Steven Paas about Christian Zionism, Israelism, philosemitism and antisemitism - with a list of literature
Steven Paas, Christian Zionism Examined: A Review of Ideas on Israel, the Church, and the Kingdom, Second Edition, Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2020 [ISBN 978-1-7252-5454-1]
Thank you for your interest. May I suggest to reflect on Israel Theology? Therefore, let me draw my newest book to your attention. Please, read the interview below. Comments are welcome:
Synopsis of Christian Zionism Examined
The book deals with Christian Zionism, and in a wider sense with the phenomenon of Israelism. By Israelism, the author means a certain kind of literal reading of the Scriptures. God’s revealed plan for Israel and the Jewish people have been construed by many in such a way that Jews are to receive a higher status or a lower place than all other nations. These two opposite positions have many gradations, from moderate to extreme. The most extreme consequences are glorification and degradation, idolization and hatred, Philo-Semitism and Anti-Semitism.
Christian Zionism Examined emphatically asserts that the Bible provides absolutely no basis for this literal way of reading and understanding the prophetic Word of God. His promises of redemption and judgment to Old Testament Israel have never meant to be solely fulfilled to one particular ethnic people and geographical area, i.e., only modern Israel or only the Jewish people. Redemption and judgment are fulfilled in Christ. In Him, those promises (or predictions) have received a final meaning for all nations, essentially for all creation. The completion of that fulfillment will take place upon His return, in the perfection of His kingdom or His universal rule; and in the final judgment.
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Updated 19-7-2022
‘Character and consequences of Israelism/ Christian Zionism, including the phenomena of antisemitism and philosemitism'
Q: Your new book, the second edition of Christian Zionism Examined, belongs to a series of specific publications. How did you get the idea of publishing on this issue?
A: Having been challenged by my understanding of the identity of Jesus Christ, I consider Him as the very expression of the love of God poured out in the hearts of Christians through the Holy Spirit. This has led me to the conviction that He cannot share this central place with anything or anyone else. For me, Jesus is the only Way to God and therefore He is at the very centre and real heart of the meaning of the Scriptures and of the history of His Church.
Q: What is the main objective of the book?
A: I want to honour Jesus Christ and acknowledge His unique central place in God’s plan of salvation for the world. In the Old Testament God particularly chose the people of Israel in order to show this plan of salvation to the world. Christ has fulfilled this role of Israel and gave it its final destination in Himself. Christian Zionism and the somehow related movements of Israelism have assigned to present-day Israel and the Jewish people in various different ways a continued extraordinary religious status. They do so without a trace of evidence in Scripture. In fact, they are weakening or denying the position of Jesus Christ, and consequently the strength of the Christian faith, theology and Church.
Q: But what does this mean for the history of and the prophecies to Israel, which takes more than half of the content of the Bible?
A: Jesus Christ has given to Israel its most essential and ultimate meaning by fulfilling all Old Testament prophecies or promises in Himself. He fulfils these promises by making them equally valid to all nations.
Q: Don’t you honour Jesus Christ too much, knowing that He is only the Son of God the Father?
A: No, honouring Jesus is not different from honouring the Father. We can know God the Father in no other way than through Jesus. All He did was to honour the Father. Throughout the whole of history, a christocentric interpretation of the Bible has aimed at acknowledging the oneness of the tri-une God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Q: What do you mean by Israelism?
A: Since ages, in one way or another it has become a wide and complex phenomenon in mainline Western Christianity. Many active Christians express extraordinary thoughts, feelings, and expectations concerning Israel and the Jewish people.
Q: How do you explain that adherents of Israelism claim to derive their views from the Scriptures?
A: They draw conclusions from isolated portions of the Scriptures after having read them in a literalistic way, not considering their Biblical true context. This has led them away from the christocentric meaning of the Scriptures.
Q: What is the main focus of Israelism?
A: The complex phenomenon of Israelism onesidedly concentrates on Biblical prophecy of both grace and judgment, particularly applying it to present-day Israel and the Jewish people. Thus the phenomenon obscures the wider universal scope of the Scriptures in Christ.
Q: In which way does Israelism obscure the christocentric scope of the Scriptures?
A: It construes the meaning of Biblical prophecy in such a way that post-Biblical Israel and the present Jewish people are to receive in God’s plan either a higher status or a lower place than all other nations. This approach leads one to undervalue, misunderstand, or even misuse the unique and all-embracing significance of Christ for all people.
Q: Doesn’t this mean that Israelism includes two opposing positions, the one elevating Israel and the other lowering or debasing Israel?
A: In a way that seems to be so. But these two consequences of Israelism are not really opposed to one another in principle, for they stem from the same literalistic way of reading selected portions of the Scriptures. History has shown that the one position can shift to the other.
Q: How does Israelism express itself in elevating Israel and the Jewish people?
A: For many Christians this specific kind of Israelism has become the Biblical standard. It has been expressed in mild ways and in extreme ways, but often in a mixture of both.
The mild ways of onsidedly elevating Israel have become acceptable among many serious Christians who nurture some extraordinary expectation about Israel. Especially, they expect a future national restoration of Israel and a massive conversion to Jesus Christ, which is supposed to cause a great blessing for the Church.
Extreme forms of elevating Israel have led other Christians to enthusiastic philo-Semitism (love of Jews). This often leads to the idea among Christians that Jews have their own way of salvation – in some views even outside Christ, or without Christ. One of the consequences of this position can be defined as Christian Zionism.
There is desire among adherents to both forms of onesidedly elevating Israel to search again for the 'Jewish roots' of the Christian faith and to re-interpret them.
The so called Christian Zionism, which in principle supports the starting points and goals of Jewish Zionism, has its followers mainly among adherents to extreme philo-semitic Israelism.
Q: What do you mean by the desire to rediscover the 'Jewish roots' of Christianity?
A: Apart from the 'revival' of so called expectations of a glorious future for Israel and the Church before or after the Second Coming of Christ, a desire has resurfaced recently to re-interpret the past, namely the 'Jewish roots' of our faith. One wonders which faith is meant, the faith of Abraham and Moses or the faith of the Pharisees. Children of God do not need to look for the faith of Abraham, because they have it. This means that the Israelistic search for Jewish roots has a different faith in mind, in which Jesus Christ is not in the central position.
Q: What do you mean by Christian Zionism?
A: Christian Zionism is the extreme consequence of the elevating aspect of Israelism.Its followers are Christians, who nurture a fascination with the people, the land and the religion of post-biblical physical Israel, or Zion. Particularly in its understandable reactions against the shameful Holocaust events – yet in contradiction to the meaning of Scripture. In this way, Christian Zionists actively support the idea that God has given to today’s Jews, the people of Israel and the Israeli State key roles in the history and the order of salvation.
Q: What are the political consequences of the view that the Jewish people still are the uniquely chosen people of God, in their uniquely chosen land?
A: Although rejecting the idea of a continued Old Testament position for Israel, I am convinced that international law has rightfully allowed the Jewish people to live in Palestine and have the modern state of Israel. Yet the millions of Palestinian/ Arab people – among them quite a number of Christians – who have lived in the land for perhaps thousands of years, have at least the same rights.
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Unfortunately, many Christians support the Israeli policy of military occupation and of Jewish settlements on Palestinian land, and they allow the denial of full and equal citizenship to the Palestinians. Consequently, Christian Zionists and other Israelists undermine the credibility of Christianity particularly by failing to realise that this policy is basic injustice, which leads to racial ‘apartheid’, to violence and cruelties. This is true for both the Israeli and Palestinian sides, and it results in a continuous threat to peace in the Middle-East and beyond.
Q: But what about the other branch of Israelism, which according to you is only seemingly opposed to the former one. Isn't this the movement, which throughout the Christian era is said to have debased and discriminated Israel? Doesn’t your criticism of the usual kind of Israelism that onesidedly elevates Israel – which may develop into Christian Zionism – boil down to a defence of lowering the status of Israel and the Jews?
A: Not at all. Israel or the Jewish people are of equal value in comparison to all other nations and ethnic groups. Apart from that, in the Old Testament era Israel was chosen to be a unique temporary demonstration of God’s intentions with the entire world.
However, Gods acts with Old Testamen Israel have been climaxed and fulfilled by Jesus Christ. That has not debased Israel, but it has finalized Israel’s extraordinary function in the history of revelation. In Christ Israel has got its true and final meaning in God’s salvific plan. This history will reach its completion for all nations in the full realisation of God’s Kingdom, to be expected at Christ’s Second Coming.
Q: Doesn’t this view favour the old mistaken idea that the Church has replaced Israel, which is apt to strengthen the movement of anti-Semitism or hatred against Jews?
A: Absolutely not. First, it should be realised that the term ‘replacement theology’ has often been caricaturized and used as a term of abuse. Apart from that, it should be emphasized that Israel and the Church are different categories; they cannot replace one another. In offering the Gospel to the world, God values Israel or the Jewish people equally to all other nations.
We consider the theories of replacement or supersessionism – which may be fictitious caricatures or really existing thought systems – as other types of Israelism. Their followers have deviated from Scripture – differently from philo-Semitic Israelism - in that they have debased Israel and the Jews, or even treated them in a hostile manner. Quite often this has led to anti-Semitism, which is a grave sin. Christians who committed this sin have harmed the identity and credibility of Christ and the Church.
Q: Does your christocentric interpretation of the Scriptures mean that the Old Testament can be abandoned or that it has a lower status than the New Testament?
A: No, the Old Testament is a Book about Israel and a Book of Christ, in which God has revealed Himself in a particular way. Therefore, it is an indispensable part of the Bible, and as such it is fully equal to the New Testament.
Q: Does the present-day nation of Israel still play an extraordinary role in God’s plan of salvation for the world and the Kingdom of God? Is Israel still the unique people of God?
A: No, for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the advancing Kingdom of God all nations are equal. God is not racially biased. He loves Israel and the Jews just as much as any other nation. Of course, like any nation, the Jews outside and inside Israel have their own particular cultural and ethnic traits.
Q: Do you think that all Jews, just like other people, personally need Jesus Christ in order to be to be saved?
A: Yes, God’s offer of salvation on the condition of faith in Christ is valid and necessary for all nations, that is, for all individual human beings, including the Jews.
Q: You have explained that Israel’s position as the unique people God in the Old Testament has been widened in Christ to all nations. But who are God’s unique people now?
A: The unique people of God are the Church (or Congregation) of Christ, His Body, which consists of all believers of all times and places, whom God has chosen from all nations of the earth. They include Jews and non-Jews , who in faith have surrendered to Jesus as their Messiah and Saviour.
Believers in Christ also represent the Kingdom of God, which in principle already rules in their renewed hearts and lives. Presently, after His Second Coming, Christ will fully rule the whole renewed creation, including a new heaven and a new earth.
Q: Can you tell something about yourself?
A: An important part of my life has been devoted to teaching the Bible and theology, both in The Netherlands and Malawi. I have published on European and African church history, missions, Israelism, and the lexicography of Chichewa, a widely spoken language in Central Africa. See:
Endorsement for Christian Zionism Examined
“Christian Zionism Examined is an expert look at Christian Zionism and all of its related forms. The author, Dr. Steven Paas, provides an excellent introduction to Christian Zionism and other varieties of ‘Israelism’ in Europe and the West. Paas traces the roots and historical circumstances that have fueled the fires from which Christian Zionism has arisen. He notes its dangers—how it harms our Christian witness, potentially encourages global crises, and undermines the gospel and its fulfillment in Jesus. Anyone wanting to understand the nature of Christian Zionism, including its related movements, its history, and its dangers, must read this work.”
—Dr. Rob Dalrymple, author of These Brothers of Mine: A Biblical Theology of Land and Family and of A Response to Christian Zionism
Bemmel, Jason van, ‘The Church of Christ is the Israel of God’ The speaker is convinced that all the promises God made to Old Testament Israel have become true in Jesus Christ (2 Cor.1:20) and in all believers in Him. Consequently, he believes that the Church of Christ is ‘the Israel of God’ (Gal.6:15, 16). This is what he lectures:
Chapman, Colin, Christian Zionism and the Restoration of Israel: How Should We Interpret the Scriptures?, Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2021. [Review by Steven Paas: – Interview by Duane Miller:]
--------------, Whose Promised Land?: The continuing conflict over Israel and Palestine, Oxford: Lion, Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2021.
Dalrymple, Rob, These Brothers of Mine: A Biblical Theology of Land and Family and a Response to Christian Zionism, Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2015. [Introduction by Steven Paas. Looking for the brothers and sisters of Jesus', -].
Du Toit, Philip La Grange, ‘Does the New Testament support Christian Zionism?’, in: In die Skriflig/ In Luce Verbi, November 2016; ISSN (Online) 2305-0853, (Print) 1018-6441, p.7,8.
Katanacho, Yohanna, The Land of Christ: A Palestinian Cry, Pickwick Publications 2013. [Review by Steven Paas:]
Kempen, Abraham, A. van, Christian Zionism, Enraptured Around a Golden Calf: Evangelicals Rediscovering New Testament Revelations, Fast Pencil, 2018.
Maljaars, Bram, ‘And so all Israel will be saved’ (Rom. 11, 26), in: Steven Paas, Christian Zionism Examined, Second Edition, Wipf & Stock: Eugene, Oregon, 2020, Appendix I, p.147-160.
Mauro, Philip, The Seventy Weeks: And the Great Tribulation, First Ravenbrook, 1921, reprinted 2014 by Create Space Independent Publishing Platform [ISBN 978-1499703689]
Paas, Steven (ed.), Israelism and the Place of Christ: Christocentric Interpretation of Biblical Prophecy, LIT Verlag, Berlin, Munster,Vienna, Zurich, London, January 2018 Contributors: Erik van Alten, Gregory K. Beale, Colin Chapman, Bram Maljaars, Joost van Meggelen, Duane Alexander Miller, Steven Paas, Wido van Peursen, Theo Pleizier, Raymond Potgieter, Owen Palmer Robertson, Stephen Sizer, Jos Strengholt, Martin van Veelen. [Review by Dr. Alexander Stewart, in Biblical Theology Bulletin, vol.50-2020, p.101, 102,]
Paas, Steven, Luther on Jews and Judaism: A Review of his ‘Judenschriften’, Zürich: LIT Verlag, 2017.
--------------, Christian Zionism Examined: A Review of Ideas on Israel, the Church, and the Kingdom, Second Edition, Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2020 [ISBN 978-1-7252-5454-1] (1st ed. Nürnberg/ Hamburg: VTR/RVB, 2012) [Review by Dr. Bob Wielenga, 'Is Christian Zionism a Heresy?', in: In die Skriflig/ In Luce Verbi, 56 (1), 2022,]
----------------, ‘Character and consequences of Israelism/ Christian Zionism’. Updated 30 October 2021. In this article, presented as an interview of 20 questions and answers, the author introduced his study Christian Zionism Examined, and summarized his Israel theology, including the phenomena of antisemitism and philosemitism.
---------------, ‘Kuzukuta kwa kaganizidwe ka pa Israel/ Ayuda, Chikulupiriro Chachikhristu, Mpingo wa Khristu ndi Ufumu wa Mulungu’
Robertson, O. Palmer, The Israel of God: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, Phillipsburg-NJ: P&R, 2000.
Sizer, Stephen, Christian Zionism, Road Map to Armageddon?, Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 2004.
--------------, Zion’s Christian Soldiers: The Bible, Israel and the Church, Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 2007.
--------------, ‘What is the Relationship between Israel and the Church?’ The author deals with the issue in 7 questions and answers, in writing and orally:
Stewart, Alexander, ‘The Future of Israel, Early Christian Hermeneutics, and the Apocalypse of John’, in: JETS 61.3 (2018), p. 563-575.
Stott, John R.W., ‘The Place of Israel’, sermon in: Stephen Sizer, Zion’s Christian Soldiers: The Bible, Israel and the Church, Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 2007. Also here:
White, A. Blake, God’s Chosen People: Promised to Israel, Fulfilled in the Church, Colorado Springs: Cross to Crown Ministries, 2017
Kingdom Financier
2yThis goes along with a thought God gave to me. Thank you
Founder & Managing Trustee of Vedic & Scientific Research Foundation
3yExcellent , Religion - Re+Ligion comes from our Ancestors Experiences based on Time, Mind & Energy, Most of them not to know when Religion Born and where? Because with Believe Systems, every one following. In this Earth nearly 98% fellows various Religion for Self Realization, Self Synergy, Self Love, Self Trust, Self Esteem. Religion teach Harmony withIN, Family, Society, Country and Earth. Every Religion teaches Love & Trust towards Manifestation of Human Beings Evaluations. We are requesting you all. Lets Joined hands to Spread Love, Peace & Wisdom for our Future Children. Jai Vijaya Bhava.
free lance author-writer/content editor/translator at Self Employed
3yThe word theology indeed comes from the Greek THEOS (ΘΕΟΣ), God, and LOGOS (ΛΟΓΟΣ), meaning word. Thus, theologian is one who speaks of God from the Word of God, or meditates on it which Puritan Thomas Watson describes as reflectively extracting the gold out of the truth of God after having found its veins in the Holy Bible.
3yThis is good read. Am particularly reformed every time I go through all these explanation of how Christ is central figure. Your views don't undermine the gospel. I wish you would bring more of theological passages to link these ideas. Being schooled in replacement theology am yet to discover this side of theology and be challenged.