City Council concludes public consultation on its Draft Revised Planning Obligations SPD
Newcastle City Council recently held a 7-week public consultation regarding its Draft Revised Planning Obligations SPD which ended on 27th January 2021. Numerous changes are proposed since the last SPD was published in 2016 and many of these changes would increase the amount of S106 contributions that landowners and developers could be asked to provide when bringing forward new residential developments.
EHP were instructed by a local landowner to review the Draft Revised SPD and provide our commentary on the education-related content. We made representations on several important aspects including, amongst others: the need for greater clarity on how the council would establish whether additional school infrastructure is required; the need for visibility on whether and how the council would take into account previous funding for new school places; greater visibility of how the council intends to use school forecasts to assess the need for S106 contributions for additional school infrastructure; whether the council will take into account education-related CIL receipts from previous developments; our analysis and observations regarding the relative costs per pupil place for new schools versus existing school expansion; and the need for a regional adjustment regarding the council’s education infrastructure cost calculations.
At EHP we regularly review Supplementary Planning Documents, Infrastructure Delivery Plans and other planning policy documents on behalf our clients to analyse and assess the potential social infrastructure requirements arising as a result of new residential development. If you would like us to review any current or potential new planning policy documents to assess the local implications for new education or healthcare infrastructure provision, please contact Oliver Nicholson our Strategy Director at or 07985 065468 for an initial free consultation.
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