The cost of pursuing the truth in El Salvador
"Again, it's impossible to think that someone has an interest in our relationship when they're using their paid media machine to attack the United States every day," - AMB Jean Manes
The following story, by Rauda, details the personal costs of doing this work in a country whose populist president has handcuffed the judiciary and publicly attacked journalists who challenge the official line. - Frontline
"I spent my 30th birthday fighting with the president of my country, El Salvador, on Twitter over an article I wrote for ProPublica.
"In the story, Raymond Bonner and I disclosed that the judge leading the investigation of the El Mozote massacre was about to be removed.
"President Nayib Bukele told his 3 million Twitter followers that our story was entirely false. “It’s not even biased journalism or activism, it’s trash,” he declared in one tweet. I answered a couple times, and then Bukele wrote that everyone who believed in my reporting was stupid."
A professional embarrassment to the "Green Beret"
On July 5, 2019, the below email was sent me by Mr. Allen Bruce Hazlewood (he spells his last name two different ways, for some reason). It is an example of what Ambassador Manes and El Faro reporter Nelson Rauda have described regarding the public affairs smear campaign directed by the Bukele government against those who speak the truth.
In November 2021, Mr. Hazelwood self-identified himself and another retired American veteran of the war in El Salvador as belonging to the "El Mozote Group", or those 17 defendants facing the trial phase in El Salvador for their decisions, orders, and actions that resulted in the slaughter of 1000 Salvadoran citizens at and around the canton of El Mozote.
In his July 2019 email to me, Mr. Hazelwood/Hazlewood attached what he claimed was a report he'd written and was submitting to whomever he was apparently consulting for. It's content is self-indicative of why Ambassador Manes' last six months at the U.S. embassy was non-productive. It also gives an intimate insight as to the Character, or lack thereof, of the author.
Those who have read the report and who possess extensive professional experience and knowledge regarding the current situation in El Salvador, to include the not-so-clever efforts to derail Justice in the cases of El Mozote and the Dutch murders, have told me nearly everything Hazelwood/Hazlewood describes are indeed, in one form or another, in effect.
The question raised is this. Is U.S. policy in the region, specifically in El Salvador, being actively undermined by an American citizen now living and clearly meeting with and consulting on behalf of the Bukele government?
Only the U.S. State Department may be able to answer this intriguing question, to include - if so - what legal ramifications exist that could be applied to any U.S. citizen who can be shown to be interfering in a significant, meaningful, and counter-productive way with U.S. policy in El Salvador, to include our national security interests?
To include promoting or participating in the harassment and intimidation of reporters, journalists, and potential or identified witnesses in cases pertaining to crimes against humanity.
Note: In 1992, Mr. Hazlewood/Hazelwood agreed to participate in the UN Truth Commission's war crimes investigation regarding what he might know or provide reference the 1981 El Mozote massacre and the 1982 assassination of four Dutch journalists.
In 2016, he would begin denying having done so as more information became available, much of it from Hazelwood/Hazlewood himself in the form of emails coming from his MSN account and
As we today know he is fully integrated into what he self-titled the "El Mozote Group" with all such integration and support implies.
On November 16, 2021, Professor Terry Karl, the expert witness assisting Judge Guzman in El Salvador as he worked tirelessly to determine the truth regarding El Mozote, addressed the ongoing effort of Mr. Hazelwood/Hazlewood to "kill the messengers" when she responded to the email intentionally forwarded to me, and Cc'd / Bcc'd to a number of others in the former Special Forces soldier's "hugh mailing list".
"Dear All:
"Hazlewood (He spells his name in two different ways) has been writing me regularly, telling me I lost he trial by believing Greg. He has asked for an apology, says he will sue me, and now says he is going to Stanford to report me.
"I have not answered him at all.
"I believe Greg, always have, and will continue to do so. He is one of the most interesting people I know -- and not just on El Mozote.
"As an "expert," I get to state my opinion in a manner that is different than journalists, but I did not take this solely from interviews but also from written documents. Please note that I have copies of Hazlewood's writings and copies of his emails about El Mozote. He has told 3-4 different stories (depending on whom he talks to) and (if you believe what he writes) is now working for Bukele, "the world's coolest dictator ". Even the person who swears that he was "in headquarters" gives the wrong date for this alibi, so you know.
"Please note that both my written testimony and oral testimony (if you listened to the whole thing) made clear he was "with Monterrosa," but that I didn't know exactly where. I stand by those words and by my sources.
"After all that Salvadorans have suffered in the civil war, and after all the deaths of especially of Salvadorans but also of Americans, it makes me ill that it is in a new round of authoritarian rule and repression."
"Below is a short description of the protection and security programs that are the main reasons for the new President’s favorability rating and improvements." - Allan Bruce Hazelwood/Hazlewood, July 2019
Allen Hazlewood <HAZLEWOOD91@msn>
Thu 7/4/2019 6:31 PM
El Savador Situation.docx
"Why not shut-up -- Never was I in El Mozote during the incident -- another fabrication. However, even though I trained Atalacal in October 1981, from June 1982 to October 1984, as Team Leader of the Strategic Sites Security Team and Program Manger of the new National Civil Defense Program, I met, coordinated and conducted field visits with Monterrosa and the battalion in accordance with my various assignments and with U.S. Embassy approval. From June 1982 until November 1986 I also met with all other Security Force and major department commanders, and others, in their bases and in the field.
"FYI -- After the DOD lawyers assigned to be with me during Dutch witness interview questioning, inquired in a negative manner ”who is this Walker guy” this lead me to wonder about your background and qualifications. So, after a check of records with SWC any proof of you attending all three SF Qualification Courses could not be found. Nor other than an initial ride along, a search of your local PD showed that you never graduated from an accredited Police Academy. You probably can produce a diploma for both -- maybe not -- could it be another fabrication similar to the El Mozote claim -- maybe? One has to wonder and hesitant -- because similar to Mike Kim, who was also in the SF Reserves/National Guard who did not attend/graduate from the SF Q Course. Also, like others who claim to have been in Force Recon in Vietnam -- could fall into that category? Surely you would not fabricate your qualifications or any other story for any type of personal gain-- I am pulling for you to prove you did not.
"Attached is a document you might want to read. Afterwards, Ill send the summary of the DOJ sponsored witness interview with Dutch investigators -- you did not come out to good -- matter of fact, you came out looking like a phony clown. I have bcc’d a hugh mailing list.
Stay tuned.
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El Salvador Situation, July 5, 2019
"Since retiring from the military in 1987 I have lived in El Salvador for six months a year. As was the case when working here from 1979 thru 1986 my interests mainly are in national security and community protection programs. However, over the last 15 years I have witnessed El Salvador sink to new lows each year. Fortunately, this negative situation is improving daily.
"Today while speaking with the primary person in-charge of the new President’s pre-election’s messaging, image marketing and public affairs, who was also was one of the architects of the New Ideas campaign (Director of Intelligence), asked what was my assessment of the new government to date? What drove his question was we had met over a heavy night of drinking and my impression of the candidate was very negative. When asked my response was – as you know, where I was one of his harshest critics’ pre-election, I am now 99.9% in agreement with his security and protection programs.
"It was continued that -- where today’s 80% favorability was impressive -- given the effectiveness of his recent action it could not be understood why it was not 87%. This seemed to go over his head because he next asked me -- in a fun way -- why 99.9% and not 100%. The reply was, where I believe his (the President’s) strategy is understood, I was not in agreement with the decision to remove Monterrosa’s name off the Third Brigade Base years after he was declared as a national hero by the government.
"It was added that even today the military and 70% of the population still view him as a national treasure. The answer was – we know you were professionally close to Domingo, but in order to get past the current contentious relationships -- concerning the civil war -- Monterrosa was scarified in order to serve as a major beginning to reconciliation. Removing the name and providing economic support for the affected communities serves to quiet the situation to create space for an eventual national amnesty. My last comment was, I be damn, even in his death Monterrosa continues to do great things for the country.
"Other Thoughts
"Before describing the new government’s various security programs, it seems appropriate to briefly mentioned perhaps the most divisive elements preventing national reconciliation – the United Nations and individual(s) outside self-serving often phony meddling.
"Several local officials stated that with the security improvements, listening to all of the armed chair critics from a far -- involved in trying to maintain national division – they are an embarrassment and it is time they shut up. I added, that their continued meddling is like gay rights and black reparations discussions -- tiring. what Salvadorans did to others during the civil conflict is El Salvador’s issue to resolve – not fabricated gossip column like commentators.
"Regardless of negative attempts by the UN and others, nothing can be done long term to steal the contributions made by brave Salvadoran military officials such as Jorge Cruz, Calito, Monterrosa, etc. These historic heroes, and other less well known, will always remain in the heart of the majority of the population.
"It appears the time of the armed forces being shunned – primarily because of the UN sowing the seeds of fear -- including some U.S. persons -- who have preached for years that the military should be punished, not be trusted, are not reliable and should always remain in their bases – is going away.
"At last, the Salvadoran military can feel proud of their contributions against insurgent forces during the civil war. So, to all Salvadoran military warriors, congratulations on a job well done.
"After all, these Salvadoran heroes only just did what their civilian and military leadership, Ronald Reagan and George Bush asked of them – STOP COMMUNISIM!!
"Below is a short description of the protection and security programs that are the main reasons for the new President’s favorability rating and improvements.
"The security situation in El Salvador is undergoing rapid changes resulting in favorable daily improvements safety within the country. Fortunately for El Salvador, there is a willingness to incorporate military and police into a single criminal fighting force. This has resulted in positive changes in the manner in which major security areas are being addressed and/or approached.
"The biggest positive change is that no longer will the military be kept in their barracks because of a fear of the military as an institution, and coupled with appeasement to a very disruptive and divisive UN presence.
"Eliminating the fear of the military and acknowledgement of the need to incorporate them into the fight has finally been recognized as critical to success. To date the military presence has become a welcomed reality and by all accepted criteria the joint Armed Forces and National Police cooperation is beginning to deliver noticeable results. For example, not only are the joint police and military forces rooting out crime in the towns, but for the first time since the civil war, are going deep into the country to locate insurgent like safe havens and gang basecamps being use as logistical, command, training and rest areas.
"New Security Activities:
"First, is the Territory Recovery Program in which the police and military collectively saturate an area (community, town or village (canton) to rid the towns from gangs, drug traffickers, extortionist and other criminal elements. Further striking in the approach is that it was made clear by the new President that the police and military deployments into towns are permanent, not just a one-time cleaning operation and leave. The joint Armed Forces and National Police cooperation is beginning to deliver noticeable results. For example, not only are the joint forces rooting out crime in the towns but for the first time are also going deep into the country to locate insurgent like basecamps being use logistical, command, training and rest areas.
"Second, is the government’s immediate police and armed forces response to a violent crime by gang members. In the latest incident within an hour of being notified the Minister of Defense and Director of the National Police were on the rural crime scene with a full contingent of police and army special operations force. Within 24 hours the four well-armed gang members were hunted down by the military, captured, turned over the police, and will “face the full weight of the law.”
"Third, is the almost complete lock down of the country’s prisons -- all communications cut and visitations suspended. The military has taken control of the external security and monitors staff and visitor ingress. The initiation of the practice to continuously rotate prisoners within the prison system is affecting the gang leader’s ability to maintain command and control of his network. Recently a police officer was killed by the gangs. The Government’s immediate response was to announced that they would increase the prison restrictions – a very appropriate Tit for Tat.
"Fourth, is the willingness of the government to fund the police and military so needed supplies, equipment and monies are available. Reinforcing the logistics sense of urgency, was the announcement by the Government that if the Salvadoran Congress does not approve the monies for security programs they will be seen as supporting crime and/or as actually part of the criminal elements.
"Fifth, is the willingness of the new government to take responsibility for its illegal immigration problems. This acknowledgment was reconfirmed when the new President of El Salvador took accountability on behalf of the nation as it relates to the two recent – much publicized -- illegal Salvadoran immigrants drowning deaths. He stated to a major news network that it is not another country’s fault -- but blame is clearly on the shoulders of all Salvadorans.
"Sadly, the politicians in the U.S. will let the new Salvadoran President take full blame and are not honorable/mature enough to accept and understand their guilt by admitting its failure to help El Salvador keep people within their borders by closing asylums loopholes, birth rights to children born to illegal immigrants, invoking a merit base immigration process, stop talking about ridiculous benefits, etc.
"Sixth, is the government initiative to obtain a true national civil war reconciliation agreement. This appears to be moving in a careful well-thought-out plan to reduce the tensions and a final amnesty should be forth coming. If so, the armed forces and their national heroes, like Monterrosa, and all other living members will have the mostly UN imposed weight from over their head.
"El Salvador’s new government has a favorability of 80% and seems to be growing. It might well be time for the international community to consider security program support by donating to a five-year security and protection program. This nominal gift would greatly assist El Salvador while serving as a model for other Central American countries facing similar problems.
"Lastly, as was put yesterday when having discussions with a senior official in-charge of security and intelligence operations, about the on-going protection programs, he ended by saying “if you ever need anything just ask” -- my reply was “thanks -- but I do not need a thing -- only need for you to run the country right.” He correctly relied “we are trying hard.”"
"To free them from oppression" - Motto of the "Green Berets" violated by one of their own
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The authorities in El Salvador have raided the offices of seven social service and advocacy groups in an embezzlement investigation that rights advocates charge is part of a politically motivated crackdown on independent voices.
Author profile
Greg Walker was the honor graduate of Special Forces Qualification Course 3-80. He retired from the United States Army / Special Forces in 2005. Greg's awards and decorations include the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (2 awards), the Combat Infantryman Badge (2 awards), and the Special Forces Tab.
Mr. Walker graduated with honors from Police Class #209, Department of Public Safety, Standards, and Training, State of Oregon. He medically retired from the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office in 2007 after reaching the rank of Detective. His awards and decorations include the Astoria Police Department's Meritorious Achievement Award (2) and the Hillsboro Police Department's Meritorious Achievement Award (1), and the Oregon Police Academy's prestigious Governor Victor G. Atiyeh Award for Excellence.
Today Greg lives and writes from his home in Sisters, Oregon, along with his service dog, Tommy.