Catch Your Thief
WARNING: Your thief steals happiness, joy and positive emotion; hours of your life that you will NEVER get back.
Unless caught… and stopped, you will continue to suffer loss.
Last week, I found myself in the spotlight when a colleague asked me for one game-changing tip to build resilience and start a journey to thriving.
So my starter and game-changing tip was to “Catch Your Thief. Your thief of today."
What did I mean by this?
Quite simply, focus your thoughts on what you HAVE got - not what you HAVEN’T.
I told her about the time I caught my 'thief of today' and how it changed my life.
I had been in a very dark place, and my thief was taking me down a path of unhappiness. The only way out was to catch her.
Now, remember I've moved house 31 times. I was SOOOO jealous of everyone who had only ever moved once or twice. In my eyes, they had the perfect life.
I wanted what they had... I wanted what I didn't have (the not-moving-house life).
The thief of today; the jealous, negative voice in my head was winning. It was robbing me of my daily joy? Always telling me I would be happier if I had the not-moving-house life. The life I didn’t have.
The day came when a dear friend told me how unhappy she was. She was bored, she never travelled and NEVER MOVED HOUSE. She compared her life to Groundhog Day. She was envious of my life, which she saw as exciting, fun and bountiful.
That’s when it dawned on me that we spent so many hours wishing for what we don’t have. It was a game-changer for me.
There will always be someone who has more than you. That’s life.
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And there will always be someone who has less than you. That’s life too.
But there will never be someone who is living your life, your way. And you have a choice to look for the joy or hanker after what others have, that you don't have. If you spend your time on this earth dwelling on what you don’t have, you will feel let down, short-changed and your efforts will feel hopeless.
So if you are feeling down, stressed out, or worried about what others have got, that you haven’t, then stop and take a moment to look at what you've got that others don’t have.
You might be surprised by what you find!
Catch yourself before your thief steals another minute from your day… another hour from this week… another year from this decade!
The next time you catch yourself allowing your thief to hijack your thoughts and your enjoyment of today… put your hands in the air like you just don’t care and tell your thief of today - NO…
Then you will enjoy life more, you will engage with life more and you will feel more fulfilled.
Have a fantastic week.
Cara - last week I had a strong camel in tow - this week the camel’s carrying ‘said caught thief’.
(BTW - If you need to check out how to ‘Strengthen Your Camel’ - check out last week’s newsletter.
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2ywow this so true - it resonates with me
Simplifying data and regulations, enabling decision making, improving lives
2yA great reminder....I think I may name 'my thief', naughty devil
Stop wasting time & start leading on purpose #ProcessMakesProgress & my purpose is to create a process that you WILL follow and make progress towards whatever success means to you – Guaranteed!
2yLove this Cara 😊 Having an appreciation of the riches you already have and treasuring (protecting from thieves) that rather than desiring what others have... #inspired. Thank you. There is a Proverb (4vs23) in the Bible that says "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life."
Transformational Mindset Coach|Speaker|TEDX Speaker|Director of International Outreach at Origin Leadership Consulting
2yEasy to forget gratitude Cara Cunniff. Thank you for a thought provoking post.
International Marketing Manager for Content & Events | Hypnotist 💪 Disco Dancer 💃 Tea Drinker ☕
2yYep, there's always someone "ahead" of us or "behind" - so stay in your own lane, enjoy each moment as much as you can and be grateful for what you DO have (and not dwell on what you don't have). Love this, Cara!