China cannot finance the Belt and Road alone
The Belt and Road is great for supporting high demand in Asian infrastructure, but there is a limit on how much China can finance. The slowdown of the economy and the limits on the use of foreign reserves are some of the impediments. Furthermore, Chinese banks balance sheets, the largest source of financing so far, are increasingly saddled by doubtful loans, which limit their lending capacity. As for official multilateral development agencies, their funding sources remain limited for the extent of the project. Against this background, European banks-the largest cross-border lenders in the world – are well placed to step their already large financing to Belt and Rod countries. Furthermore, Europe’s proximity with some of these countries can make some of these projects more appealing for Europe as well. Thus, we should expect private and public European co-financing of Belt and Road projects to increase over the next few years and, with it, European interest for Xi Jinping’s Grand. This should bring Europe closer to China.
Bridge Engineer in Indonesia.
7ychina is a looser country, only buy and sell drugs in Indonesia,
Independent Management Consulting Professional
7yThe article is a good approach to analyse the openness and readiness of China to cooperate in the area of multilateral investment projects. Although the article’s topic has been wrongly formulated (good business models are always based on diversified financial sources, regardless of financial position of the main stakeholder), I like presented arguments for invitations to third party investor (read European business partners and other multilateral development banks). The share of financing burden is not the only factor pushing Chinese authorities towards cooperation. Bearing in mind the AIIB is a very young organization and employs approximately 100 people, it must share also operational aspects of new projects (at least as long as the achieved by AIIB governance has been verified through successfully completed projects). Thus, the EU with eagerness awaits for new business opportunities created by AIIB that could support Juncer’s Plan, but in such case, will infrastructure investments be conducted still only within area of regional members of AIIB?
Contributing to achieve sustainable development goals
7yThe Chinese government defines China as a promoter, rather than a sole leader for the initiative.