Deadly Force -The role of the word "reasonable" will determine Ian Cranston's fate in Oregon murder trial
Updated January 4, 2022 -
District Attorney vows to oppose bail for alleged murder suspect -
The arresting officers at Bend PD, after their initial investigation at the scene, rendered an appropriate charge of Manslaughter in the Second Degree.
This allowed for Mr. Cranston to be released on bail to include his having no prior criminal record; carrying the firearm legally (CHL); and additional information provided to the BPD officers involved regarding the incident by witnesses at the scene.
Later, the Deschutes County District Attorney offered this. "Since the arrest of Mr. Cranston, additional evidence has been obtained. Much of this additional evidence was obtained from members of the public who came forward and shared information that was not known to the police when they arrested Mr. Cranston.
BPD refusal -
Per Hummel and founder of the Central Oregon "Peacekeepers", Mr. Luke Richter, the "shared information" brought to him by the "Peacekeepers" were purported images and content the "peacekeepers" defined as being racist. "Doxxing" is a well known practice by this group and they have "doxxed" nearly everyone in Central Oregon who falls prey to their ire. This to include not only local law enforcement but the Bend city manager, Bend's mayor, its city council, the Deschutes County commissioners, and local media (i.e. Central Oregon Daily News).
Examples of intimidating comments that appeared include these as published in the UK Daily Mail to include personal photos "doxxed" by the Central Oregon Peacekeepers for publication on their Facebook and other websites.
It was reported that not only Cranston but his fiancee's FB pages were shuttered as a result of the "doxxing" behaviors of the "peacekeepers" and the intimidation that comes from this targeting practice.
BPD and the DA's Office are likely very aware of the following legal concerns. "Screenshots can be a useful source of material in the Trade Marks Office (where the rules of evidence do not apply) to show infringing conduct or trademark usage. However, great caution is required if it is sought to be relied on in court, because such evidence does not always go unchallenged and if objection is taken, there is a risk it will be excluded.
"If a person seeks to tender a screenshot as evidence of the truth of a statement it contains, it will be excluded as inadmissible hearsay. However, if it is tendered to establish the fact that the relevant statement or representation was made, then it can be admissible as direct evidence. The use to which the evidence is to be put is therefore an important consideration."
Any "evidence" submitted by a member of the "peacekeepers" could potentially see that member called to the witness stand to describe how and why he/she/they collected it and then submitted it to, in this case, the DA. Given the group's history a Defense attorney would have a field day with such testimony for the benefit of his client and the jury.
It is of great interest to note Oregon has recently passed a significant law regarding "doxxing" - in reference to mugshots being made public - and it will be interesting to see if Mr. Cranston, as has Mr. Kyle Rittenhouse, will utilize this law in the future.
"By House Bill 3273 — sponsored by representatives Janelle Bynum, D-Clackamas, and Brad Witt, D-Clatskanie — came in part as a response to concerns from people who were negatively affected by doxxing — publicly disclosing an individual's personal information like an address or phone number, making them a target of harassment — during protests over the summer of 2020.
Some of the instances of doxxing, Bynum said, resulted from mugshots.num simultaneously sponsored House Bill 3047, a measure allowing individuals to take civil action in instances of doxxing. That law went into effect June 15. "It's time for our society to move past them," Bynum said of booking photos during testimony on the legislation. ... There are a few exceptions to the measure." -
Updated January 1, 2022 -
Cranston attorney seeks bail and release of his client -
What are the science-based effects of an essentially .20 Blood Alcohol Content on someone, especially a 21-year old male?
"Sali said Washington, who also was at the bar, had been “behaving erratically and aggressively,” and that he was intoxicated, with a blood-alcohol level later measured at 0.195%."
.10-.12 - At this level, you feel euphoric, but you lack coordination and balance. Your motor skills are markedly impaired, as are your judgment and memory. You probably don’t remember how many drinks you’ve had. Your emotions are exaggerated, and some people become loud, aggressive, or belligerent. If you’re a guy, you may have trouble getting an erection when your BAC is this high."
It is interesting Mr.Sali's brief, apparently, does not provide his client's BAC level. Especially as at the onset of this case John Hummel made this public statement. "Hummel said there is no evidence that Cranston was mentally impaired at the time, and though he had been drinking, there is no evidence that he was significantly impaired or that he was impaired to any degree based on blood alcohol levels."
If Mr. Cranston had been drinking and his BAC level was below .08 which Mr. Hummel's statement appears to suggest, Cranston's thought processes might have looked like this. ".02-.06 - Light and moderate drinkers begin to feel mildly relaxed and maybe a little light headed. Your inhibitions are slightly loosened, and whatever mood you were in before you started drinking may be mildly intensified. Your behavior may become exaggerated, making you talk louder or faster or act bolder than usual. You may also feel a mild sense of euphoria."
The cell phone video taken by Mr. Cranston's fiancee was first aired by Central Oregon Daily News. In short order the Central Oregon Peacekeepers stormed their offices in protest, an action requiring the Bend Police Department to respond. Then, during the Cranston arraignment, the same group led by Mr. Luke Richter, then targeted a CODN film crew covering the arraignment and aggressively, both physically and verbally, attacked them.
The video was finally taken down in Central Oregon however it remains available both nationally and internationally for viewing with audio.
Chris Menahan @infolibnews
"Indisputable" video evidence shows Barry Washington "assaulted Ian Cranston without provocation, resulting in head injuries that required the police to take [him] to the hospital where a brain scan and other procedures had to be performed," Cranston's attorney reports -
And - UK Daily Mail -
Still, the COPK website offers their continued Intent to intimidate not only the Daily News but by extension any and all other local media outlets, feeling perhaps their long-time "protection" by Deschutes County DA, John Hummel, provides for mob-like behavior.
"Access Revoked!
"Updated: Dec 17, 2021
"Even after everything they have done, and every terrible decision they have made in the last month...Central Oregon Daily News decided that they should send a team of their “journalists” down to cover the rally at the courthouse on October 1st.
"They knew it was inappropriate for them to be there. It was obvious they knew that, because unlike every other news team on site today, CO Daily sent an armed security officer to follow their team around.
"We don’t know how to make this any more clear to the Central Oregon Daily News. Your access is revoked."
Regardless of this video the investigating officers collected multiple security camera videos that have, apparently, provided the filmed evidence of the confrontation to a degree Mr. Sali is confident enough to see his client released on bail and, upon jury trial, exonerated.
With the group and its leadership on the public record regarding such actions, to include the recent COPK Facebook post, local law enforcement and possibly FBI monitors from the local Bend office, will certainly be preparing for future court hearings as well as the November 2022 trial date.
Especially in light of Peacekeeper founder, Mr. Luke Richter, having been notably present in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during the Kyle Rittenhouse trial as a COPK reporter. Local sources offer they are considering reaching out to the Kenosha Police Department for a "Lessons Learned" briefing regarding crowd control and other related enforcement considerations prior to the Cranston trial.
The role of the word "reasonable"
"I think the key answer to your questions is the role of the word "reasonable" in the statute and the instructions. This necessarily leaves the cases at the margins to the jury (which I imagine is another reason that use of force instructors may teach people to avoid conflict where possible, because you never know if the jury will see things the same way that the person does)." - Tung Yin, Professor of Law
Professor Tung Yin, Lewis & Clark Law School Faculty
Mr. Yin’s academic research focuses on national security and terrorism law. His scholarship has been cited in judicial opinions from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth and Ninth Circuits, the Florida and Georgia Supreme Courts, and other lower state and federal trial courts.
Professor Yin often provides sage commentary for local and national media on high-profile criminal matters, including news outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The National Law Journal, Oregon Public Broadcasting.
My sincere appreciation is extended to him for our email discussion yesterday on this topic.
Can a single punch kill or maim? The science says yes
"When a person is punched on the head, the impact will cause the brain to hit the skull.
"Like a large bouncy ball in a small space, the brain may then rebound and smash into the other side of the skull. This bouncing back and forth can also cause twisting of the brain: again think of the large ball bouncing around in a small space that’s not quite spherical, like a skull with facial bones.
"When picturing the impact of a punch or fall on the brain, Professor Andrew Kaye, Head of Neurosurgery at The Royal Melbourne Hospital, says to think of the brain like jelly on a plate: shake the plate hard enough and the jelly will shake and begin to tear. When a brain ‘rattles’ inside the skull, the neurons and cells making up the soft brain tissue can be damaged and torn apart.
"There are a number of conditions that can result from this trauma to the brain."
A Life can be altered forever by a single blow to the head
"While no official figures are available on one-punch deaths, the campaign group One Punch Can Kill has recorded more than 80 fatalities since 2007. Many of the cases have attracted media attention - in large part because it seems extraordinary that one punch can kill."
"Just as lethal" -
"Queens man killed by single punch after guy hits on his girlfriend"
"Ishmael Bacus, 49, and his gal pal were outside a Queens restaurant, The Hood, on Dec. 7 when 47-year-old Vish Sookram tried to strike up a conversation with Bacus’ girlfriend, leading to an argument just before 9:42 p.m., according to police.
"That’s when Sookram allegedly swung at the 49-year-old Bacus — landing a single blow that knocked Bacus to the pavement, where he cracked his skull, cops said.
"Bacus was taken to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, where he died more than a week later, on Dec. 16 [2019], police said."
War of words, clash of opinion, a jury must decide what was reasonable the night Barry Washington died
"Deschutes County District Attorney John Hummel has said the conflict began after Washington approached Cranston’s girlfriend, Allison A. Butler. In a September press conference, Hummel linked the shooting to “a disgraceful history of denigrating, prosecuting and lynching Black men for talking to white women.”
"Cranston pleaded not guilty to all charges, including second-degree murder, first and second-degree manslaughter, fourth-degree assault and two counts of unlawful use of a deadly weapon. He appeared by video before Circuit Court Judge Beth Bagley.
"Cranston’s attorney Kevin Sali has said that “before Ian Cranston ever drew his weapon, Barry Washington had assaulted him without provocation, resulting in head injuries…[and] that unprovoked assault was still actively in progress when the single shot was fired,” according to an Oct. 1 email statement from Sali."
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"In terms of proportionality, one example about fists and degree of harm was if an average build/height person were to face The Rock (6'5", massive). Yes, unarmed versus armed could justify lethal force, but since this all hinges on "reasonable," the case would depend on the actual facts as determined by the jury." - Professor Yin, December 8, 2021
Use of deadly physical force - what the federal law says in general
§ 1047.7 Use of deadly force.
(a) Deadly force means that force which a reasonable person would consider likely to cause death or serious bodily harm. Its use may be justified only under conditions of extreme necessity, when all lesser means have failed or cannot reasonably be employed. A [person] is authorized to use deadly force only when one or more of the following circumstances exists:
(1) Self-Defense. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to protect a [person] who reasonably believes himself or herself to be in imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm.
(2) Serious offenses against persons. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to prevent the commission of a serious offense against a person(s) in circumstances presenting an imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm.
Limitations of the use of deadly physical force in Oregon
ORS 161.219 - Limitations on use of deadly physical force in defense of a person
Notwithstanding the provisions of ORS 161.209 (Use of physical force in defense of a person), a person is not justified in using deadly physical force upon another person unless the person reasonably believes that the other person is:
(1) Committing or attempting to commit a felony involving the use or threatened imminent use of physical force against a person; or
(2) Committing or attempting to commit a burglary in a dwelling; or
(3) Using or about to use unlawful deadly physical force against a person. [1971 c.743 §23]
"It probably isn't reasonable to go around assuming that everyone is potentially lethal with their hands, absent some indicator prior to the punch being delivered; need not always take the first punch before reasonably being in fear for one's life." - Professor Yin, December 8, 2021
Alcohol consumption and its relationship to firearms violence
"Although the misuse of firearms is necessary to the occurrence of firearm violence, there are other contributing factors beyond simply firearms themselves...Alcohol consumption is thus best viewed as a contributing, although not necessary, factor in the occurrence of firearm violence. The scientific evidence base focused on alcohol and firearm violence has yet to be fully audited in disentangling and determining the strength of this connection, as well as the importance of alcohol, as a modifiable risk factor in the prevention of firearm misuse and injury. Because this scientific evidence base has not heretofore been assembled, changes to alcohol policies in order to prevent firearm violence have been very limited. Communities interested in pursuing alcohol-related prevention strategies to reduce firearm violence are left with little guidance in terms of which strategies might be best to implement. We thus undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis of the scientific literature in order to synthesize the existing evidence base on alcohol and firearm violence. We identified gaps in knowledge, sought to elucidate modifiable factors or public health interventions, and offer information of value to local communities in making the best use of limited resources in pursuing alcohol policies and prevention strategies with robust evidence behind them."
When a local prosecutor stokes the fires of alleged racism
"District Attorney John Hummel made the announcement Thursday night in a livestreamed news conference on a downtown Bend street, not far from the scene of the shooting" -
"Hummel said Cranston is not likely to be helped by self-defense law in his case..."Mr. Cranston used deadly physical force, and a lot of times people think about self-defense, but they don’t consider the distinction on self-defense law in Oregon,” he said. “You’re allowed to use non-deadly physical force at a pretty low bar. If someone comes up and shoves you and pushes you, you can shove and push them back, and that’s not a crime…but if you’re going to kill someone, there’s a much higher standard that Oregon law sets, which it should.
“You can only use deadly physical force if you or someone else is about to be killed or about to be seriously physically injured. There is no allegation here that Mr. Washington was trying to kill anyone, or trying to seriously physically injure anyone.“ There are allegations that there was some pushing and shoving going on, but that does not come anywhere near the level that must be shown by someone before you can legally take a gun out and kill them. If Mr. Cranston thinks that what he did was appropriate, he’s sadly mistaken.”
"Hummel said there is no evidence that Cranston was mentally impaired at the time, and though he had been drinking, there is no evidence that he was significantly impaired or that he was impaired to any degree based on blood alcohol levels."
The defense fires back
Defense lawyer, Kevin Sali, provided this statement to NewsChannel 21, disputing Hummel's statements about what took place that night:
"When this case goes to trial, it will provide another example of why in this country cases are decided on the basis of evidence presented in court, not press conferences by politicians.
"The undisputed evidence will be that before Ian Cranston ever drew his weapon, Barry Washington had assaulted him without provocation, resulting in head injuries that required the police to take Mr. Cranston to the hospital, where a brain scan and other procedures had to be performed.
"Indisputable video evidence also demonstrates that, in direct contrast to the district attorney’s public statements, that unprovoked assault was still actively in progress when the single shot was fired.
"After the evidence comes out at trial, I trust someone will ask the district attorney why he deliberately inflamed the community with statements he knew were not supported by any evidence. In the meantime, we will make our presentation in the courtroom, where it belongs," Sali said.
Why the Law Matters - Allowing the judicial process in Bend, Oregon, to work
"Why this matters to me is, the government is doing things supposedly to protect us but it's all in our name and it impacts all of us." - Professor Tung Yin
Lewis & Clark Law School -
On the day of his arraignment, a local social activist group calling themselves the Central Oregon Peacekeepers, attacked a Central Oregon Daily News film crew covering the hearing. Forty-eight hours earlier the same group, expressing outrage at the news station's airing of a personally made video of the shooting of Barry Washington that they felt was "invasive", stormed the station's offices. The Bend Police Department was called to provide safety for the employees and to quietly disperse the 'Peacekeepers'.
Mob Rule -
At his evening sidewalk press conference only a day before the station's offices were laid siege to, Deschutes County District Attorney John Hummel made a point of praising the group. "I think quite highly of them," he told reporters, as he castigated the suspect, Mr. Ian Cranston, in what many felt was a public relations stunt meant to influence his bid for U.S. Attorney - Oregon.
A position he was rejected for not long after his Cranston press conference.
The rule of law, not of the mob, will bring Justice
"I think the key the role of the word "reasonable" in the statute and the [judge's] instructions [to the jury]." - Professor Tung Yin
"Ian Cranston is accused of shooting to death 22-year-old Barry Washington, Jr. outside a Bend bar after a scuffle on Sept. 19th.
"Kevin Sali, Cranston’s attorney, entered the not guilty plea to all six charges he faces: second-degree murder, first-degree manslaughter, second-degree manslaughter, first-degree assault, and two counts of unlawful use of a weapon.
"Cranston, 27, is due back in court on Friday where a judge will set his trial date. It’s expected to be a two-week trial."
Reasonable - "Just, rational, appropriate, ordinary, or usual in the circumstances. It may refer to reasonable care, cause, compensation, doubt (in a criminal trial), and a host of other actions or activities."
Beyond a reasonable doubt - "is the legal burden of proof required to affirm a conviction in a criminal case. In a criminal case, the prosecution bears the burden of proving that the defendant is guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. This means that the prosecution must convince the jury that there is no other reasonable explanation that can come from the evidence presented at trial. In other words, the jury must be virtually certain of the defendant’s guilt in order to render a guilty verdict. This standard of proof is much higher than the civil standard, called “preponderance of the evidence,” which only requires a certainty greater than 50 percent."
Burden of Proof - "Generally, describes the standard that a party seeking to prove a fact in court must satisfy to have that fact legally established. There are different standards in different circumstances. For example, in criminal cases, the burden of proving the defendant’s guilt is on the prosecution, and they must establish that fact beyond a reasonable doubt."
Mob Rule - Control of a political or legal situation by those outside the conventional or lawful realm, typically involving violence and intimidation.
In closing...
"Every guilty person is his own hangman" - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Yesterday's conviction of Mr. Smollett, who fabricated a hate crime having been committed against himself, gives us all pause
"The CNN host said Smollett “had to make up too many lies” in an attempt to explain his false narrative that two Trump-loving bigots beat him up and tied a noose around his neck in Chicago in 2019.
“I guess he got caught up in that because he took the stand himself. He got angry with the prosecutor as the prosecutor poked holes in his story, calling the only other witnesses liars,” Lemon said of the high-profile trial.
"Lemon went on to say Smollett had potentially made it harder for “legitimate victims of hate crimes” to be taken seriously."
In Bend, Oregon, the District Attorney was swift in labeling Ian Cranston as, first and foremost, a racist. Yet months later the same DA had to admit there was no factual evidence found during the police investigation and an inquiry of the FBI that Cranston was such. Hence, no hate crime charge either state or federal would be filed.
And the inflammatory rhetoric given Facebook time on the 'Peacekeeper' web page, to include its founder, Mr. Luke Richter, having traveled to Kenosha, Wisconsin, in the hope that Kyle Rittenhouse, also smeared as a racist when no factual evidence was presented at his murder trial, would be convicted.
Perhaps comedian Dave Chappelle said it best in this clip on the Smollett case well before the verdict was in. "None of these details added up at all!" - and Chappelle was correct.
"It sounds like something I would say!" -
A jury of his peers will determine Mr. Cranston's guilt or innocence. Not the District Attorney, not the Defense attorney, and certainly not the Mob. In the meantime the Smollett verdict reminds all of us that hate crimes are very real, and they are indeed vicious. Such crimes must be reported and they must be carefully investigated with appropriate charges filed if found to have merit.
In Bend, Oregon, the Jussie Smollett verdict could not have come at a better time for all involved.
Author profile
Mr. Walker is a successful author and journalist for over 40 years. His credits include CBS "60 Minutes" and appearances on CNN, CBS, KATU (Portland). As a subject matter expert he has contributed to or been quoted in the Washington Post, Baltimore Sun, the Army Times, and Sisters Nugget News, and the Oregonian, among other print media outlets.
Now retired, Greg lives and writes from his home in Sisters, Oregon, with his service pup, Tommy.