DBQ is born!
Today, 3 construction and real estate specialists have come together to put the topic of "sustainable development of residential areas" even more in the main focus of their activities in the future.
"I am pleased to inform you today that we were able to lay the foundation stone for a new, pioneering company with three strong shareholders", stated Mr. Marbach as the new managing director.
The name of our new company is DBQ Deutsche Bauland- und Quartiersentwicklung GmbH.
Extraordinary is, that we are not three anonymous companies that have come together , but three people, also close friends and family fathers, who share the same opinion: we owe it to the coming generations, to keep our inevitable ecological footprint, as climate and environmentally friendly as possible.
The three friends are: Guiseppe Ferraro from the Ferraro Group, Bernhard Sommer from the Kern-Haus Group and Wolfgang Marbach from the RRW Group.
With the new company we want to create "space for sustainable living".
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Starting with the choice of the land;
the company primarily endeavours to buy fallow land in order to conserve resources and counteract land consumption; to develop stainable energy concepts based on renewable energy sources; construction of modern, energy-saving houses embedded in an innovative district development with a high quality of life, the new company is striving for a holistic approach to district development.
The prerequisite for the success of something new, is above all, that the employees now have sufficient freedom to create, develop, and live new ideas. Thus plan and realize properties that break out of the current scheme, and also in many years to come, can be seen as a milestone in the implementation of modern climate goals.
As of today, it is also clear that the first project is to develop a climate friendly settlement on Dingener Strasse in Castrop-Rauxel. Here, an innovative quarter is to be built on a 20,000 m2 fallow area. The former mining area will transform into an area of housing at affordable prices, offering a high quality of life and a self-sufficient energy supply. The drafts are currently being worked on at full speed and the planning should be finalized by the end of September. You´ll find more information about the projekt at www.mein-dorloh.de.