Even as I write about it, I can’t truly know the depth of the power and beauty in the hearts of African-American females, all black people. What is taken for granted by white people is something that is fought for by black lives through struggles of which most white people will never have to experience. To live life in a country that sees them as something less, to face up to every day in a world full of people who think they’re not as good as them, not worthy, yet they keep going, keep living, keep doing what needs to be done to keep not only their lives going, but also the lives of their families who rely on them. There is nothing more beautiful in this world than the heart of a black woman who is able to keep such strong love in her heart to be the warmth and support for her family, despite the ignorant negativity towards her from so many in her country, despite living in a country where the leader lives with racist energy, despite living each day in fear of her brothers, sons, husband, father being targeted by armed racists on the other side of the law. The African-American woman carries more stress in heart, more burden on mind, more weight on soul than anyone else in their country, yet continues to love, to care. If she isn’t the symbol of what is best about humanity, I don’t know what is.