Brutality in this World
WH 2 Brutality
From Contrast to Conflict to - Efficient, Self-Preserving, Resolution, People based Justice.
There is a story in the Bible about God creating an earth where everyone got along so well that the people united, combined together and ascended in Spirit and Consciousness within such a short time that basically the earth experiment was over. Done. Creative experience finished.
Then there was the Tower of Babel - Communication was obstructed, languages confounded and once again God had an interacting process of contrast evolution that was able to continue with ingenuity, creativity and NEWNESS given rise. Obstacles led to insight and creativity. God’s beautiful world.
The trouble is that with time on Earth, contrast gave way to conflict. Conflict has gone so vast now that with the lessening of heart feeling and the increase of non-communicating selfish thinking - sterility, overwhelming conflict has threatened the survival of the entire earth process. It is in jeopardy and the type of experience on earth has become overwhelmingly damagingly brutal for sentient beings. Escalation of the human experience of brutality as a preponderant influence of the memory of people is in part why I and so many others were created, why intervention is needed. I am not here in Spirit and statement by accident.
Brutality has many forms and means of expression. There is financial brutality, cultural brutality, religious based brutality, nationalism, patriotism brutality etc. If you are jewish and only hire jewish people for jobs it is a form of brutality to others. If you are mormon and only hire mormons it is a form of brutality. If you are mormon and believe, “as long as it is not specifically disallowed by church rules then one can use capitalism to enslave as many people as possible while you live richly,” then that is another form of brutality. You get the picture and you can apply it individually and collectively to many of the ways current society and individuals interact with other spirits (people) today. Selfishness has for this time temporarily overwhelmed the dignity of human interaction.
Leaders of the catholic church were at one time as ungodly, inhumane and brutal as anyone or anything seen or done today by some muslim leaders of the intra-contradictory belief system islam. The pope today has taken the catholic church and brought it full circle to my appreciation. Many things he is saying and doing, I agree as he is triumphing the cause of the meek, mild and more selfless of this earth, My People. This message of not abandoning your fellow Man and sentient fellow creations must never be forgotten. All people need to realize that the ideas in one’s head must not take precedence over the actuality of sentient beings living in front of you. God, for all the unknown, spits and creates humans with His sentient spirit – alive. Man, in turn spits and creates thoughtforms and writes pieces of paper - unalive. One needs to realize the relative value of what God creates compared to what man creates. Not one piece of paper, not one corporation, not one idea is worth more than one being.
The muslims of today are another group of religious people of organized belief systems where brutality is encouragingly practiced in much of islam. Terrible, horrible, a total lack of feeling and balancing compassion and the presence of significant personal anger must be present in individuals who do such barbarity.
Some individuals believe if they die killing and torturing others then they will go to heaven and have many virgins for rewards. This I will tell you clearly. Nothing is further from the Truth. Nothing is further from Reality. - I have been consciously back and forth from the heavens many times in this life, taken there by Angels and Spirits and of my own will – shown many things of Truth. First, there is no sexuality in heaven as is practiced here on Earth. Second, there is no distinction between earthly female and male in the heavens.
Third and most importantly, when you cross over from the earth, all one’s barriers to emotion are removed and exposed. All the emotional and situational horrors you have been exposed to or caused upon others will be placed upon you. The intensity is beyond adequate description. Individuals involved in brutality will not be able to withstand the horrors they have caused and will not be able to exit even the first level of earth and be forced back into outer darkness, neither on earth nor in any heaven. There they will stay in outer darkness forever unless or until they are freed by intersession from outer sources, personages, or forgivenesses, which is another matter.
Compassion is the greatest need of all time and certainly this time. Compassion is the fulcrum of balance that allows the greater extreme of will and conviction, which are the same thing. Compassion is the fulcrum of balance that allows the furthest extremes of feeling and thinking which are also the same thing in continuity. The greater the compassion the greater the power, the energy, the extreme potential, the range, the sensitivity, the sensuality and capability.
Every person has the same basic make-up of spiritual parameters. We all possess compassion and likewise the capability for violence and all things under and over the sun. We must choose predominant compassion and cultivate it along with all the empathies necessary for benevolent essential spiritual and human intermingling, communion and consumation.
Keep this in mind, of the many prophets to visit this earth, most of what they did or said was to be applied to their time. After all, it is sort of de facto state of affairs, that is why they were born when they were, their time, their place - society’s need. It is difficult to come in to Earth and say things that will apply to the yet unknown and indescribable future. God brings in corrections to the earth process as God foresees. It is not for man to broadcast too much into the future for it is not his typical ability to view or understand too far into the future, but it is the business of other Spirits and of God.
As for this Earth, I do not know what will fully become of it. If it cannot be re-directed and made experientially bountiful then God will replace it. This has always been the case. If the societies can stay integrated the earth can support many more life forms for the benefit of creation. If the world must fall into chaos to reset, then only 10% of the people on the earth can be supported. One way or another change will come because the earth experience has peaked at this time in its current potential given the choices Man has collectively made and evolved so far.
Brutality is a selfish trait. Components of being human are selfless and selfish traits, layered one upon the other like an onion. The highest are combined and the higher are selfless. Animals are less brutal than humans, if you want perspective.
Animals communicate by intention and understanding. They wonder why humans are so unable to listen and communicate with them. Mankind owes an incredible obligation to the animal kingdoms that have often sacrificed their lives for the “progress” and prosperity of humans. Sides of the human roads are layered with the millions of bones of animals who have died to human invention, speed and “progress.” What is being done to the animals in zoos is a crime, especially to the larger and longer living animals such as elephants, the primates and the bigger cats. All zoos should be closed and the animals returned as fit as possible to the freer natural world. This obligation exists to the animal species AND to the individual animals currently being held captive in zoos across the world. The same is true for the water based mammals and animals. This is a need for an immediate first step towards choosing the path to compassion and feeling. Man’s delight has been animals’ plight too long in evolution.
From God’s perspective there is no death, Spirits come and spirits go from Earth. But God created Spirits, not man. For man to destroy another life, including one’s own, is against the creative process of God. While it is true that any action taken by a person on Earth may be of God’s will, the Truth is that if you kill or harm someone, you are doing it from your own ego’s mind most likely. If you think you are doing it for God, you are probably ego-tainted, ego-driven and devilish or demonic influenced and wrong.
Disincarnate spirits do exist in outer darkness around the earth. While true possession is rare on this planet, I have seen it only once, negative thought insertion which is to say negative influence is COMMON. You better know where you are coming from when you consider your thoughts, and feel certain things to take action upon those beliefs. Know this: that thoughts are just thoughts- they can be true or false, useful or non-useful. Thoughts can arise from you, someone else or be thoughtforms stuck to the environment where you are that you then pick up and perceive. You can ignore them or use them. The negative energy provided to you from yourself or negative entities can be propelling and feel strong. You will be held responsible by your actions and beliefs. They are written by yourself in your own forehead and no action is unrecorded in your life. Everything you do is known.
All the higher traits of mankind have been present from the beginning but it was in Christ that Compassion was planted and given notice as a much needed young sapling on this Earth. As that young tree of life was planted a stake was put into the Earth ground to protect it in its early growth by the name of the catholic church. I made a painting of it called “L’Arbre de Vie,” and showed an image of it at the gallery Saint Severin in Paris in 1990 when I was doing an exposition entitled Realite’ et Humanite.’ All stakes with the growth of the tree eventually become the obstruction and get in the way of true life. What has happened is that tree of compassion has survived its initial growth and the stake has gotten in the way and of itself needs to go. The tree of life is alive, a stake is dead. What God creates of sentient beings has Spirit – what Man creates or thinks has thoughtforms, not spirit. One must realize the tremendous difference of value and importance. It is time to go on. It is time to bury the bones of the Saints.
I do not believe in any organized religions at this time. None are optimal. No one should be telling you what to do. Man-made rituals are often of little value. As I say, tell me once, thank you for informing me. Tell me twice and now you are trying to force me and it is in forcing people that all conflict arises. There are many forms of forcing: pushing and pulling. The best safety for humanity is when every single person is directly connected to God and no middle person is telling you what to do. From there is communal safety. There are many philosophies you could use – I suggest you use your own and modify them as you improve your intelligence. You can also join in harmony, in gathering - your choices with other people. There are so many life forms on earth that it is impossible and wrong for me to tell anyone specifically what to do for almost anything available to you could be the right path for you, but you do need to consider your choices and path every so often.
I don’t base my life on beliefs typically, I have experience, but If you want to take on a belief system or consider other ways of being, then maybe you could look at elements of Buddhism or Jainism or Shintoism, maybe you should just dance. They are all more selfless based and communal oriented without the heavy hand of man. God’s best Truths are evident all over this world as Truth is the core of everything. Nature has one of the greatest shows of truth. You can certainly find truths in the Koran, the Bible, scientific treatises, in tarot card symbolism, the I Ching, Taoism the incredibly wise and spiritual Shakespeare, and my favorites: Creations such as Paintings, Dances, Films – all the Arts. There are so many places of Truth and you can see it most commonly in the eyes and faces of people and other sentient beings. Anything could be the right choice of life for you, but what I can tell you is that you will evolve, your progress continue and your path will change. Be open to it.
There are a number of principalities arisen on earth that are oppositional to selflessness and kindness. It is time to choose to be alive and advance with its joys, responsibilities and sometimes potential sacrifices. To not choose is itself a choice to say no. It is now that “the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.” I am the falcon and I do hear the falconer. I am one of the first of the Sphinx and all humans are destined to become as such, Apollo and Dionysus Combined – humankind - your destiny.
Which principality do you need to do away with in your life? It is of the utmost goal to give up all power over others and to take full power over yourself. In this competitive, selfish, capitalistic and brutal world you have many aspects of your life to now consider how to live and why to live – where to find your joy… It is said “pleasure is the wisdom of the Saints,” that’s fine, but I am asking you to go beyond the inclusion of pleasure and joy and to further yourself, your newly friends and society by consummate choices and engagement. Find your joys but when you find brutality and suffering in front of you, do what you can. Deal with the actuality. Make your future and the Spirit will help direct you, as it has with me even in this life.