Business Frustrations…Enough Already! Part 1
In business frustration seems to go with the territory. If it is not one thing it is everything. Just to paint this picture a little clear – not that you necessarily need it - here are a few of the common frustrations found in business:
- Marketing/Sales (getting more business).
- Revenue/margins.
- Clients/customers.
- Employees
- Taxes
- Government regulations.
- Personal limitations.
- Personal Management (how you deal with yourself and time).
- Partners.
- Vendors.
- Working too many hours and not making enough personally.
- Working too many hours…period.
- Motivating the organization.
- Keeping everyone focused, responsible and accountable.
- Training.
- Infrastructure (phone lines, computers, network, etc.).
- Keeping the vision alive.
- And more…
While there are many potential and real areas of frustration in any business my observations are that all these can fit into three categories.
- Frustrations that persist.
- Frustrations that are exhausting you and driving you crazy.
- Frustrations you are working through.
Either of these first two can not only be frustrating they can be debilitating to you and extremely detrimental to your business.
Frustrations that Persist
This kind of frustration has specific earmarks. You have a goal in mind but it is not really moving ahead, no action is consistently being taken. It just seems to go on and on and the frustration only seems to grow. It is the proverbial hamster wheel of frustration and dissatisfaction. Energy in but nothing, if anything, of worth comes out.
Over time, most of the energy becomes anger, anxiety, worry and greater frustration. The problems persist, angst grows and the confusion deepens. If effective problem solving is not employed self-incrimination and/or drama are sure to follow which only obscures the original problems and discourages the goal’s achievement.
If this is happening to you and your business, you must be honest. Some combination of the following is operating.
- You have lost your objectivity to deal with the problem.
- You lack the required skills to fix the problem.
- You lack the discipline to come up with solutions and see them through.
If you have had it with this kind of frustration…Enough already! Get the help you and your business need. Hire a coach or a consultant, get these issues addressed, build new skills and disciplines and get on with your business. Seriously, enough already.
Don't miss Part 2, Frustrations That Are Exhausting You and Driving You Crazy.