Beyond personality traits
By Isabel Hidalgo López, Communications and Human Behavior in business ecosystems
Over the years personality traits assessments have been applied by companies to better understand their team members and even though most of these tools can be useful is well known that personality traits assessments are no conclusive and when applied in team dynamics they tend to categorize people, they stablish a label on someone based only on a single test.
Human behavior is not only based on some parts of our personality is mostly based on:
· Context interaction
· Past Experiences
· Age
· Socio-Cultural assets of beliefs
· Conditioning
· Personality traits
So instead of identifying how different or how alike an entire organization could be due to its Human resource why don´t we focus on integrating each of the human assets to make them a real machine of extreme productivity. Like a real engine made of a huge number of different pieces from different origins and yet perfectly assemble and measured to deliver. In order to achieve that we must take into consideration:
1. Power Dynamics
2. Leadership dynamics
3. People as a whole: Their cultural set of belief
4. Identifying skills that are valued at the organization
5. And at the very end personality traits.
Our ¨Amazing Teams¨ dynamics systems focuses on making true connection between the company as a business meant to deliver results and their people, to achieve the ideal ¨Organization´s citizens¨: The ones connected to the business goals and challenges, willing to take action and change and be an example for new generations and constant learners from the newbies as well. Your company can be a space for healthy power + leadership interaction, it a can be an entire ¨Amazing Team¨
Isabel Hidalgo López - Human Behavior and communication in Business Ecosystems.
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