Build a life worth living 🥩

Build a life worth living 🥩

Have you ever felt stagnant in life? As if you are "not sure" what you should be doing? I have, and I'd have to guess that you have been there before or may even be there right now. This is a challenging, yet opportunistic place to be. Why? Because it gives you a chance to correct your course towards a direction that you consciously chose to go in.

In the modern world, it's far too easy to consume more than you create. I think it's one of the leading reasons why so many of us feel stuck. We see all of this success and all of these "potential" directions we could go in. It's as if it's "freeing" and "fleeting" simultaneously. The problem is that spending all of your time exploring directions doesn't propel you towards any of them. You'd be better off fully investing in a direction and truly learning if that is where you want to go.

I'm not here to tell you how to live life, I'm simply recommending you to be acutely aware of how and where you are spending your time. Once you understand where your time is spent you can categorize what is actually worth your time and what is wasting it. Find the people, events, and habits that are wasting your time and lay them to rest. Find the people, events, and habits that enhance your life and leverage them.

To build a life worth living, you have to identify what makes you tick. Ask yourself, what are you inspired by? If there were no constraints in life, what would you do? Why would you do it? What gives you a sense of purpose? Etc...start asking questions and finding out the answers. Don't try to rush through it, spend time here because this place gives rise to your excuses, which also be identified so you can lay those to rest. Once you lay excuses and time-wasters to rest, you now have the time to spend following a path.

On the path, you'll experience roadblocks, probably more distractions and things from your old life attempting to suck you back in. Like a crab escaping a net, the other crabs will attempt to drag you under with them. Leverage the word NO, remember that your time is VALUABLE and that your life that will not be sacrificed for silly flings.

Basically, you need to eradicate BS at all costs. If you do not, the work you are putting in won't bear desirable fruit because you will be nullifying your actions every time you let something that is outside of your value system take your time. It sounds savage, but if you really care about your wellbeing and providing value back to the world some things simply have to go.

Building this "life worth living" is not easy, if it was everyone would be doing it. But 99% percent of people have not identified what they want, set boundaries, and stuck to their guns for long enough for something to "pay off." I've been there before and can tell you from experience that quitting early is the worst thing you can do. It's like going to the gym for a month expecting a six-pack, it's completely irrational and unrealistic.

Life is more than the social standards that we've been fed from news narratives and influencers. You have to set your own standards and live by them tooth & nail. There is no easy way out, it's just a matter of vision & persistence. As they say chopping wood and carrying water. It's not some secret trick a guru taught you or a meditation you found on youtube, it's just grit & patience.


Zach Weiberg

Industrial Operations and Supply Chain Recruiter | HVAC/R OEM, Building Materials & Plumbing | Ex-D2🏈 | Creator Of Industrial Direct Connect | Alternative Recovery


It takes someone special to be able to right the course and go savage on yourself and your expectations. Most of the time we see folks fold because of those expectations set by others, never setting the boundaries in the onset of a relationship. That goes twice as deep when you start setting boundaries with yourself. NO I will not be distracted. NO I won’t give up my morals. NO I will not bow to conformity. Keep up the great work bro 😎 I’ve enjoyed reading the things you think

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