I am reminded of a time in my life when I was bound by something I believed. It was not true but I believed it was. Hence I acted as if it was true. I believed that if I ran a Marathon I would die.

Illogical as that may sound, that is what I believed. For years that Belief and the resultant Fear kept in a state of inaction. I was locked in a prison of my own making. Kept in a state of inaction by my own belief. Not by the truth, but by what I believed.

I am not alone in this situation. I am reminded of the story in the Bible of David and Goliath. The hosts of Israel were in a State of Inaction caused by the resultant fear at the mere appearance of Goliath. Not that their fear didn’t seem real or justified, but it was their underlying BELIEF that Goliath could not be beat. Goliath was too big. Too strong. Too Ominous. It was impossible in their MINDS.

Then along comes David with a different belief and slays Goliath.

Today many people are bound by similar beliefs. Beliefs that they cannot do something, be someone. These beliefs stop them from trying or even asking questions to FREE themselves from their imaginary prison.

I say prison because that is what some beliefs do. They keep us where we are. Keep us who we are. Keep us from creating the dreams we have inside us. Some even stop us from Dreaming.

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How do we get out of this prison created by our beliefs? For me it started with asking questions. Questions like:

What am I afraid of?

Is that really true?

What if …?

Could there be another way?

Could this be the answer?

Has anyone else been in a similar circumstance?

What did they do?

How could I do better?

The questions are limitless but it all starts with questions. Questions based with a hope that there could be a solution a better way.

Questioning does require effort. It requires thinking and honesty.

Then after all of that, DELIVERANCE requires even more effort. You must be willing to ACCEPT and Embrace the new belief. Then you must ACT on your new belief to Free yourself from Prison.

Regarding my belief of dying if I ran a marathon. I gave the hope of being able to do that room to grow. I studied. I talked to others that had successfully completed marathons. I made a plan. Then I worked the plan and began running.

I remember the first day I ran double digit miles, (ten miles in one day). When I was done, I stopped and looked around. I actually pinched my arms and legs to make sure it was real. I was still standing. I hadn’t died.  

Then several weeks later I was scheduled to run 15 miles. I stopped for water at 13 miles and realized I had another two miles in me. I reasoned if I could run 15 miles I could run 26.2 and still be alive. The Prison doors were unlocked, light was coming in.

After completing my first Marathon I was FREE. Free to Run 26.2 again and again. Free to experience Life. Free of the Fear which kept me immobilized for years. Free to be ME.

Each of us has beliefs which we think are true, which are not. We have Fears based upon false beliefs.

Fear is actually False Evidence Appearing Real.

Let’s ask the hard questions to unlock the door of our imagined prison. Let’s embrace our new beliefs. Let’s Act upon those new beliefs. Let’s Create our Dreams. Let’s be FREE.

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