Being The Batman in work is difficult but a good choice.
So what can a comic book character, created by Bob Kane in 1939, teach us about how to survive and flourish in the work environment?
Quite a lot actually....
Now I want to be clear from the start. I don't think its a good idea to dress up as Batman and fight crime in the office. This will not end up well for you or for anyone else involved.
However if we look at Batman three characteristics or actions stand out for me:
1) He understand sacrifice is vital if he wants to achieve his goals.
Sacrifice is something that Batman is all to familiar with. Bruce Wayne, the man behind the mask, appears to have it all. He has wealth, status, power and if we looked him up on Facebook his life would seem pretty much perfect. However materialism offers Bruce Wayne little sanctuary and he is willing to sacrifice all this in pursuit of meaning and purpose. Those who are successful and achieve their goals are usually familiar with sacrifice. Leisure, fun, comfort and especially time are often common causalities.
Unlike the Batman, who even sacrifices his health and life, our sacrifices don't have to be as grand. They can be small yet significant. We can:
- Explore personal development - This can involve gaining more education or training that can help you improve in your job and progress within the company.
- Volunteer and participate in activities that will get you noticed and help make positive changes within the company.
- Start a little bit earlier and finish that bit later. It visually demonstrates work ethic and commitment to the company and your position.
2) In the face of adversity he always chooses the right not the easy decision.
When life gets tough, which it will, we are faced with two options that are demonstrated by Batman and his nemesis The Joker. Batman although born into wealth and opportunity faces devastating pain and adversity throughout his life. However he chooses to face his obstacles head on and confronts his demons. His values and beliefs remain in tact, even though the easy option would be to give up.
This inspirational yet demanding mindset is polar opposite of the Jokers. Although his history is less clear it seems the Joker, who has also faced adversity, has given up and rejected society. Lifes kicks has made him bitter and he has become destructive. He has opted out, which brings no rewards for him or those around him. Make no mistake being like the Joker in this case is an easier and even more attractive option. However it is shortsighted and one without reward and growth.
We will face challenges in the work place like we do in life. We will face rejection and opposition. We will face times that are dark and perhaps we will want to take the easier option. However this is the time to remember we are tougher than we think.We must be ready to take the hard decisions that will make our life and those we love better.
3) He genuinely cares and wants to help those that are more vulnerable.
Batman's appeal to me as a child was his desire to help the most vulnerable in society. His level of empathy drove him to put others before himself and protect them from malevolent forces. This at first seems to be idealistic but quests what?........................
We live in a world and a work place that is growing more idealistic.
Coming from a sales background a major strength is how we make our customers feel. If we remove their pain and help them, they are more likely to form a relationship and buy. Selfish salespeople don't thrive in this climate.
In the office when we help our colleagues, especially those struggling, we set a positive example to those around us. This sets the right example and creates a positive environment not only for our colleagues but for us. We become a benefit to the company, someone who adds value and someone earmarked for future success.
Finally its important to remember that don't have to wear capes and fight villains dressed as a penguin to be like Batman. We just have to make the right although challenging choices. As the caped crusader states "It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.".