I was privileged to walk to work daily through the southwest corner of Central Park for 4 years. Photographically, it was a never-ending source of inspiration and remains my most favourite place in the Big Apple. A year after my arrival in New York in 2005 I embarked on a somewhat reluctant conversion from film to digital. I was learning the D70, the bottom-of-the range, 6 MB sensor Nikon, since the D2X, with its twice-larger 12MB sensor was too expensive a risk to take, should digital turn out to not be “my thing”. Given my relative technical innocence at the time, this image of a pedestrian bridge in the park still surprises me by its subtlety and graphic power. I hope you like it too.
⚡️I help companies identify growth opportunities via Market Research & Innovation⚡️Design Thinking Certified⚡️Licensed Facilitator of the SparkLab Innovation Fresk/Fresco⚡️
3yGreat photo!