Clinicians Speak First
Creating exceptional patient experiences will not happen by accident. It takes a lot of hard work and intentionality on the part of the healthcare team. To ensure that patients get the best experience possible, there are certain steps you can take to make sure that your patients feel truly valued, respected, and heard. Let's discuss communication as a foundational aspect of creating exceptional patient experiences.
Listen to Your Patients
According to a study in The Journal of General Internal Medicine, physicians interrupted patients after a median of 11 seconds. When talking with your patients, show them respect by listening carefully to what they have to say and responding thoughtfully. Don’t rush them through their story; instead, take the time to understand their concerns and answer any questions they might have about their treatment plan or procedure. A good listener will help put their mind at ease and helps to build relationships and trust.
Be Mindful of Communication Styles
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Different people prefer different communication styles—some may prefer a more formal approach while others may be more comfortable with casual conversations during medical visits. Pay attention to how your patients communicate with you so that you can adjust your style accordingly. For example, if someone seems uncomfortable talking about medical issues in detail, don’t press them for more information than necessary; instead, focus on providing reassurance and clarity about what will happen next in the process.
Here is an Experience Essential that you can take back to your organization.
Providing an exceptional patient experience isn't easy but it is foundational to creating relationships and building trust. By taking the time to listen carefully and be mindful of communication styles, healthcare professionals can ensure that each patient feels valued, respected, and heard throughout their journey towards "being their best selves".
To explore opportunities to elevate your patient experiences, reach your goals, and impact health outcomes.
Contact Toni Land
Educator, philanthropist, business owner
1yToni, this is excellent. I’m thinking of how applicable this would be in working with students’ families as they face issues and work together for a solution. Everyone wsnts to be heard and understood, then tje problem can be resolved. Thanks for this! Coffee soon?
Collaborating to Re-Imagine Health Care
1yInsightful and great reminder for all of us in all aspects of our lives - getting to the why, not just the what.
I am the Life Sciences Practice Lead @Qualtrics, I help health-focused organization understand & execute XM (Experience Management) business solutions. My personal moonshot is validating EaaM - Experience as a Medicine
1yMore about “what matters to you than what’s the matter with you.”
LinkedIn Top Voice | I design experiences that grow Retail and SaaS revenue I Executive, Practitioner, Enabler I 7x’d sales velocity in < 1 year
1y💡 Creating exceptional patient experiences will not happen by accident.