While the passionate dialogue of these two kindred spirits ranges across the literary and art world, tantalizing footsteps of their own are traceable across these pages. Karen Moller, growing up in the mountains of Canada, skiing to school as a child, who “wanted to be a boy while all the other girls wanted boyfriends,” whose father wouldn’t pay for her education because girls just got married. She escaped to art college in Calgary and paid for her classes by waitressing. Then off to Paris to study with André Lhote where she met Cyclops Lester who owes as much to Dickens and Joyce as to the Goon Show in his search of a mythical mother who may have been a German spy or the widow of the legendary WWII hero Captain Crabbe, who may died in his attempt to attach a device underwater to the hull of a Russian warship, while rapping with the peculiarly luminous Piero Heliczer, paradoxical Jewish "Nazi" child star who practically invented Warhol’s famous « ritual happenings », and sharing canned meals with the would-be American Jean Genet-- Gregory Corso— on the floor of Madame Rachou’s Beat Hotel in Paris or digging for herbs and edible weeds with the lyrical German painter Hundertwasser. art training lead to Karen becoming a fashiom/textle designer, her designs sold to every major fashion house from Paris and London to New York and Tokyo, Her picture was splashed across the cover of Nova Magazine as the “New Woman.” Her styling company in Paris was named by Time magazine as one of the best fashion forecasters in the world. Having made her name and fortune she took to writng, like a duck to water and this is her third book.
Fashion Designer- Textile Designer and partner in Trend Union Paris