VPD Constipation Promotion Success!
The first Radio Promotion has gone successfully, to raise awareness of Constipation, rather than anything else. We raised awareness of raising awareness, and mostly to tell people all up and down the block who I am : a Radio and Marketing person working with the local small business community to promote small business. I may have been the guy with VPD-induced constipation to experience the acquired Jet Lag the homeless and underhoused are powering through, but I also used my pain, my LOUDNESS to promote my own QR Code, the Calvin Berast Radio Show (CBRS) broadcasting high above Pigeon Park from a wee blimp that circles the area, and sometimes I broadcast from deep below the surface of the Earth in a top secret underground bunker 600 feet below Oppenheimer park. Often times I am simply in my office playing make-believe, or now I am at the Lie-Berry trying to not get attacked by Karens.
I finally overcame constipation! Not a single person in my community helped in any way so I ended up going up and down the block simply looking for bottles and collecting the money I needed that way.
Next, we are eating Breakfast and Coffee, and I need 10 dollars and I have nothing to sell, so I will be back out there again and again to find real food, not bread or sugar or unsolicited advice, just meat, potatoes, gravy, cheese, FAT, and coffee, and beer. That's my gut biome and that's what I run on and any attempt to deviate me from my personal health will not be successful.
UPDATE: Not a single person helped again and I will just be very loud and very hungry, and that is in my neighborhood, my so-called family, this DTES area, everything is taken away so a person can not eat. Finally some woman had compassion on me and a man from across the street: "WHY SHOULD YOUR BRAIN WORK PROPERLY!?" Exactly -- the body runs the brain and the brain needs the body to be fed properly to work; I'm the writer, that's why. I can scream about Constipation all day every day but I would rather be the quiet, gentle, patient radio man that I am, rather than the BIG BOISTEROUS PUBLIC APPEARANCE RADIO PROMOTER WHO IS CONSTIPATED OR NEEDS FOOD PROPERLY. LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!
HUNGER STRIKE 2023 / POO STRIKE 2023 CONTINUES. Without a proper gut biome culture, I simply will be a very loud guy screaming about -- well I have no idea what, lol. This article and the QR Code itself. I'll print a very large QR Code and wear it as a shirt that explains me, it will point back to this article! Also for Tony at the bus stop, he'll wear my shirt. I'll buy Outdoor [advertising] for the billboard at the bus stop and put myself there with a QR Code. I will make a MISSING PERSON shirt with my self on the page all happy, "Have you seen me? I'm this guy too!"
Hooray, question mark? "I come with instructions!" All this is to save up enough to print business cards and start making the content and the merch and everything -- the SEO sends it all across North America, it's not for Vancouver, I just have the great misfortune to be living here, lol. It all starts with me eating properly of course. LOUDNESS BROUGHT TO YOU BY CALVIN BERAST RADIO! Die in the gutter all you like, but please stay away from the storefronts, yes, yes? Thank you.
The show is for the community, so I hope you enjoy it! Constipation is brought to you by local cops who starved me and had me beaten and drugged (although I drank their drug supply voluntarily, it was all I was given to drink), and I told them since they requested repeatedly to write about them and they kept insinuating themselves into the story of my personal life, that now they have confirmed it, YES I WILL WRITE ABOUT YOU. Here it is. VPD are the Poo Police, lol. Are you happy now? I had my poo. I'm happy now, hah.
Support the local police : ACAS -- ALL COPS ARE SWEETHEARTS -- This was something I was asked to do to be a part of the local small business community and that part is over, but I still need to eat actual food, not sugar, not cake, not carbs but meat, fat, potatoes, gravy, cheese, and yes I drink a beer after my meal to digest it, that's my gut biome. It's the only thing that matters.
In absence of any community support, and with the ability to make money completely taken away by the local community, and while I still wait for my inheritance and an advocate for housing, or anything else, I finally have met one person in this town after nearly 3 years, so that's a start.
I would call this a very positive radio promotion, there's no such thing as bad publicity. Once more into the breach, my dear friends, as I go off in search of my next meal, beer, and now I need money too, I'm not sure why people try to cut off my money supply but it's one of the most important things we do as business MEN (you know any? lol).
"giggling about the things that pop out of our bodies has always had its own special brand of comedy." -Martin Luther King Jr.
Speaking of the lack of men in this town -- why is everyone spineless, gormless, gutless, niggardly, and unable to articulate themselves or have the courage to speak out loud or look real men in the eye? I can't answer for others, I'm just asking.
My phone was stolen, they apologized, gave me another one, and then loudly proclaimed on every block I was "trying to sell somebody else's phone," well yes, the one they gave me to replace mine. I eventually just left it on a corner and said FREE PHONE, I need money or beer, maybe you can use it or sell it, bye!
When I was in Saskatoon the police would pull up every Halloween and park 3 doors down, and once they did, every person and family would suddenly skip over my house and scowl at me and give me dirty looks as they passed by, so I'm not sure what they're up to but this is happening deliberately as I am set up as a business owner, LLC, and protector of children and families here in the DTES. It may be because my parents and sister raped and molested lots of children while my godparents drugged them, but I didn't have any party to these things and "raped children are [poof!] now the rapists, no, that's Catholic Propaganda to silence the victims. DARVA - Deny, Attack, Replace Victim with Attacker and POOF! Instant rapist. No, honey, that's your fear when you see me, that tells me about you. Bunch of perverts in this town, I see that, they scream about it all the time, lol. Nice!
Meanwhile, I had very angry women out there making threats to throw bricks at babies passing by with their mothers in strollers. Remember, hurting children is only something a woman can do, Men all protect and watch over children and women. My mom was RCMP and Government of Canada and we all know what she did to the children, right? Exactly. Rich White Canada Post worker? People simply handed over their kids to her. Hah. Not my kids. I stayed out of it, just ask the police, haha. The fake profile was to keep people away while they did this "Nature vs. Nurture" experiment on me and it's still going on; the Chinese paid my parents a quarter million dollars in 1977 when my father failed in business. You tell me why, I'm sure I don't know.
Watch out for the fake profile on me being proliferated throughout the community: My parents and sister rape and molest children and my godparents drug them up with crack cocaine, that's just an established fact but please don't conflate my last name with being involved with the human trafficking. I'm not even allowed into all the "___ every child matters, [only our children, lol]" businesses here in the DTES because I can see it and for other reasons I can't say. I'm in one of them now and they're all going bonkers and very nervous I'm talking about them, instead of telling my own story, the VPD have insinuated themselves into my life so far that I am no longer allowed to eat or make money, so get ready for the very loud promotion of -- well I don't know yet, we'll do the next bible reading or something, it's just me as an actor that we're promoting, small business, radio advertising, and -- it's under the banner of Photography, since we're promotions for business.
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We all poop! [citation needed] -Wikipedia
Nope, I'm just Calvin P. Berast local radio personality, public person, advertising and marketing person, and yes I need money and food to live including beer; I had idiots actually try to boss me around or to introduce foreign substances into my already-established gut biome, as if that would ever happen. Hah! Nope. Try some other small business owner and tell them what to eat or what to wear or when to poop and see how far that gets ya, hah.
"Beyond the call" -- like who asked ya? It's a great slogan. At least I am known by people who can show publicly that I am who I say I am: a radio and small business promoter and yes people need to have a poop at the END of the day or beginning, not waiting 4 days after being starved and such. It must be so annoying to have me in public reacting to local weirdos who just want a PTSD or other type of 'episode,' when they are the ones causing it.
I'm glad to be in the DTES so once I move up, I can move out and eventually leave this awful country forever, but that's my personal plans, there are lots of people who need creative types who aren't pestered publicly and privately by local idiots and whomever else is in their little club of wanna-be thugs, hah.
For decades, poop jokes have reigned supreme as the funniest jokes to crack (pun intended). -Doctor Hops
Like and Subscribe if you dare, but the Calvin Berast radio show continues in public until I have my food in me, and that could take many days. Being deliberately starved and beaten repeatedly does not make a very good story but that's their request to be the story, I don't know why, though, you'd have to ask them. I actually don't know, lol. I'm just the writer. I can only write about what's happening to me and they keep happening to me, around me, about me, sending Karens to stir up trouble and then blame me for reacting to trouble-makers (usually nearly always women, never men, unless a woman has told them lies to provoke wanna-be thugs against me). Why attack the writer? Ask them, all I can do s write. See? You're reading what I wrote right now! Hmm.
Thank you to all who do support me out there, but if you give me food that I can't eat I will take it politely and immediately feed it to the birds once it's mine and all, because I eat FAT not sugar, carbs, vegetables, nothing like that at all. I had some moron say, "sugar is very filling!" Like, did you all take the Short Bus to school or something? You want people sugar crashing and going bonkers in reaction to your provocations, just to attack victims of rape, CSA, and the regular violent attacks of their own fake gangs or whatever.
I don't welcome any unsolicited advice about my personal diet either so if you have advice for yourself, that's great, save it for your memoirs, but I know what my body needs, so that's me! It was simply awful to be a Sober Frenchman, just the worst. Sobriety hit me too hard, and it will take a few days to re-culture my gut biome and become myself again, for now I am just a listless wanderer in search of Fat and Beer and Coffee. I've seen the light, you can't eat it, it's not my focus.
If people 'accuse' me of 'being a light,' I will definitely become one by being the loudest person in any area, and then directing peoples' focus to an ACTUAL LIGHT such as the Sunshine and remind them My Light is Jesus Christ, the Sun of God, but no, I'm not your 'light' folks, that's like mentally retarded people and messed up druggies and such, not calm radio people doing their job of loudly promoting the thing we were asked to promote: In this case (and for their own inexplicable reason) VPD and their Constipation Plan as they enforce Poverty Reduction whereupon they reduce you to Poverty but why they are requesting that, I can't say, call the non-emergency line and ask them, they'll answer after 6 - 8 hours or so and tell you all about it, lol.
I am doing nothing until payday now, we have Tarot Cards, a Board Game, a fake TV commercial in the works, once I am fed and watered, and in this town that can take days! I have no 'family' here, it was fake just to lead me on and -- I have fake court for their little make-believe game all hungry and not on my proper diet after they starved me in the first place. Wish me luck! I don't eat sugar, that's for idiots. Have fun out there but remember, women are violent and rape children, men protect children so don't worry about men protecting others, worry about the crazy people causing the problems and definitely don't focus on me, making me the focus, the light, because it is causing car accidents and other people get distracted while staring at the "happy guy," wondering why he's happy in a city full of paranoid psychosis-ridden, schizophrenic people who have lost their electrolytes, iodine, not decalcifying their pineal gland, and not culturing their gut biome. Hastings and Clark, man screaming in traffic because another driver is staring at me instead of the light. I don't know what i look like, lol. I look out from these eyes. I have no idea what you are all afraid of inside yourselves since I already know I'm fine, you're just seeing what you want to see, then freaking out. I had a woman scream and wave her arms and I repeated her guesture and she said, "HEY, I HAVE ATHSMA!" Like, what? It's your craziness folks, not anything to do with the calm writer writing FICTION for TV and Film, in a few years. That's all I do, sit at my desk and type what's happening around me, and that's what's happening.
The homeless have Jet Lag, in fact, so please treat them as such, but I'm fine. I'm Calvin P. Berast, I'm always like this! I'm me! It's you people with the trouble with what your eyes see, I just see a bunch of troubled people and I try to help out. This, combined with my being happy about it, confuses and angers people. I usually don't need anything and it's confusing to people to see me, a real man, walking around not in need, not in a hurry, and they go all bonkers and 'come at me' with wild stories, presuppositions, odd or awkward or inappropriate suggestions, sexual perversions (like they wanted to rape their own sister in my Class C Motorhome, for example), and I had a crazy man screaming at me all drunk about what I should do, like, what? You people don't know who you are, let alone who I am, lol. WTF. No, you can get that thought right out of your heads and never try that again,
Meanwhile, promoting by screaming things is catching on -- a normal woman came a-screamin' across the road selling something, I'm like, yeah, sister! Be the TV commercial you want people to see and hear. That's nice!
And now you all know who I am, the guy who was asked to promote the VPD Constipation Plan, and write this weird article about it. Not the choice I would have made. Now I have court and will be all strange-seeming with no breakfast or whatever, but that's what they have prescribed, for their own purposes. All this is to be accepted in the local business community and run my business and LLC, the ad copy house and photography studio.
If and when I'm finally allowed to be myself and begin my business I'm expecting contracts from VPD and COV and everybody, lol. I have business license to pay, insurance to buy, remittances, taxes to file, food to eat, beer to drink, radio to produce, conversations to have, pot to smoke, not to mention [redacted] (and I won't even bring it up) and so wish me luck as I am always #2 in your heart.