Best Investing Apps, Best Workout Tracker, & Completing Things To Move Your Life Forward (Fit Rich Life Newsletter No. 61)

Best Investing Apps, Best Workout Tracker, & Completing Things To Move Your Life Forward (Fit Rich Life Newsletter No. 61)

Greetings Colleagues & Friends,

Here's a quote I've been pondering while reflecting on my career/life:

"When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live."— Greg Anderson, Author

Without further ado, let's proactively build your Fit Rich Life.

This is your weekly dose of actionable tips, tools & strategies to take your Fitness, Money, and Life to the Next Level.

FITNESS: Which app to use to track your workouts?

My favorite app to track my workouts is the Strong Workout Tracker Gym Log.

It's available for free on the Apple App Store as well as Google Play.

Tracking your workout is critical to making real fitness progress.

Two of the biggest reasons people fail in their fitness progress are that (a) they don't track their workout and (b) they don't follow an actual workout program.

Here is a free 4-day workout program that you can utilize to get in great shape for summer.

You can rebuild this workout plan in the Strong App to easily track every rep/set and strategically implement progressive overload (increasing the volume week over week) which is a scientifically-backed way to increase muscle growth. The Strong App lets you easily track your volume per exercise.

MONEY: Which investment brokerage platform should you use?

One of the most frequent questions I get from clients and people on social media is which app/platform should one use for their investing.

The three brokerages I use and trust are Vanguard, Charles Schwab, and Fidelity.

While there are plenty of other options out there, these three companies have been around for a long time, they all have a great track record, and all have low-fee index fund options.

They are also easy to use on your desktop web browser or through a smartphone app.

Plus, they all allow you to easily do a Backdoor Roth contribution if you're a high-earner.

The Backdoor Roth Strategy is a neat (legal) tax loophole that everyone who makes too much money to contribute to a Roth should be taking advantage of. Check out Newsletter 53 for more on this tax optimization strategy.

For the record, I am not affiliated with any of them (meaning I don't get paid to recommend them). I just like and use them.

Last note: a lot of the other apps for investing out there encourage frequent trading, which goes against my buy-and-hold index fund investing philosophy. Personally, I don't know anyone in real life who is Financially Independent as a Day Trader, but I do know dozens of Millionaires and Financially Independent people in real life who follow the same investment strategy as me (buying and holding index funds).

LIFE: Use the power of completion to move your life forward.

My biggest childhood dream was to go to Stanford.

After not getting in on the first try, I did get in on my second attempt (more on that another time).

Then my life journey would lead me to drop out of Stanford with only two quarters left and then I fell into the seductive business of Hollywood Nightclubs.

While this was an incredibly fun and lucrative career, the fact that I had left my childhood dream incomplete gnawed away at my Spirit.

Over the years, I began to feel increasing levels of shame and sadness at leaving this major life goal incomplete, but I suppressed those feelings with excessive alcohol and drug use.

It literally sucked the joy out of my life but I masked it with substance abuse.

This led me to stay in this career for several years after I had realized it wasn't what I wanted to do long-term.

Eventually, I sobered up enough to recognize that in order to move my life forward I had to complete my childhood dream.

I took a courageous leap and I left my successful Hollywood Nightclub career to go back to Stanford and finally graduate.

This would then lead me to become a founding team member of Stanford Startup and become a Multimillionaire. Both of which were also childhood dreams of mine.

The point I'm making is that you can almost always go back and complete things that you have left undone and by completing incomplete things, your life will move forward.

Each and every incomplete thing in your life is sucking your life energy away. Just like having too many browser windows open on your computer or too many apps open on your smartphone will slow down your digital tools.

Think through your life and identify any small or big things that you have left undone that once completed will move your life forward.

This could be finishing a meaningful side project, restoring integrity to a relationship, completing a degree, picking back up a dream you left incomplete, or even as simple as re-comiting to a fitness goal.

Lastly, you don't have to complete the incomplete in one day or one week.

Just take the next step, then the next step, and keep baby-stepping your way to completion.

It took me well over a year to leave my career in Hollywood Nightclubs, go back to Stanford, and finally graduate, but it all began with a simple 10-minute phone call to Stanford Admissions to see if I could come back and finish.

Closing Thoughts:

Whether it's getting the Strong App, getting set up with one of the well-vetted investment brokerages mentioned above, or taking the next step to get an incomplete completed do ONE THING this week that is going to move your fitness, money, or life forward.

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I am sending you all lots of Energy & plenty of Dragon Magic!

Your Fitness, Money & Life Coach,

Justin David Carl

Whenever you're ready, here is how I can help you:

I run a custom-tailored 1-1 & group mastermind coaching program that will empower you to achieve your ideal level of fitness, master your money, & live your best life.

Yup, it's a proven Fitness, Money, and Life Coaching Program unlike anything else out there.

You can book a free consultation with me or just drop me a note here on LinkedIn to find a time to connect.

Scott McDonald

Leadership, Advisory, Advocacy | Building Healthy Teams & Organizations | Chief Sales Officer, The Brooks Group


Miss that Dragon Magic! Trust you are well my friend. Thanks for your continued wisdom and focus on lifting others!

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