Supporting the de Broglie-Bohm Theory of Quantum Mechanics with particles as gravitational sinks instead of sources

Supporting the de Broglie-Bohm Theory of Quantum Mechanics with particles as gravitational sinks instead of sources

THE 10 BIGGEST UNSOLVED PROBLEMS IN PHYSICS. 3 [Regarding the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics] The “Measurement” Problem. In the strange world of electrons, photons and other fundamental particles quantum mechanics is law. Particles do not behave like little bullets, but as waves spread over a large region. Each particle is described by a wave function that tells what its location, speed and other characteristics are more likely to be, but not what these properties are. The particle instead has countless opportunities for each, until one experimentally measures one of them - location, for example - then the particle wave function “collapses” and, apparently at random, a single well-defined position is observed. But how and why does a measurement on a particle make its wave function collapse, which in turn produces the concrete reality we perceive? This issue, the Measurement Problem in quantum physics [3], may seem esoteric, but our understanding of what reality is, or if it even exists, depends on the answer. Even worse: according to quantum physics it should be impossible to ever get a certain value for anything. It is characteristic of quantum physics that many different states coexist. The problem is that quantum mechanics is supposed to be universal, that is, should apply regardless of the size of the things we describe. Why then do we not see ghostly superpositions of objects even at our level? This problem is still unsolved. When can something be said to have happened at all? Without additional assumptions beyond quantum physics, nothing can ever happen! This is because the wave function mathematically is described by so-called linear equations, where states that have ever coexisted will do so forever. Despite this, we know that specific outcomes are entirely possible, and moreover happen all the time. Another strange thing is that the uncertainty in quantum physics arises only in the measurement. Before that, quantum mechanics is just as deterministic as classical physics, or even more so, because it is exactly linear and thus “simple”. Only when we understand how our objective macroscopic world arises from the ghostly microscopic world, where everything that is not strictly forbidden is compulsory, can we say that we truly know how nature really works. -- Johan Hansson∗ Division of Physics Lule˚a University of Technology SE-971 87 Lule˚a, Sweden 


When even a single electron is projected in the two-slit experiment, the particle apparently passes through both slits simultaneously, because it seems to interfere with itself. However, when one slit is covered, or a detector placed, there is no interference pattern. So, what IS an electron? Particle or wave? This is the classic question. But another alternative is overlooked.

This other alternative is: neither. The electron may not be a particle nor a wave. It might be an "absence" instead of a "presence" -- an absence of field in a background (plenum) of field, an intersection from all directions and cancellation of the plenum (spacetime/gravitational field) effectively at a point, given sufficient localized energy, i.e. experiment in pair production.

This hypothesis is testable in that the gravitational fields of newly created particles should move out at finite velocity if they are local sources. Whereas, the fields of particles as gravitational sinks should immediately connect to large-scale space without violating the light speed restriction of special relativity.

The term "particle", rather "elementary particle," then, conventionally implying a thing having actual mass where it is observed to be, is currently represented by an abstract mathematical function indicating probability. That this wave function collapses during measurement, then, is not the problem. The problem is to more clearly identify the character of "particle". Then the pilot wave concept becomes less mysterious, so that Bohmian Mechanics may become the standard, fundamentally, in order to place quantum mechanics on a sound logical basis, leaving the Copenhagen version for ready calculations.

The physics community at large seems to admire from afar David Bohm's version of Quantum Mechanics for it's striving toward the foundations of physical reality ("pilot wave" theory),* but for everyday use drives the Copenhagen machine because it is more convenient. Concerned non-professionals as well would like a firmer grasp on reality. To quote,

  • "The essential point in science is not a complicated mathematical formalism of a ritualized experimentation. Rather the heart of science is a kind of shrewd honesty that springs from really wanting to know what the hell is going on!" -- Saul-Paul Sirag, in Quantum Reality, Nick Herbert, p.1, Anchor, NY 1985.

Even though Bohmian Mechanics is reportedly somewhat more complex than the conventional interpretation, it seems the problem has more to do with the mysterious "pilot wave." A purpose of this article to bring to further light physical reality of this pilot wave. Even though general relativity is considerably more complex than Newtonian gravity, it is no hurdle these days to its supplanting the latter when necessary. The following quote is how Bell felt about the community at the time ignoring Bohm. Criticism in physics is most welcome compared with the ignoring of a promising idea:

  • J.S. Bell: "But in 1952 I saw the impossible done. It was in papers by David Bohm. Bohm showed explicitly how parameters could indeed be introduced, into nonrelativistic wave mechanics, with the help of which the indeterministic description could be transformed into a deterministic one. More importantly, in my opinion, the subjectivity of the orthodox version [Copenhagen interpretation], the necessary reference to the "observer", could be eliminated. ..." *
  • But why then had Born not told me of this "pilot wave"? If only to point out what was wrong with it? Why did von Neumann not consider it? More extraordinarily why did people go on producing "impossibility" proofs after 1952 and a recently as 1978? ... Why is the pilot wave picture ignored in text books? Should it not be taught not [only] as the only way, but [also] as an antidote to the prevailing complacency? To show us that vagueness, subjectivity, and indeterminism, are not forced on us by experimental facts, but by deliberate theoretical choice? (Bell 1982, reprinted in 1987c: 160)" ...*
  • "Bell’s analysis applies to any single-world version of quantum theory, i.e., any version for which measurements have outcomes that, while they may be random, are nonetheless unambiguous and definite, in contrast to the situation with Everett’s many-worlds version of quantum theory." ... *
  •  "David Bohm (1952) rediscovered de Broglie’s pilot-wave theory in 1952. He was the first person to genuinely understand its significance and implications [and complete the work after de Broglie retired from it due to criticism]. John Bell became its principal proponent during the sixties, seventies and eighties." ...*
  • "In Bohmian mechanics the wave function, obeying Schrödinger’s equation, does not provide a complete description or representation of a quantum system. Rather, it [Bohmian Mechanics] governs the motion of the fundamental variables, the positions of the particles: In the Bohmian mechanical version of nonrelativistic quantum theory, quantum mechanics is fundamentally about the behavior of particles; the particles are described by their positions, and Bohmian mechanics prescribes how these change with time. In this sense, for Bohmian mechanics the particles are primary, or primitive, while the wave function is secondary, or derivative." *

The two-slit experiment

  • "While each [conventional particle] trajectory passes through only one slit, the wave passes through both; the interference profile that therefore develops in the wave generates a similar pattern in the trajectories guided by the wave." *

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Figure 1: An ensemble of trajectories for the two-slit experiment, uniform in the slits.(adapted by Gernot Bauer from Philippidis, Dewdney, & Hiley 1979: 23, fig. 3) * [The slits, while narrow, are practically infinite in width regarding an infinitesimal field discontinuity (particle), and depending on the initial conditions -- starting location within the slit -- the particle might take one of the possible infinite trajectories schematically indicated in the image. The interference pattern is apparent on the far right.]**

The Bohm "trajectory" in the above quote is of the conventional particle.* The "particle" as sink,** however, has no strictly local mass (inertia nor momentum, see below), rather an infinitesimal discontinuity in the wave aspect, which has mass/energy everywhere but at the infinitesimal wave discontinuity (alternate way of seeing a particle), and always interferes with "itself" on passing through one of the slits, in that it is always a "particle" and wave simultaneously.** The "pilot wave" of Bohm's thesis, might be seen now as such a particle/wave combination, and not just a logical mathematical complex construct. The only reason for the presentation of Bohmian particle trajectories is the theoretical verification of the complex mathematical pilot waves.

From the uncertainty principle, as the momentum of the particle approaches zero the position approaches infinity, in conformance with a gravitational sink as seated in the large-scale cosmic voids, but pointing at and contacting each sub-atomic particle in visible matter within the galactic supercluster shells surrounding the great voids.

Such particle mass is "non-local" to the extent that it is external to the particle proper, but the gravitational field seated everywhere else is in direct contact with the particle (field discontinuity); the tails of the particle's gravitational field originate in large-scale and more local space but the field line heads are in direct contact with the particle/discontinuity (thus formal locality is maintained); this is not the historical particle non-locality commonly associated with Bohmian Mechanics (nor that of entanglement), and therefore not a continuation of the historical objection. All particles are said to derive from spacetime (identical to the gravitational field according to general relativity). In this way they are all connected by the tails of their field lines; heads, again, are adjacent to the particles. In that all forces are derived from gravitation, all fields (i.e. gravitational, electric) are associated with the particle/field discontinuity. It is this momentumless field discontinuity that is said to follow the Bohmian trajectories through one of the slits in the two-slit experiment above and result in a particle-like recording on the screen.** This might imply (contingent on said experiment) that the complex mathematical form of the Bohmian pilot waves and trajectories describe that of a real particle (as field discontinuity). The following quote is the traditional view of the Bohmian guiding wave.

  • The [Bohmian] guiding wave is not of the same order of reality as a physical wave such as a sound wave. A sound wave travels through a medium of air. The guiding wave travels through a field called the “quantum potential.” One of the peculiarities of the quantum potential wave is that it is described by wave functions (equations that describe waves) that generally include imaginary numbers—numbers that include the square root of negative one. We cannot assign physical reality to an imaginary number. What number when squared equals 1? There is none. The quantum potential field cannot, even in principle, be measured with scientific instruments. ... In this interpretation, measurement does not cause wave function collapse and the formation of a particle. Instead, the quantum particle starts as a particle and continues as a particle. There’s always a particle and there’s always a wave. The particle always has definite properties even when not measured.***

Complex numbers are also employed to describe particles in expanding spacetime, so that they are not necessarily "imaginary" as described in the above quote, the very spacetime containing the field tails for said proposed "zero mass particles".** "Quantum potentials" are of the quantum vacuum and are also associated with the accelerated expansion of the universe (i.e. dark energy), as is the cosmological constant of general relativity, and proposed generalized Newtonian gravitation** at the largest scale of space. Therefore quantum potentials today are more in line with current thought than the onset of Bohmian Mechanics.

In this way the pilot waves of the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics is possibly verified, possibly placing quantum mechanics on a firm physical/philosophical footing and fulfilling Einstein's firm belief that "God does not play dice with the universe," while the abstract probability machinery of the Copenhagen interpretation can continue to conveniently carry the day by day workload without further concern for the measurement problem. At least the deBroglie-Bohm viewpoint should be placed in the optional section of university text books, to retain student's, and eventually the general public's hold on reality.

As to the Bohmian picture excluding quantum field theory, the three forces here and the masses of the principal elementary particles in terms of natural constants were derived from a generalized form of Newtonian gravity in concert with the real and complex mathematical forms of special relativity under certain restricted conditions, and Newtonian gravity is already associated with Bohmian Mechanics, possibly making the exclusion of quantum field theory less problematic as well.** The de-Broglie-Bohm version yields the same results as that of the Copenhagen interpretation, employing the same equations, but in a logical, rather than postulated, manner, plus the guiding equation.


Video demo of pilot wave analogy, including two-slit experiment (copy and paste in browser search box):

Video: Concise summary of Bohm's pilot wave interpretation of QM:

***Non-technical article: Bohmian Interpretation of quantum mechanics | Quantum Physics Lady

* Goldstein, Sheldon, "Bohmian Mechanics", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2017 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =

** Particles from Gravity, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21932.80001

Original paper: Bohm, David, 1952, “A Suggested Interpretation of the Quantum Theory in Terms of ‘Hidden’ Variables, I and II”, Physical Review, 85(2): 166–193. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.85.166 (free from APS when accessed through libraries) [Essentially, "hidden variables" here can be the initial condition, exact location in the slit, of the particle just before the particle assumes one of the trajectories to the recording screen. This initial condition is immeasurable, and therefore considered "hidden"; nonetheless, it is a real and fundamental variable in this experiment, in that one of an infinite number of possible trajectories depend on it. There is nothing mysterious (non-physical) about hidden variables in the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics.]

This model employs Bohm's "quantum potential" and particle trajectories to a modification of general relativity that yields no singularities and an infinite universe: Physics Letters B Volume 741, 4 February 2015, Pages 276-279 Cosmology from quantum potential AhmedFarag AliabSauryaDas Cosmology from quantum potential - ScienceDirect

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Mark Ryer

Tax Lawyer at Succession Law - A Nova Scotia Wealth Preservation Law Firm - Reorganizations & Trusts


The magic of life …

Valerii Salov

Director, Quant Risk Management at CME Group


Uh. My comments here have taken substantial time from my evenings and lunches. I sign all written by me on this thread on: quantum measurements, azimuthal momentum, intrinsic angular momentum – spin, evaluating spin and its projections and angles, unitary transformations, linear operators, eigen vectors and values, quantum algorithms and computers, principal n, orbital, magnetic, spin quantum numbers, formulas for n=1...5 radial functions solving the wave equation with one electron and central charge Z, their plots, the wave equation, the four Newton laws, weight, mass, force, impulse, momentum of impulse, impulse of force, weightlessness, exact sources including but not limited the textbooks and articles of Landau and Lifschitz I and III, Fock, Kotelnikov, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen, Bohr, de Broglie, Fudjinaga, Kolmogorov, Arnold, Manin, Feynman, Deutsche. If there are any errors, then they are mine but let me know. These comments after a proper editing and illustrating could become a brief "introductory lecture” on basics of these topics. But for a long while I do not teach students and specialists know this well. I like markets. Market suggests listening, watching, waiting, acting but less of all talking. Valerii Salov

Valerii Salov

Director, Quant Risk Management at CME Group


Indeed, without a measurement, a quantum system evolves under unitary transformations. Not only the latter are deterministic but reversible. D. Deutsch emphasizes it opposing a classical Turing to quantum computer, 1985. The former can be be made reversible but with "tricks". Vladimir Alexandrovich Kotelnikov is the pioneer of the sampling theorem, 1933, also called Whittaker–Nyquist–Kotelnikov–Shannon. Less know his notes on Quantum Mechanics published after his death: “Model Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics. Considerations" Uspekhi Physicheskih Nauk, Volume 179, 2009, pp. 204 - 208. I knew about it working on “A Quantum Algorithm for Trading Strategies with Position Limits” . It was a "deviation" for me but relates to this thread as an attempt to introduce the concept of trajectory, impulse of a quantum particle "within" the uncertainty principal, waves... It was interesting to “match” it with the de Broglie’s thesis “On the Theory of Quanta”, 1925 (I used A. F. Kracklauer's 2004 translation) and de Broglie-Bohm theory. The Einstein’s concerns and Fock's interpretations are well known. I am adding this comment solely as a complement to the thread. Valerii Salov

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