The other day I came across this great saying about the 3 C's in life:
"You must make a choice, to take a chance or your life will never change."
We are faced with choices everyday, from what you chose to wear, eat and the like. But there are many life choices that we have faced and will continue to face as we move along life's path.
Early on we chose whether to go on to higher education or not, what course of study, which leads to what career choices we make. Personally you make choices on whom to date, marry, to have kids, where to live, etc.
Some people continually take the beaten path, others will take the road less traveled. Some people plan their life, and then steadfastly follow that route; some just wait for life to happen to them; whilst others like to take off-ramps every once in a while, to see if the grass is truly greener on the other-side. Sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn't.
Last week, I was sharing an insight with some set of people, I told them that the future that will surprise you; is the one you don't plan for. I have seen myself doing what I m doing today 10 years ago when I was in the University. So it was not an accident to be an Excel Trainer.
I believe that all of us, if we were going to put ourselves on the "risk" graph, would probably say we took more chances when we were younger.
People who know me, know I like change. Which is why I am continuously re-evaluating the choices I've made and whether these choices are still providing me with challenge and fulfillment which I seek in my life. I do this consciously, because it is too easy to get caught up with how things are and not considering what they could be.
You are not the same person you were 20 some years ago. Which is what brings me to "lather, rinse, repeat." Are you just coasting? Are you happy and fulfilled in the work that you do? Are you in a relationship, that is still filled with passion, joy and laughter after all those years? What else in your life are you just accepting, and not realizing that choices exist.
I think it is important to continually re-evaluate your circumstances. Think about all the choices you have in your life -- the important ones. Consider if you changed this or that is there a strong possibility that you would be re-energized and dare I say, happier and more fulfilled?
If so, why haven't you acted on it? Probably fear, because fear of change, even positive change, can paralyze us. With each change, there perhaps is a "storm" period, but often after a storm a beautiful rainbow appears.
As far as we know we only get one shot at life.
So the biggest risk in life is not to take one and live a life unfulfilled.
Good luck in all your choices
Strategy & Development, TGI Group
6yThank you for this.