Biohacking Weight-Loss in 5 Swift Steps
This Post was First Published on RafiChowdhury's Blog. See the Original Post here:
For quite some times now, we have been talking about biohacking and how it proves to be the most legit ways of living a fruitful life. I am sure, that our early talked biohacks, including mixing butter in coffee and the nootropic overhauled your life. Thinking about how biohacking can help us win more efficiency, the thought of fighting obesity came in my mind. A huge percentage of people in the USA are suffering from the problem of obesity and looking for a way to overcome this howling problem of health. To help them fight this issue, here we have some quick biohacks to fight obesity.
Without wasting any time, let’s start with biohacking weight-loss:
1. Start with Tracking the Circadian Rhythm
Let us first start with introducing the Circadian rhythms – this is nothing complicated, just a phenomenon that includes the mental, physical, and behavioral changes that take place in every human being. The study of this phenomenon is known as chronobiology and it is based on the principle of day-night.
This one factor can determine how your body is going to act for metabolism and reflexive powers. Did you ever notice that all those who work at night are facing the obesity issues? Call it a result of the disrupted circadian rhythm that can take you all the way towards an obsessed body.
The crux is whenever the Circadian rhythm is troubled; your body goes through a series of changes that is not right for you. If you want to fight obesity, this sits the first thing you need to put a check on. Stop being the night owl and love the morning energy. There is nothing good in reversing the laws of nature.
The best time to eat is within the 12 hours of your wake-up time. Even smelling food after that can trouble your sleep cycle. So, start reducing your meal portion as you plan to go to the bed.
- Sun Rays Are Not Lethal
I agree that the UV rays are damaging our health, but this doesn’t mean we can survive without Vitamin D.
Have you ever seen obsessed animals? I don’t think so if they are spoiled and caged pets. So, why don’t they gain weight?
It happens because they follow the natural environmental cycle. Stay out in the sun, eat organic, and they can sense what doesn’t need to be done. This is one thing that I can say animals are more intelligent than human.
And, it’s high time and you really need to put on your sun lotion and take a walk in the sun. Sun increases the MSH in your body that will cause you to tan, but will even decrease your appetite. So, when you are not hungry, there will be less craving and ultimately, less junk food.
Experts even suggest that the deficiency of Vitamin D can cause obesity. So, if you are gaining weight even after following the right diet, this might be one of the reasons behind your health condition.
Try to be in the sun for at least 30 minutes in a day and don’t forget to use high-SPF sunscreen. You obviously don’t want to get into the risk of melanoma.
Well, I have not been done yet. Even, the time of the exposure does matter. Don’t schedule it for the evening sun rays as it might not benefit you that much. In a survey, it was noted that early sun exposure was related to Lower BMI, but when the body was exposed to the sun in the later part of the day, it corresponded to higher BMI.
The perfect time to expose your body in the sun is between 6 to 9 am. Do this for continuous 3 weeks and you will witness some real changes.
2. Aid your Sleep
Being a night owl is highly related to your condition and believe me, you can earn huge with the late night jobs, but at the later stage of life, you will have to pay for it.
Technically, shorter sleep duration increases the risk of obesity by more than 55% and this percent increases to 88% in kids. Poor sleep also leads to disruption of hunger hormones like ghrelin and leptin that will anyhow cause you to gain more weight.
Before it’s too late, ditch all the late night work and turn your room into a sleep of heaven. If you are facing any sleep disorder, follow the quick bio hacks for sleep. They do work, at least for more than a million people.
Once you reset your sleep schedule, a thousand of issues automatically get dumped and you will start feeling livelier than ever.
3. Eat these Food
Were you waiting for this section, well, I am here with it? The idea of coming late to this section is there are things more important than food that we talked in the above sections.
So, when you are on your biohacking schedule, what are you going to eat and what not?
The first on your plate should be – Protein.
Proteins are responsible for burning the excess fat in the body and reducing appetite. I hope, you have realized till now that fat and craving are your real culprits. Don’t worry! We know how to counter it. Do it by consuming loads of protein.
Fish, vegetables and dairy products are rich in protein and you must include it in your diet for quick results.
However, experts mainly focus on seafood for a better result. Seafood caused the reduction of leptin that is associated with obesity. Including high seafood diet, it results in losing more than 1 kg every 4 weeks.
That’s quite easy and a delicious way of biohacking weight-loss. In case, you are following a Vegan diet. Vegetable rich in fibers and Chia seeds can replace the seafood in your diet.
Some other food items to consider are Boiled potatoes, Eggs, fruits, and soups.
If you don’t like it boiled, go for a little seasoning while avoiding the bad oils. While you are biohacking weight-loss, your only source of fat should be fish oil, black you even seed oil, and extra virgin olive oil.
Apple – cider vinegar, caprylic acid, and Dark Chocolate call called functional food. On a whole, these foods can suppress your appetite and help in dealing with the brown fat. When blocking weight loss, you must not overlook these magical ingredients.
Also, you need to focus on your food proportion. It is assumed that eating less than you actually need will help you lose weight. But, I just want to warn you how devilish this act is.
Eating lower than your need will increase the food craving and the next time, you go in your kitchen, and there are chances that you overload yourself with loads of junk.
So, act smarter and know how much you need for it.
4. Drink Water
Brown fat is the actual cause of obesity! The bio hack here will be helping this fat burn. The best bait here will be drinking more and more of molecular hydrogen water.
More than 96 calories are burned a day if you drink more than 96 calories. Keeping yourself hydrated throughout the day will even ensure that you are backed with enough energy to carry out the day-long duties.
Drinking before you eat is also a great idea to control the diet. The water intake will suffice your appetite and you will be saved from eating the whole can of food.
5. Go for the Right Tricks
The internet is full of tricks to lose weight, but each of these is not right for your body. Experimenting with the right will give you an idea of what your body can digest and what tropism you need to ditch. Overall, I have some quick tips for you that you can include in your daily weight loss regime and to be honest, they do work and some of my closed ones have been benefited from these tricks.
Exercise: Not the easy ones go for the high-intensity exercise as it enhances the release of adrenaline. It will be great if you indulge in fun exercises as it arouses your emotion and lets you act more profoundly.
- Live Your Life with Passion
An obsessed person tends to have a negative attitude towards life which hinders their all effort to lose weight. Acknowledge the brevity of life and try to live each day in ultimate passion and joy. When you stay happy and have loads of things to do, food will be the last thing to come to your mind.
- Chew More
Have you noticed an animal eat? You will be amazed to see how much they chew. Food is the last thing; they want to be playful with. Disturb while they eat and you are going to face their wrath. Take a lesson and eat with all ease and peace.
Hunting down some quick results, fast often, those who fast often are less prone to obesity. Start with these great hacks and get a great physique to flaunt.
Senior Consultant at Red Hat, 21K connections
8yThe first hack is to go slow. There has not been one dieter in all of history satisfied with loss rates in the real world. There never will be. This makes the process a mind game in addition to a chemistry game. As to tricks, track which ones work and which ones fail for you. Ignore advice about the ones that fail for you. Everyone is different so that advice is aimed at the minority that particular trick works for. For example around 20-30% of the population thrive on low fat, around 30-40% of the population thrive on low carb, around 30-40% of the population thrive on portion control. If you try work of these and they fail you, move on to the next strategy after several months.