The best way to learn VHDL for FPGA design
→ Start practicing the basic digital design circuits such as combinational circuits (logic gates, adder, subtractor, comparator, MUX etc..) and sequential circuits (Flops, Counter, Shift Registers, Memory, FSM, etc),
→ Start using any of the FPGA developer tools like Xilinx Vivado/ Intel(Altera) Quatrus II, this helps you to design your circuit, simulate, synthesize and implement in the real hardware,
→ Join in any of the tech discussion forum, where you can share your developed RTL and get it clarified,
———→ Stack Overflow
———→ Xilinx Community Forum
———→ Intel FPGA Discussion Forum
→ The above mentioned practices are important, and additionally, you can refer to any of the standard reference book, to get in-depth understanding about the concepts,
———→ VHDL: Design, Synthesis, and Simulation by Debaprasad Das
———→ Digital System Design with VHDL by Chang
→ Refer to the lectures from the below online learning platforms to enhance your understanding,
———→ Skill-share
———→ Udemy
———→ NPTEL
———→ Coursera
The advantages of learning VHDL and FPGA platform,
* VHDL is harder, if you learn VHDL then learning Verilog becomes easy, (Verilog is the standard language used widely across the industry)
* Learning FPGA platform, helps to understand the hardware and gives the debug visibility in real-time hardware, In VLSI industries, FPGAs are mainly used to emulate the ASIC designs before real silicon, and also used as an accelerator for CPU/GPU!
Comment below for more details,
Prasanth S