Could you help me positioning my website. Thank you in advance
Good day!
First of all I would like to thank all the people who already helped me.
Could you help me also, please? !
It will not take much of your precious time.
Please just visit my website: ;
It will be really great help for me.
I struggle in positioning my site and gaining new patients.
It’s really hard leave your previous life and start everything all over again.
I have moved to Warsaw some time ago.
I did it beacause of love for somebody and just to be with this person.
And I decided to open my medical practice.
But Warsaw is really hard market, especially for sombody from outside.
So once again I beg you to visit my site and help me improve positioning of my site.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards.
Jacek Miśkiewicz.
Helping Founders grow and scale up their business with proven strategies and training– Author, Consultant, and Coach Let's connect and talk.
6yI'd recommend you put the link to your website in comments and if you're not connected yet have a chat with Michal Glowacki CL MCIL MITI