Being Authentic Is The New Black
Being authentic is the new black.
We're all tired of the fake appearances people give on social media...
... and in real life.
I'm guilty of it.
I was raised with the notion that you don't share your dirty laundry.
Well, no one wants to wear my dirty laundry... or my clean laundry for that matter (style's not in my in my zone of genius apparently).
Yes, authentic is the new black.
Last night my wife and I went out on a date night.
Dinner... drinks... and a documentary.
Before you start judging me about taking my beautiful lady to a documentary, let me tell you that she picked it.
It was Rachel Hollis' documentary (slash infomercial).
And it was great!
I didn't know much about Rachel's story. I knew she wrote a best selling book and had a few podcasts - one of which she does with her husband that my wife and I listen together when driving on longer trips.
What caught my eye the most was Rachel's ability to be unapologetically herself. It was beautiful.
Rachel certainly put in the hard work to get where she's at, but I believe it's her ability to be authentic that allows her to connect with her audience.
What are you going to do to strip away the mask and be more authentic today?
Doug Holt
Chief Executive Officer @ Constant Marketing | Entrepreneurial Business
6y⚡ Doug Holt ⚡Authenticity truly is the New Black. Sometimes I wonder though, if in some way, it begins to be ‘over’ sharing?