Corporate Jargon for 2021 inspired by Covid-19
· Pandemic – An idea that shows exponential growth in any geography or culture that it enters.
· R0 – The number of new customers that each existing customer brings in. This determines the time it will take for the idea to capture the market.
· COVID-19 – A start-up competitor product that got into your radar because it was performing well in some other territory. But before you could acknowledge it and assess its impact, it came and captured all the market share in your territory.
· Incubation period – The initial time when an idea does not show immediate traction, even though it has enormous potential.
· Asymptotic carrier – A client who does not use the product but still does a word-of-mouth publicity.
· Super carrier – An influencer who has limited reach and is not counted among the big league, but manages to produce much more efficient results.
· Testing Rate – Identifying unsatisfactory users who have not raised a complaint but are holding a grudge against the company.
· Lockdown/Shelter in Place – Holding the team in office till the team completes the project, and there is no risk to in-time delivery.
· Social distancing – when an individual/team is staying away from others to focus on their project and avoid thought contamination.
· Toilet roll – Devoting resources to a frivolous utility while there are much bigger issues at bay. When layoffs are happening and people at highest risk are more worried about their unclaimed sports expenses.
· Gun rush – In a problem situation, devoting resources on saving one’s ass rather than helping with solving the problem. When a project is missing deadlines and instead of trying to finish it, people are scrambling to create and collect evidence that can be used to pass the blame on other people or teams.
· Trump on Covid – CEO who kills the company because market research didn’t match his opinions.
· China Virus – Trying to blame unethical practices by the competition when the truth is that you were not prepared for a very visible disruption.