afternoon, figure out a way so that all the equipment can stay at the ready, instead of needing to be hauled out and put away every time she practices.
Strategy of Inconvenience -- likewise, we're less likely to do something if it's a pain. If you want him to stop sneaking cookies, put the cookies in a hard-to-open container on a high shelf. If you want her to stop hitting the snooze alarm in the morning, put the alarm clock across the room, so she has to get out of bed to turn it off.
Strategy of Distinctions -- people are very different from each other, but we parents often try to make our children form the habits that work for us. Don't assume that because something works for you -- that you work best in a space that's very quiet and spare, or you think most clearly early in the morning, or you like to get everything finished well before the deadline, or you like to have a lot of supervision -- that the same is true for your child. Pay close attention to how that child works best.
I made this mistake with my older daughter. When I work, I must be at a desk, and I kept trying to get her to work at a desk, instead of sitting in a chair or on her bed. It drove me crazy. How could she be productive on her laptop, when she was sprawled across her bed? Finally, light dawned. Just because I work best at a desk doesn't make that a universal law of human nature.
Strategy of Abstaining -- this strategy works well for some people, but not for others. Talk to your child, and explain, "For some people, it's too hard to have a little bit of something, or to do something for a little while. They find it easier to give something up altogether. Do you think that for you, it would be easier to stop ________ [playing that favorite video game, using that app] than to try to do it just a little bit? Or maybe just do it on the weekend?" Your child may surprise you. Maybe not, but maybe.
Strategy of Other People -- to a huge degree, we're influenced by other people's habits. So if you want your children to adopt a habit, adopt that habit yourself. If you want them to be organized in the morning, be organized yourself. If you want them to go to sleep on time, go to sleep on time yourself. If you want them to put down their devices and read a book, put down your device.
Strategy of Foundation -- It's easier to stick to our good habits when we have a strong foundation. That means getting enough sleep; not letting yourself get too hungry; getting some exercise; and (for most people) keeping our physical space reasonably orderly. So to help your child manage habits well, make sure to emphasize things like bedtime, not skipping meals, physical activity, and clutter.
Strategy of the Four Tendencies -- In this personality framework, I divide all of humanity into four categories: Upholders, Questioners, Obligers, and Rebels. Sometimes, it's hard to tell a child's Tendency until young adulthood -- but some Tendencies are obvious from a very young age.
To figure out your Tendency, here's a Quiz. You could ask your child to take the Quiz, or read the short description of the Tendencies here -- in many cases, you will very easily identify your child's Tendency.
Or here's an extremely over-simplified version, but to give you an idea:
If your child seems to need little support during the school year, that child is probably an Upholder.
If your child asks a lot of questions, and says things like, "But what's the point of memorizing the state capitols?" "I didn't do that homework because it's a waste of my time, and the teacher is an idiot," your child is probably a Questioner.
If your child is able to do tasks when given reminders, deadlines, supervision, but struggles to do things on his or her own, that child may be an Obliger.
If, to a very noticeable degree, your child wants to do things in his or her own way and own time, that child is probably a Rebel. If you ask or tell a Rebel to do something, that Rebel is very likely to resist. It's very helpful to identify a Rebel early, because the strategies that work for the other Tendencies often backfire with Rebels! It's not the case that "all toddlers are Rebels" or "All teens are Rebels."
In just about every situation, it's extremely helpful to know a person's Tendency, because it makes a big difference in what works. For instance, the Strategy of Accountability is crucial for Obligers; often helpful but perhaps not necessary for Upholders and Questioners, but counter-productive for Rebels! Supervision, nagging, and reminders will make a Rebel child less likely to keep a habit.
The Four Tendencies framework is a huge subject and I wrote an entire book about the tendencies and how to use them in different situations. The Four Tendencies was an instant New York Times bestseller!
If you want to hear more, you can also listen to discussions on the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast. Elizabeth and I have talked about it several times, for instance, here.
How about you -- have you found any strategies or tips for helping a child to form good habits? The pressures of school make it very clear that for children as well as for adults, having helpful habits makes life a lot easier.
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Gretchen Rubin is the author of Outer Order, Inner Calm, her most recent New York Times bestseller about how getting control of our stuff makes us feel more in control of our lives and frees our minds (and our shelves) for what we truly value. She has also written four other bestsellers: The Four Tendencies, Better Than Before, The Happiness Project, and Happier at Home. She writes about happiness and habit-formation at Follow her here on LinkedIn by clicking the yellow FOLLOW button, on Twitter, on Facebook, on Instagram, and listen to her popular podcast, Happier with Gretchen Rubin.
Executive Assistant to CEO at Rubicon Research Pvt Ltd
5yGood post
Managing Director at FirstRule Group
5yThanks for the a-ha that my daughter is a Rebel! Must go back and re-read that chapter to figure out what works for her!
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Marketing Consultant | Supporting your business with creative content marketing
5yI'm trying the strategy of convenience with my daughter and doing the new habit with her. She gets more me time and we both get the benefit of a new habit. Really enjoyed reading the article.
Project Management & IT Solutions Implementation Expert
5yThank you for this beautiful article.