Too much, too soon
Pupil yield is one of the range of assessment parameters that Local Education Authorities (LEAs) use when seeking to set out a position that S106 education contributions are necessary to create additional educational infrastructure in order to meet the needs arising from new residential developments.
More than 2 years have passed since the Department for Education announced plans for an “emerging national methodology for the calculation of pupil yields from housing development”.
In the meantime all LEAs are continuing to use their own pupil yield methodologies.
As part of our rolling, UK-wide research programme incorporating all LEA areas, EHP monitors the different pupil yield methodologies used by LEAs when assessing the impact of new residential developments on local school places. The pupil yield factors or pupil product ratios show significant variance between different LEA areas and our comprehensive research demonstrates how many of the LEAs’ pupil yield methodologies are often out-of-date or are not derived from a robust, evidence-driven approach and hence are open to scrutiny.
As a result some LEAs request levels of S106 education contributions from new residential developments which are unduly onerous and are not justified.
EHP has developed a unique, expanded methodology within our Education Impact & Mitigation Assessments ® which enables us to review the range of assessment parameters that LEAs use when seeking to secure S106 education contributions from new residential developments.
In the last 12 months EHP has assessed over 23,000 dwellings on our clients' residential development sites. Our team has successfully completed more than 850 site-specific analyses across the UK.
If you or your client have a residential development site where S106 education or healthcare contributions have been requested, or if you are about to submit a planning application and would like our advice on the amount of financial contributions for education or healthcare infrastructure that may be sought, please contact Oliver Nicholson our Strategy Director at or 07985 065468 for an initial free consultation.
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