Change of staff completed: Marc Gronau new Division Manager Construction & Europe
Dear Readers,
At the beginning of 2023, Marc Gronau joined NORDWEST as the second manager alongside our previous main manager Stefan Thiel, in order to succeed him early and successively. After the transitional phase of several months, we have now been able to complete the entire operational handover of business to Marc Gronau, who will assume sole responsibility as Division Manager Construction & Europe of NORDWEST on September 1, 2023.
The change of management involves a number of strategic and organizational changes that Marc Gronau and his team will tackle in order to realign the construction division at NORDWEST with dynamism and an innovative spirit.
Marc Gronau will set new impulses and advance digitalization for the national and European construction sector. We will also push the further development of our product range in order to meet our obligation of a competitive offer in all construction segments, especially construction components, construction equipment, fitting systems and security technology and last but not least connection technology. We will directly address the optimization of conditions for our specialist trade partners in the face of falling market prices and volumes.
The objectives also include expanding our presence in Europe: The international team is to be strengthened for the European area in order to expand cooperation agreements already concluded and to enter into new ones. Through this and through an expansion of the product range in the existing cooperations, NORDWEST is aiming for a significant increase in business volume in the coming years.
Executive with 20+ years of Global Experience in SALES & MARKETING | Leading International Business Operations & Distribution | Passionate about People, Team work & Technologies |
1yCongrats to Marc and the whole group, good luck.
Director Sales & Marketing - Gesamtleiter Vertrieb & Marketing - WEMAS Absperrtechnik GmbH