Day 71 - Self-discipline Secrets And Focus by Brendon Burchard and Daniel Amen on Growth Day (1,000 days content creation challenge)
Today I went through a course on self discipline and focus at Growth Day
I captured summarized lessons, personal reflections and my plan for implementation below...
Before delving into self discipline, below are the three areas of focus that Brendon Burchard preaches for high performance
1. Aliveness - what can you do today to feel for alive. Opposite is deadness. What stole your vitality this week or month? How present and alive we feel
2. Connection - connection with self and others - children, spouse. What's your relationship goals to connect with your family, clients
3. Meaningful pursuits - artistic endeavour, purpose
3 states of mind of - focus/chatter
1.Protecting - protecting selves mentally, emotionally spiritually ...e.g. ego, standing in community, risk aversion - what if....
My reflection - Defensive/security mindset if it's extreme is usually out of fear. This keeps us in the same or worse off place than a new place we could be at
2.Processing - inquisitive state. Wondering what's going to happen next. Over thinking instead of progress. Ruminating
My reflection - If you get stuck in the overthinking mode, that's a recipe for sinking in the past rather than flying to your desired future.
3.Progressing - What's the next course of action?
Ideally, do all the three with a sense of peace and purpose. This brings presence and consciousness.
A good question to ask is - Am I protecting, processing or progressing? This brings more self-awareness to your life.
My reflection - Action is what gets you moving forward. It's your ticket to self liberation
Focus and discipline
What is my focus for today?
What can you do in the course of the day to get more peace and purpose in your life? It could be some few minutes to shake and jump around as an example
What is going to be my focus this month of September/2024?
· Mastering writing and copywriting
· Fitness
· Finances - generating income
1.Know your outcome
What's the goal? You can't discipline yourself if you do not know what you want
Fill the schedule and work the schedule
3.Delegate more
This will help you to do what matters to you. If you do everything yourself, you cannot have ample time to do what matters.
4.Reflection and rewards
Look through and celebrate the win. Part of the reward is the growth in itself.
My reflections
You may know what your outcome is but to push yourself, you have to figure out the reasons why that outcome has to be achieved in the first place to give yourself the fuel of pursuit
Delegation may not always mean having the money, you can offer your time and skills or networks in form of value exchange.
DR DANIEL AMEN on using your brain for focus - hacks (the second part of the training)
If you don't know your brain, you don' know yourself
In his practice (Amen clinics), 175,000 brain scans from 150 countries
5 steps to total focus
1. What do you want - relationships, work, money, self
2. Love, balance and repair your brain because you make better decisions
3. Know your brain type (balanced, spontaneous, persistent, sensitive, cautious)
4. Lock up the distractions "The best way to reduce stress in your life is to stop screwing up" Roy Baumeister, PhD.
How to stay focused...
· Why? Know your motivation
· "Then what?"
· stable blood sugar
· 7-8 hours of sleep - brain cleans and washes
Recommended by LinkedIn
· Little to no alcohol - American cancer society recommends no alcohol at all because alcohol increases chances of being a victim of 7 cancer types
· Vitamin D/omega 3
· Avoid trigger foods e.g. dairy and wheat
· Surround self with like minded people
Personal reflection – What if you are distracted easily and a low performer? Then, surrounding yourself with like minded people won’t cut it. You will become worse. Instead, I would advise that you surround yourself with people whose lifestyle you admire such that they push you to become a better version of yourself. Look for people who are self disciplined and focused.
5.Drip dopamine and stop dumping dopamine
Limit low value dopamine producing activities like caffeine, nicotine, excessive television, excessive video games, undisciplined digital behaviour, scary movies,
What dumps dopamine?
Extreme adventure - skydiving, races
Drugs, sugar, fame - be ware of self indulgence
Engage in high value activities that increase dopamine and strengthen your brain…
· Sunlight (Vitamin D)
· Exercise
· meditation, yoga
· Massage therapy
· Pleasurable music
· Green tea, oregano
· Magnesium - 250mg each day
Healthy ways to drip dopamine
· Purpose
· Volunteering
· Lasting love
· Gratitude and appreciation
· Green tea
A participant asked Daniel Amen a question on how to overcome procrastination and below was his response
5 break bad habits like procrastination
· Identify it
· What problems does it cause in your life
· Recognize the cues and triggers
· What's the reward I get out of procrastinating
· Develop a new routine- do the smallest
Brendon Burchard also responded to the same question by sharing 3 high performance overcome procrastination...
· Action it first thing in the morning
· Get a partner/trainer for accountability purposes
· Specific goal for why you are doing something or ought to do it
My intentions for implementation...
· Start taking magnesium
· It's been a month since I last took omega 3…time to do it before close of this week
· Before making a decision to ask myself "Am in defending, processing or progressing mode?" How can I operate from a place of peace and purpose now?
· Get partners for my writing and exercise routines
I hope this summary from Growth Day and my personal reflections have added value to you
If you found this to be useful, you are welcome to share with others. Let me know your thoughts below.
#selfdiscipline #focus #productivity #goalsetting #timemanagement #mindset #successmindset #disciplineequalsfreedom #personaldevelopment #motivation