Whatever you may think, fit people are not born - they are made! How are they made you may be asking? - but you know the answer really!
They are the people you see in the gym or outside exercising come rain, snow or the harshest of times. They always find the time to workout no matter how early or late it may be. They work full time, they volunteer their help to good causes, they have good family time and still schedule in posts on their social media of them doing it all! How???
Well, let's start at the very origins! The thing is that these people make thousands of tiny healthy/fit choices which over time result in big healthy habits, and ultimately a successful fitness lifestyle.
Does it always go to plan? Absolutely not - but every failure or mistake is used to learn and move on from. This grows momentum and the successes begin to outweigh the failures. Time passes, and then suddenly - boom - it happens!
Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day - how you use them will define you.
Below I will look at some bad habits which all people who are fit and healthy, and live a fitness lifestyle have eliminated from their lives. You can do the same - the power is in your hands!
Bad Habit No.1: "I WILL WORK OUT WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT". Excuses sound best to the people making them. So whilst the story you are telling yourself might be temporarily convincing yourself, if you heard someone else say it you would probably find it laughable, weak or incorrect.
For example, you've arrived home from work feeling tired and stressed. You'd argued with your partner and haven't been sleeping well. What do you think you should do? Go with this downward none serving flow, or turn it around? I'm not saying a workout will solve all your problems, but it will re-align you onto a self serving positive path!
The more you do something, the more you will feel like doing it. This is how you build a good habit instead of a bad or negative one.
Most people think exercising when you are tired will only make you more tired - but this is totally the opposite! People who complete regular work outs have improved fatigue and focus. It has been found that the average impact of working out on a person’s focus is similar to stimulant medications! If you keep missing your afternoon workouts, try exercising earlier in the morning, before work or at night! There is always a way for the person with the fitness mindset.
Bad Habit No.2: "I WOULD DO EXERCISE, BUT MY FRIENDS AREN'T INTO THAT". If the Alpha of your pack is a 'anti exercise, but pro food and booze', what do you think often happens? They are the ones who usually organises your 'meet ups' and nights out.
Is your regular meeting place the pub, a restaurant or cinema? Do you find yourself sat around for hours drinking alcohol, eating sugary or fatty foods and generally abusing your body? Does everyone in your meet-up group complain about packing on the weight, but doesn't do anything about it?
Whilst there is a time and place for the above, and I certainly wouldn't suggest people shouldn't have time to relax and enjoy a nice drink and meal, it shouldn't be the only option!
How about you take charge of some of the 'meet-up' planning and suggest some fun active group activities. All it takes is one friend to suggest and push something new to start the gradual shift. Why not sign up for a group race or event. Join the gym together or all sign up to a weekly fitness class. When this weekend would be a good time to start!?
Bad Habit No.3: "I WORK HARD DURING THE WEEK, AND THEN PUSH THE PARTYING AT WEEKENDS TO THE LIMITS'. You may have your healthy weekday routine 'nailed down', but when it comes to weekends you fall! Again, we are not robots and should have time for fun, relaxation and enjoyment. However, it must also be noted that 'everything counts'. and you should know the limits. To master and enjoy a healthy fitness lifestyle, fitness must be incorporated into your everyday life, and that includes weekends!
The way to do this does not mean you spend your weekend in the gym or doing intense exercise. What it means instead of sitting in the pub all day or watching meaningless soaps on TV, go try new activities. How about going and exploring that new hike trail, go try a new sport or activity. Eventually you'll end up liking your new weekends more than the previous ones - and you won't be hungover!
Any questions please fire them over.
Ian David Worthington.
Creator, Owner and Coach at