Bald ist Weihnachten
#EUOpen4Business - Das Enterprise Europe Network in Deutschland stand in diesem Jahr im Mittelpunkt dieser Marketing-Kampagne der Europäischen Kommission. Diese Initiative war für unsere Kunden – getreu dem Motto offen für neue Geschäftschancen zu sein – eine gute Gelegenheit ihre Erfolge auf einer großen Bühne zu präsentieren. Darüber hinaus sind in diesem Jahr dank der Arbeit der NRW.Europa-ExpertInnen wieder zahlreiche erfolgreiche Kooperationen, Innovationen und Internationalisierungsvorhaben unterstützt worden. In unseren Erfolgsgeschichten ( können Sie jederzeit nachlesen wie wir unseren Leitspruch #EENCanHelp mit Leben füllen. Dies schaffen wir aber nicht alleine, sondern nur in Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden und Stakeholdern, denen wir an dieser Stelle für die gute Zusammenarbeit danken möchten.
Lesen Sie unseren vollständigen Weihnachtsgruß unter:
Seasons Greetings from NRW.Europa:
#EUOpen4Business - This years focus of the Enterprise Europe Network in Germany was on the European Commission marketing campaign. This initiative was a good opportunity for our customers - true to the motto to be open for new business opportunities - to present their success on a big stage. In addition, thanks to the work of the NRW.Europa experts, numerous successful cooperations, innovations and internationalisation projects were again supported this year. In our success stories you can read at any time how we bring our motto #EENCanHelp to life. However, we do not achieve this alone, but only in cooperation with our customers and stakeholders, whom we would like to take this opportunity to thank for the good cooperation.
As NRW.Europa we are a member of a strong network with more than 600 reliable partners in the EU, but also beyond, which is only made possible by the support of the European Commission and the regional co-financing of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
In our consortium, ZENIT GmbH, NRW.BANK and NRW.International GmbH work together under the name "NRW.Europa" Hand in Hand to support the representatives of business and science in NRW.
According to a survey conducted in spring 2019, customer satisfaction reached a new high. A total of 88% of clients expressed their satisfaction with the network's services, and 92% would recommend its services to other small and medium-sized companies. This also motivates us to continue.
We will be there for you again next year 2020!
We wish you a pleasant and relaxing Christmas season and a good start into a successful year 2020 with new opportunities for innovation and growth!